A ful-stack application to view information on the countries of the world. Based on the Frontend Mentor REST Countries challenge.
- Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Shadcn/ui
- Backend: Prisma ORM, Neon PortgreSQL
- Authentication: Clerk Auth
- View a list of all countries
- Search for a country
- Filter countries by region
- Sort countries by ascending or descending order
- View more info about a country and its bordering countries
- Optional user authentication
- Logged in users can add countries to favourites
- Fully mobile responsive
Deployed Link - https://countriesdb.vercel.app
Project Link - https://github.com/markslorach/countries-db.git
email: test@countriesdb.com
p/w: test123
Email: hello@markslorach.com
Website: www.markslorach.com