jQuery Basics Click ★ if you like the project. Your contributions are heartily ♡ welcome. Table of Contents jQuery Functions List Q. Explain Method Chaining in jQuery? Q. Explain deferred in jQuery? Q. What are some jQuery specific optimizations you can implement? Q. What does the .end() function do in jQuery? Q. How, and why, would you namespace a bound event handler? Q. Name 4 different values you can pass to the jQuery method. Q. Selector (string), HTML (string), Callback (function), HTMLElement, object, array, element array, jQuery Object etc. Q. What is the effects (or fx) queue? Q. What is the difference between .get(), [], and .eq()? Q. What is the difference between .bind(), .live(), and .delegate()? Q. What is the difference between $ and $.fn? Q. Optimize this selector: $(".foo div#bar:eq(0)") Q. Difference between delegate() and live()? Q. How to resolve two jquery conflict? Q. What is the deal with the $ in jQuery? What is it and what does it mean? Q. What is the difference between jQuery.get() and jQuery.ajax()? Q. What selector would I use to query for all elements with an ID that ends with a particular string? Q. Explain the .promise() method in jQuery, including how and why it would be used. Q. What is the proper way in jQuery to remove an element from the DOM before its Promise is resolved? Q. Explain the difference between the .detach() and .remove() methods in jQuery. Q. What is the difference between prop() and attr()? Q. What is the difference between size and length of jQuery? Q. Can we add more than one document.ready function in a page?