From c2431eea52296b65be8f6db02b6aa74a45ac9ee2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lee Calcote Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 02:55:55 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] fix: update iframe for video embedding and clean up alias formatting Signed-off-by: Lee Calcote --- .../2025/01-25-git-aliases/git-aliases.mdx | 35 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/collections/blog/2025/01-25-git-aliases/git-aliases.mdx b/src/collections/blog/2025/01-25-git-aliases/git-aliases.mdx index e7cd73f2a8ff..b96a536c32b2 100644 --- a/src/collections/blog/2025/01-25-git-aliases/git-aliases.mdx +++ b/src/collections/blog/2025/01-25-git-aliases/git-aliases.mdx @@ -26,10 +26,7 @@ Git is an incredibly powerful tool, but its command-line interface can sometimes
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Video: `git lg` alias for a more visually appealing log

@@ -45,75 +42,75 @@ Here are some essential Git aliases that can revolutionize your workflow: **Navigation and Branching:** -* **`git co`:** Quickly switch branches. +* **git co:** Quickly switch branches. ```bash git config --global checkout ``` -* **`git br`:** List all branches. +* **git br:** List all branches. ```bash git config --global branch ``` -* **`git new`:** Create a new branch and switch to it. +* **git new:** Create a new branch and switch to it. ```bash git config --global '!git checkout -b' ``` **Staging and Committing:** -* **`git a`:** Stage all changes. +* **git a:** Stage all changes. ```bash git config --global alias.a add ``` -* **`git cm`:** Commit with a message. +* **git cm:** Commit with a message. ```bash git config --global commit -m ``` -* **`git cam`:** Amend the last commit. +* **git cam:** Amend the last commit. ```bash git config --global commit --amend -m ``` -* **`git ca`:** Stage all and commit with a message. +* **git ca:** Stage all and commit with a message. ```bash git config --global '!git add -A && git commit -m' ``` **Viewing and Comparing:** -* **`git st`:** Check the state of your repository. +* **git st:** Check the state of your repository. ```bash git config --global status ``` -* **`git lg`:** View a more visually appealing log. +* **git lg:** View a more visually appealing log. ```bash git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit" ``` -* **`git df`:** Show the diff of unstaged changes. +* **git df:** Show the diff of unstaged changes. ```bash git config --global alias.df diff ``` -* **`git dc`:** Show the diff of staged changes. +* **git dc:** Show the diff of staged changes. ```bash git config --global alias.dc diff --cached ``` **Undoing Changes:** -* **`git undo`:** Reset the last commit, keeping your changes. +* **git undo:** Reset the last commit, keeping your changes. ```bash git config --global alias.undo 'reset HEAD^' ``` **Remote Interactions:** -* **`git fch`:** Fetch all changes from remotes. +* **git fch:** Fetch all changes from remotes. ```bash git config --global alias.fch fetch ``` -* **`git pl`:** Pull the latest changes from the current branch's remote. +* **git pl:** Pull the latest changes from the current branch's remote. ```bash git config --global pull ``` -* **`git ps`:** Push your local changes to the remote branch. +* **git ps:** Push your local changes to the remote branch. ```bash git config --global push ```