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webAGC Demo

This demo combines the following components:

  • webAGC (wraps a WebAssembly build of yaAGC)
  • webDSKY (an emulator of the user interface of the AGC)
  • Control elements
    • CPU manipulation: reset, halt, run, step, clock divide
    • 'Hot-plugging' of the "fixed memory" (the 'ROM') of the AGC. In other words, plugging different programs into the computer while it is running. (see below, "AGC programs")
  • Live views of the AGC state
    • erasable memory with register labels and explanations
    • interactive input ports and output ports

AGC programs

This demo allows the selection of the following AGC programs which are contained in this repository in binary form. A link to the exact state of the source code and build scripts is given in the third column of the table.

Documentation of these AGC programs can be found at

Name Binary Sources Notes
Luminary099 agc/Luminary099.bin Source Built by running make in the root directory.
Comanche055 agc/Comanche055.bin Source Built by running make in the root directory.
Validation agc/Validation.bin Source Built by running make in the root directory.

How to run

This demo is a pure browser application without any knowledge of a web server. Of course, you still need a web server to transfer the files to the browser; it's a web application after all.

This application is written in modern Javascript (e.g. modules with bare imports and other new language features), so the untranspiled source code may not (yet) be suitable for browsers. There are two ways of running the demo involving transpilation to the more compatible es2020/ES11 profile (requires at least Firefox version 78 or Chrome version 89), listed and explained below.

Both methods require that you first install dependencies: Get a recent version of Node.js and run npm ci (clean install) both in the parent directory and in this (demo) directory:

npm ci
cd demo
npm ci


Run in this directory:

npm run serve-dev

Open the application at http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

Behind the scenes, the development web server @web/dev-server resolves on the fly bare imports of modules in node_modules. It also sends requested Javascript files through esbuild to transpile modern features into a more widely supported es2020/ES11 Javascript.


This method is suitable for any static file web server because it only needs to serve a pre-collated set of pre-transpiled files.

This is the preferred method for production. A copy of the resulting file and directory structure is located and live at

Run in this directory:

npm run build # Builds everything into the `build` directory.

Then serve the built files using light-server:

npm run serve-build

To prove that the built files do not have any dependencies on the Nodejs ecosystem any more, you can serve the files using a Ruby web server for example:

gem install webrick
ruby -r un -e httpd build -p 8000