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This page explains the Committee vote which takes place with respect to Foundation's initiatives. |
Members of a specific Committee may invoke a "Committee vote".
A member of a Core Working Committee e.g. a Project or an Independent CWC such as Treasury CWC members may call for the "Committee Vote" by all members of the specific CWC body.
{% hint style="info" %} There are many purposes for which a "Committee vote" may take place. It can be a new nomination, a resolution on a community proposal for action by the Foundation, or simply a matter of a project's proceedings.
Whatever the reason may be, a "Committee vote" shall be organised when the subject matter has reached a state of visible consensus-building exercise in the Foundation's community.(within 72 hours)\ Each decision arrived out of the Committee vote shall be ratified by the Executive Council. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Electoral Process for any "Committee Resolution" is conditional to a quorum.
a. Quorum is achieved when a minimum of half of all the Committee members, participate in the Committee Resolution - "Committee Vote".
b. A decision is received in favour of the Committee's Resolution - "Committee Vote", when the majority of all the participating members of the Committee, vote "+1".
\ E.g.: Let's say there are 7 Open Bank CWC members.
At least 4 members shall participate in the "Committee Vote" to achieve quorum. This is the qualifying state for the Committee Resolution to be logged on the Open Constitution public ledger.\ For any Committee Resolution to be electorally approved, the "Committee Vote" should receive at least half of the total votes(required for quorum), in the favour of any Committee Resolution.
So, in this example, 2 (+1) votes of the participating 4 Committee members will do the job.😒
{% endhint %}
Remember to note that the Muellners Foundation is a lateral organised association.
This means that for any Committee resolution to qualify for a vote, it shall be first proposed in the community as a "Community Proposal". Don't forget this step. 😱
- For each Committee resolution, the "Committee Vote" is generally held for 72 hours, such that members from different time zones can respond to the Vote.
The period to cast a vote may also be extended in cases requiring attention and if two or more members request to do so. - The Committee Vote is broadcast on the private mailing list maintained by each CWC.
A member of a Committee may call for the "Committee Vote".
After a community proposal has been discussed in the Foundation's Open Convention, a Committee vote may be invoked with the following template:
{% hint style="info" %}
a. Subject: [VOTE] Title of the Vote
b. Body:
I wish to add change to Project.
(Please write a statement of why are you supporting the Committee Resolution or the background of initiating the resolution)
Voting guidelines:
+1 (for Yes, and please specify your comments)
-1 (for No , and please specify the reasons or alternate course of action)
0 (if you have no comments & do not object)
For recording a quorum qualifying reasons: No response or no reply to the Committee vote is considered as a no participation. Members are encouraged to register 0 in case they wish to participate but have no comments and no objections.
Vote is OPEN for: 72 hours
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Note:
Supply enough documentation, supporting the contents of the Vote.
Committee members are able to cast an informed Committee vote based on the associated literature.
Adding well-documented literature is ideal for Committee member's review and a positive value that these members can provide back to their community. {% endhint %}
Custodian: Independent Board