diff --git a/pages/cpp_manual/elements.md b/pages/cpp_manual/elements.md
index f02ab51..7fa98cb 100644
--- a/pages/cpp_manual/elements.md
+++ b/pages/cpp_manual/elements.md
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ Supported methods have simply had their initial letter capitalised to match the
| `InsertBefore()` | Inserts the first node before the second, child, node in the DOM. The newly parented node must first be detached from its existing parent. | insertBefore()
| `QuerySelector()` | Retrieve the first descendant element matching the provided RCSS selector(s). | querySelector()
| `QuerySelectorAll()` | Retrieve a set of all descendant elements matching the provided RCSS selector(s). | querySelectorAll()
+| `Matches()` | Check if the current element matches the given RCSS selector(s). | matches()
| `RemoveAttribute()` | Remove the named attribute from the current node. | removeAttribute()
| `RemoveChild()` | Removes a child node from the current element, returning it as a unique pointer. | removeChild()
| `RemoveEventListener()` | Removes an event listener from the element. | removeEventListener()
diff --git a/pages/lua_manual/api_reference.md b/pages/lua_manual/api_reference.md
index c381131..3f87281 100644
--- a/pages/lua_manual/api_reference.md
+++ b/pages/lua_manual/api_reference.md
@@ -550,8 +550,9 @@ The Element class has no constructor; it must be instantiated through a [Documen
| [HasChildNodes](#Element-HasChildNodes){: .lua-function }() | `boolean`{: .lua-type }
| [InsertBefore](#Element-InsertBefore){: .lua-function }(`ElementPtr`{: .lua-type } element, `Element`{: .lua-type } adjacent_element) | `nil, Element`{: .lua-type } |
| [IsClassSet](#Element-IsClassSet){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } name) | `boolean`{: .lua-type }
-| [QuerySelector](#Element-QuerySelector){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } name) | `Element`{: .lua-type }
-| [QuerySelectorAll](#Element-QuerySelectorAll){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } name) | `table`{: .lua-type }
+| [QuerySelector](#Element-QuerySelector){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } selectors) | `Element`{: .lua-type }
+| [QuerySelectorAll](#Element-QuerySelectorAll){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } selectors) | `table`{: .lua-type }
+| [Matches](#Element-Matches){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } selectors) | `boolean`{: .lua-type }
| [RemoveAttribute](#Element-RemoveAttribute){: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } name) | `nil`{: .lua-type } |
| [RemoveChild](#Element-RemoveChild){: .lua-function }(`Element`{: .lua-type } element) | `boolean`{: .lua-type }
| [ReplaceChild](#Element-ReplaceChild){: .lua-function }(`ElementPtr`{: .lua-type } inserted_element, `Element`{: .lua-type } replaced_element) | `boolean`{: .lua-type }
@@ -686,12 +687,15 @@ The Element class has no constructor; it must be instantiated through a [Documen
IsClassSet{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } name) → `boolean`{: .lua-type }
: Returns true if the class name is set on the element, false if not.
-QuerySelector{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } id) → `Element`{: .lua-type }
+QuerySelector{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } selectors) → `Element`{: .lua-type }
: Returns the first descendant element matching the provided RCSS selector(s).
-QuerySelectorAll{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } tag_name) → `table`{: .lua-type }
+QuerySelectorAll{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } selectors) → `table`{: .lua-type }
: Returns a set of all descendant elements matching the provided RCSS selector(s). Returned table is indexable with integers.
+Matches{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } selectors) → `boolean`{: .lua-type }
+: Returns true if the element matches the provided RCSS selector(s), false if not.
RemoveAttribute{: .lua-function }(`string`{: .lua-type } name) → `nil`{: .lua-type}
: Removes the attribute named name from the element.