- Fork the repo and open CovidGraphs.xcodeproj in Xcode
- Open the "Project navigator" view in the side pane as you can see below, and select the top most element, the "CovidGraphs" project. And then for each of the 5 Targets, change the Team to your personal team, and the 3rd segment of the Bundle identifier to something unique (I changed CovidGraphs to CovidGras):
- Then expand the WatchApp directory, and in the info.plist, change the WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier in the same way as shown above:
- Then expand the WatchApp Extension directory, and in the info.plist, change the WKAppBundleIdentifier in the same way as shown in step 2:
- Connect your phone to your Mac and press the play button to get it installed.
Note: You might have to go into your Settings-> Device Management-> Select the certificate and verify/install
Feel free to open issues and submit pull requests with enhancements