- Download and unzip apache gremlin console
- Edit the
IP address
file - Run
$ bin/gremlin.sh
(o o)
09:12:24 INFO org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.hadoop.structure.HadoopGraph - HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS is set to: /usr/local/janusgraph/lib
plugin activated: tinkerpop.hadoop
plugin activated: janusgraph.imports
To connect to remote server :-
gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml
##>Configured localhost/
gremlin> :remote console
##>All scripts will now be sent to Gremlin Server - [localhost/] - type ':remote console' to return to local mode
gremlin> g.V().count()
gremlin> graph
gremlin> g