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New Developer Setup

Requirements Summary

Name Version
Ruby 2.5.x
Rails 5.1.x
Bundler 1.15.x
NodeJS 10.16.x
Python 2.7.x
PostgresQL 10.x

Build Requirements

If running CentOS 8:

sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
sudo dnf copr enable manageiq/ManageIQ-Master
sudo yum install epel-release

In order to compile Ruby, native Gems and native NodeJS modules, GCC and its related utilities are required. Depending on your Linux distribution, package names may vary slightly.

  • Using dnf: sudo dnf -y install @c-development libffi-devel postgresql-devel libxml2-devel libcurl-devel cmake sqlite-devel python
  • Using yum: sudo yum -y install @development libffi-devel postgresql-devel libxml2-devel libcurl-devel cmake sqlite-devel python
  • Using apt: sudo apt -y install build-essential libffi-dev libpq-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev cmake libsqlite3-dev python
  • Using brew: brew install cmake

To ensure the appropriate extensions are built when Ruby is compiled, install the header files for OpenSSL, readline and zlib.

  • Using dnf: sudo dnf -y install openssl-devel readline-devel zlib-devel
  • Using yum: sudo yum -y install openssl-devel readline-devel zlib-devel
  • Using apt: sudo apt -y install libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev
  • Using brew: brew install openssl

Service Requirements

ManageIQ requires a memcached instance for session caching and a PostgreSQL database for persistent data storage.


Run memcached, exposing port 11211 to the host:

podman run --detach --publish 11211:11211 memcached

Run PostgreSQL, exposing port 5432 to the host:

podman run --detach --publish 5432:5432 --env POSTGRES_USER=root postgres


Install memcached:

  • Using dnf: sudo dnf -y install memcached
  • Using yum: sudo yum -y install memcached
  • Using apt: sudo apt -y install memcached
  • Using brew: brew install memcached

Enable and start the service.

Using systemd:

systemctl enable --now memcached

Using Homebrew:

brew services start memcached

Install postgresql:

  • Using dnf: sudo dnf -y install postgresql-server
  • Using yum: sudo yum -y install postgresql-server
  • Using apt: sudo apt -y install postgresql
  • Using brew: brew install postgresql


CentOS 7 ships PostgreSQL 9.x. In order to use PostgreSQL 10.x, you will need to enable Software Collections and install rh-postgresql10.

sudo yum -y autoremove postgresql-devel
sudo yum -y install rh-postgresql10 rh-postgresql10-postgresql-syspaths rh-postgresql10-postgresql-devel rh-postgresql10-postgresql-server-syspaths

Configure the cluster

On Fedora and CentOS, configure a cluster using postgresql-setup.

sudo PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS='--auth trust --username root --encoding UTF-8 --locale C' postgresql-setup --initdb

On Debian and Ubuntu, configure a cluster using pg_createcluster.

sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 10 main
sudo pg_createcluster -e UTF-8 -l C 10 main -- --auth trust --username root

On macOS, configure a cluster using initdb directly.

rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres
initdb --auth trust --username root --encoding UTF-8 --locale C /usr/local/var/postgres

Enable and start the service.

Using systemd:

systemctl enable --now postgresql

Using Homebrew:

brew services start postgresql

Install nvm and JavaScript build utilities

Yarn, Gulp and Webpack are required to compile JavaScript assets. NodeJS version 10.16.x is required. If your distribution doesn't ship NodeJS 10.x, you can install nvm and follow the setup steps (you will need to restart your shell in order to source the nvm initialization environment). Then install yarn, gulp-cli and webpack.

nvm install 10
npm install -g yarn gulp-cli webpack

Install Ruby and Bundler

A Ruby version manager is strongly recommended. Use any one of the following:

Using the Ruby version manager, install ruby >= 2.4.0 and < 2.6.0 and bundler >= 1.16.

Clone the project

git clone
cd manageiq

Configure Project

A Ruby script called setup is available to quickly set up the application. This script installs the required Gems, sets up necessary JavaScript libraries, creates and migrates the database, and finally seeds the database with initial content.


macOS requires platform specific Gems. Run bundle config specific_platform true before running setup.

CentOS 7 requires the rh-postgresql10 SCL environment in order to compile the pq Gem's native extensions. Run setup inside the scl environment: scl enable rh-postgresql10 'bin/setup'.

If you've run PostgreSQL in a container, be sure to export the DATABASE_URL variable to connect to the container over TCP instead of a UNIX file socket.

export DATABASE_URL='postgresql://localhost:5432' # optional, only necessary if PostgreSQL is running in a container


Start the Application

bundle exec rails evm:start

The web UI should now be available at http://localhost:3000. The default username is admin and the default password is smartvm.

Further Reading