##Content architecture check
Getting Started navigation
Link at top of doc
![Part links](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-part-links.png)
Content hierarchy for top-sections looks like one of these two models, with GS title in nav
![Nav with curl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-nav-curl-only.png) ![Nav with curl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-nav-with-client.png)
##Content check
Use cases and examples
Compare use case (topics) in migrated content to original content on docs.rackspace.com to identify any missing content
Use case H1 topics use imperative, H2 topics use gerund issue created
![Use case titles](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-use-case-titles.png)
Getting Started common content
Prerequisites include config environment variables (late change) issue created
![Gen API authl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-prereqs.png)
GS intro topic that follows boiler plate, might have extra content depending on product.
![Gen API authl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-intro.png)
Uses common Get Credentials topic ==> Save your API Key, Save your Account number are heading levels.
![Get Credsl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-getcreds.png)
Send API requests content follows template (some docs have only cURL, some have cURL and CLI)
Authenticate uses common content
Review auth response section has link to annotated auth response.
![Get Credsl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-note-annotated-auth-ref.png)
General API section
Authentication section contains short section referencing GS auth example and Identity doc. See example
Authentication section contains short section referencing GS auth example and Identity doc.
![Gen API authl](https://github.com/rackerlabs/docs-common/blob/master/rst/getting-started-content-architecture/QE-images/GS-nav-with-client.png)
Service access endpoints topic follows authentication issue created
Service access endpoints topic has link to auth response in Review Auth response section. issue created
How to use cURL topic not included in the General API section (info provided in common auth section)
##Copy check
Check links
Run link check on page.
Look for malformed internal and external cross-references issue created
Look for link references that aren't linked, or links that refer to html topics from docs.rackspace.com
Look for missing punctuation when link is at end of sentence.
(Leave a space between the end of link and the punctuation.This is a :ref:`test <refid>` .
Code samples
Make sure spacing is OK -- as good as it can be.
Examples use environment variables --
(just mark it if not used, not critical but preferable.) -
Paragraph text not merged into code samples.
Inline markup
Look for stray ` or * symbols or funny spacing
Find Bold, italic, or inline literal rendering issues
Look for stray | or html leftovers (margin: 0 ... )
Check formatting and inline markup for weird stuff
Tables have titles
- Look for strange indenting or bolding (ragged margins make Sphinx think things are dl lists.)