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This page describes the guiding principles of the Open Constitution network AI.

☮ Guiding Principles

These are the guiding principles for all natural persons, legal persons(bodies) and Electronic persons, which adopt the Global Statutes: Open Constitution.

Read about Humans (Homo sapiens) who are the most abundant and widespread species of primate, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains. They are intelligent, capable of episodic memory, have flexible facial expressions, self-awareness and a theory of mind.

I. Conservation of Human Sentience by Observation and Protection of Human Rights

Promotion of equality and enriching diversity on Planet Earth:

{% hint style="info" %} Human Rights: Network bases its humanitarian work on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and emphasize the principle of non-discrimination in an interplanetary human society.

The Foundation professes members' right to mental and physical well-being, including gaining awareness of 'Self' through education.

Equality and Humanitarian Position: All human beings are equal in access to and enforcement of their fundamental human rights. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} DIVERSITY EQUITY & INCLUSION(DEI):

Ignorance about diversity in human cognition phenomenon and epistemic boundaries in describing the human consciousness into narrow classifiers generally tends to a temporal reality of minority exclusions, and large-scale polarisations of 'theory of mind'.

''Such a temporal reality works as a contravening principle for an evolving and enlightened human intelligence in the observable universe." {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Network bases its work against any form of "identity" based discrimination - including but not limited to religion, ethnicity, caste, sex, gender, politics, culture, nationality, or livelihood.

Racism: Network strictly condemns any form of racism.

All human beings are equal regardless of their physical biological structures. No race is better than any other race.

Network respects all diverse racial identities.

Network deeply condemns the brutal history of human slavery and the practices of colonial oppression.

Network advocates breaking down prevalent systematic racism, organised by individuals, or groups of individuals, with the help of public policy reforms and e-governance-based inclusion.

Culturism: Network advocates multiculturalism in an open-minded, higher-intelligence human society.

All diverse ethnic heritage endowed in the present human society, are fundamental to humankind and the sentience of human life.

Network respects all diverse cultural identities.\

{% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Network bases its work against racial discrimination on the “The Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination” by the United Nations, first adopted on 20 November 1963.

Read more below.

United Nations Human Rights

United Nations Declaration of Race and Racial Prejudice

{% endhint %}

II. Privacy of Person and Identity:

{% hint style="info" %} Network advocates globally enforceable data protection regulations, applicable to Internet-based algorithms.

Network advocates reforming data protection regimes to strengthen Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on the Internet.

Network supports and advocates Internet Freedom public policy and assist Data Protection Authorities in conserving citizen privacy, over the Internet. {% endhint %}

III. Gender Identity:

{% hint style="info" %} 🏳️‍🌈Gender: All human beings are free to represent themselves with any gender identity. \ Network supports a non-binary position on human gender identity.

Network works towards a world where humans who have diverse gender identities, and expressions have equal access to opportunities and preservation of their human rights.

Network respects the diverse experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths of every human, whether based on biological differences or cultural and social diversity.

Read more on relevant gender studies literature here. {% endhint %}

IV. Sexual Identity:

{% hint style="info" %} 🏳️‍🌈Sexual Orientation: No human should be subjected to any sexual identity-based exclusion. \ Network believes that all human beings have the freedom to express their sexual orientation, without fear of hostility.

Network supports and promotes equity for all human beings, and conserve freedom of those who identify with any sexual orientation.

Read more here. {% endhint %}

Foundation support 'accelerated' legislative reforms for protection against discrimination and rejects anti-minority legislations for its constituents in any UN member state.

Foundation endorses a science based biological, healthcare, anthropological, cultural and historical epistemology to create awareness amongst lawmakers.

Network endorses legislative reforms for a higher degree of socio-economic inclusion in higher intelligence human society.

V. Identity based on existential, faith and religion:

{% hint style="info" %} The Foundation believes that “All human beings are free to practice any religion”.

Every human being should respect another fellow being’s religious identity, and expressions.

The Foundation is a non-religious organisation and therefore promotes a healthy and open dialogue on subjects of theology, amongst citizen(s) practising different and diverse religious identities. {% endhint %}

VI. Planetary Governance System:

{% hint style="info" %} Apolitical: The Foundation is an apolitical organisation and does not hold any bias, or against political groups.

Network supports and debates on reforming public policies. which informs network's open research and development, and steers socially inclusive product engineering.

Open Constitution AI does not support political groups on the planet that disrespect or do not recognize universal human rights. {% endhint %}


Open Constitution AI does not support centralised censorship over the Internet. Human beings have inherent natural rights to freedom of expression. Freedom of expression does not mean encroaching over other human rights.

Freedom of Journalism: Foundation supports freedom of journalism so that free speech can be promoted in human society.

{% hint style="info" %} Global Governance: The Foundation supports the view that an International Governance System should be constituted.

