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This package is just a simple wrapper for using material icons within react-md as either font icons or SVG icons. All of the icons were pulled directly from material-icons using the custom create cli. Please thank all the contributors and maintainers of material icons for the work they have put in.


npm install --save @react-md/material-icons @react-md/icon


You should check out the full documentation for live examples and more customization information, but an example usage is shown below.


This package automatically creates a component file for each material-icon that exists as both an inline SVG and a font icon. The script to generate these components will take an SVG filename from the SVGs folder and convert it into PascalCase. If the SVG starts with a number, the number will come after the first _ part instead of being the start of the name.

To see a full list of icons, just view the source folder.


import { render } from "react-dom";

import {
  Rotation3DFontIcon, // the sprite name for this was 3d_rotation.svg
  Rotation3DSVGIcon, // the sprite name for this was 3d_rotation.svg
} from "@react-md/material-icons";

const App = () => (
    <AccessAlarmFontIcon />
    <AccessAlarmSVGIcon />
    <Rotation3DFontIcon />
    <Rotation3DSVGIcon />
    <HomeFontIcon />
    <HomeSVGIcon />

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

Creating sprite maps

One of the problems with inline SVGs is that all your icons are not cacheable and reusable. If this is your goal, you can use this package to create icon sprites from every SVG that is provided from this package. If your app needs to support IE11 or Edge < 12, you will also need to polyfill the <use> in SVG with svgxuse or svg4everybody since they do not support <use xlink:href> and external SVG sprite maps.

There are multiple ways to create sprites, and material icons have a pretty good description about some ways to generate sprite maps but my current tool of choice is the svg-sprite-loader so it integrates right into my webpack config and svgxuse. To get sprite maps working, update your webpack.config.js:

 const webpack = require('webpack');
+const SpriteLoaderPlugin = require('svg-sprite-loader/plugin');

   module: {
     rules: [{
       test: /\.jsx?$/,
       include: src,
       loader: 'babel-loader',
+    }, {
+      test: /\.svg$/,
+      include: [
+        // optional if there are any custom svgs that are not apart of material-icons that should be used
+        'src/iconSprites',
+        // update webpack to allow svgs from the material-icons package (required)
+        'node_modules/@react-md/material-icons/svgs',
+      ],
+      use: [{
+        loader: 'svg-sprite-loader',
+        options: {
+          extract: true,
+          spriteFilename: 'icon-sprites.[hash:8].svg',
+        },
+      }, 'svg-fill-loader', 'svgo-loader'],
+    }],

Then you can just import the SVG into your file and it will automatically include that icon in a sprite map.

import "svgxuse";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { SVGIcon } from "@react-md/icon";
import homeIcon from "@react-md/material-icons/svgs/home.svg";
import menuIcon from "@react-md/material-icons/svgs/menu.svg";

const App = () => (
    <SVGIcon use={homeIcon.url} />
    <SVGICon use={menuIcon.url} />

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));


If material-icons has been updated or the components are out of date after a react-md update, you can use the icons script to re-create the components and optional re-download and create all SVGs again.