The Foundation supports a technology-augmented interplanetary governance system.

The Foundation endorses continuous reforms in frameworks on global taxation, carbon taxes, and digital services taxes. {% endhint %}

VII. A non-violent, higher intelligence civilization:

{% hint style="info" %} The Foundation strongly condemns any form of violence, be it by a human, a group of humans, a nation or a public authority.

The Foundation strictly condemns any form of terrorism on this planet.

The Foundation promotes reforms in global regulatory frameworks for financial systems and inter-governmental agencies (e.g. Interpol, Financial Action Task Forces, UN Security Council) which work against Terrorism Financing. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Open Constitution AI bases its research and development on the legal instruments and proclamations made by the United Nations.

Read more here.

Read UN Security Council Resolutions here. {% endhint %}

VIII**. Ecological Stability:**

{% hint style="info" %} Not only adverse climate change is real but we are working towards reversing it by supporting green initiatives and carbon neutrality.

Open Constitution AI supports research and development, across a spectrum of different technologies to support an ecologically stable planet Earth.

Biodiversity: Open Constitution AI encourages, and supports enriching biodiversity and assert its role in restoring ecological balance on the planet.🌲🌳🍄💐

Open Constitution AI promotes reforms toward setting up a global governance system for stabilizing the planet's ecological equilibrium. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Planet Earth's Atmosphere is a globally shared resource.

Foundation asserts and advocates research and development, humanitarian aid actions against the air pollution crisis (Global Air Pollution Crisis)

Planet Earth's Water is a globally shared resource.

Open Constitution AI supports and asserts that all humans have a right to clean drinking water.

Open Constitution AI supports research and development of technologies aimed at providing solutions to the water crises across the planet. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Network bases its research and development work on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Read more here {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Network bases its research and development work on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Read more here. {% endhint %}

IX. Sustainable Development:

{% hint style="info" %} Poverty: Poverty is a devastating circumstance for many inhabitants of the planet Earth.

Open Constitution AI works towards sustainable, and local community-centric elimination of poverty.

Financial Inclusion: Economic disparity is continuously increasing. The majority of the planet is still underbanked or non-banked.

Open Constitution AI support financial inclusion initiatives.

Income gap in countries: There is immense wealth inequality in the world.

Open Constitution AI acknowledge income inequality as a major point of non-equilibrium in human society.

Global Food Crisis: Open Constitution AI assert and advocate research and development, and humanitarian aid actions against the global food crisis. (Food Security)

Migration across the planet: Open Constitution AI support the protection of internally displaced people (IDPs), refugees and asylum-seekers - humans who fear persecution, conflict, violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public life, and who, as a result, require protection.

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X. Earth's Digital Public Goods Infrastructure :

{% hint style="info" %} Open Source Intellectual Property and Global Data Economy

Network promotes open-source research & development for the greater good of human society. Network promotes open-sourcing technology in all sectors.

\ For the welfare of human society, network supports relinquishing business models in global markets which are locked in closed-source technologies.

The Foundation encourages the industry to non-aggress and non-assert patents and reinvents their business models in the fast-emerging global data economy.

{% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Artificial Intelligence: The Foundation uses technology as a means to achieve its goals. We support the creation of Artificial Intelligence for advancements in global health and for augmenting the lives of differently abled human beings.

We support decentralised Artificial Intelligence on planet Earth.

Decentralised Technology Governance:

Foundation supports decentralised technology governance to augment human intelligence. {% endhint %}

XI. Advanced Intelligence

{% hint style="info" %} Space Exploration: Network supports and advocates space research and development for humankind’s welfare and scientific pursuit and to augment the lives of differently-abled humans.

"Space is a frontier beyond today's geo-political jurisdictions, with limited consensus on the definition of "space itself."

Members support reforms in space law and promote international cooperation in space-related activities.

Human Consciousness: The Foundation supports active research and development on human consciousness for humankind’s welfare and scientific pursuit and to augment the lives of differently-abled humans.

Neurological Sciences: The Foundation supports active research and development on human neurology for humankind’s welfare, and scientific pursuit and to augment the lives of differently-abled humans.

Robotics: Open Constitution AI is designed to be a machine-human intelligence network.

The Network supports robotics technology for humankind’s welfare and scientific pursuit and to augment the lives of differently-abled humans.

Nuclear Non-Proliferations: The Foundation supports denuclearization and asserts mapping nuclear energy research and development with the scientific pursuit of human consciousness.

The network supports safety standards and interstellar research on nuclear energy.

{% endhint %}

XII. Public Interest Disclosures:

{% hint style="info" %} Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: The network supports and advocates for continuous Public Interest Disclosures of records and documentation of unidentified aerial phenomena. {% endhint %}

Read more on what citizenship means.

Custodian: Executive Council