- When searching for records with a search key, start from the root directory by comparing if the seach key and the dataval of each
. When finding the matching DirEntry, it'll go into the next level until it reaches the corresponding leaf block. - When inserting a new record, same as search, find the corresponding leaf block first, and then insert the new record to the leaf.
- If there's space to store the new record, just add the record to the appropriate position.
- When the block is full, need to split a block:
- if the dataval of the new record is larger than the last dataval of the block, we just need to add a new block and store the new record and return the
pointing to the new leaf block. The referenceing directory needs to insert the newDirEntry
and splits the directory if it's already full. - if the dataval of the new reocrod is in the middle of the leaf, we split the block in approximately half by guaranteeing all the records with the same dataval in the same block.
- if the dataval of the block is same for all slots, which means overflow block, add a new block referencing the overflow block and move the all records but one to the new block. In this way, it's possible to add new records to the leaf referenced by a directory.
- When you split a block, you must place all records having the same dataval in the same block
- if the dataval of the new record is larger than the last dataval of the block, we just need to add a new block and store the new record and return the
package simpledb.index.btree; import static java.sql.Types.INTEGER; import simpledb.file.BlockId; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.record.Layout; import simpledb.record.RID; import simpledb.record.Schema; import simpledb.tx.Transaction; /* * BTPage provides the common logic for BTreeLeaf and BTreeDir: * 1. store records in sorted order * 2. split a block when it's full */ public class BTPage { private static String FLD_NAME_DATAVAL = "dataval"; private static String FLD_NAME_BLOCK = "block"; private static String FLD_NAME_ID = "id"; private Transaction tx; private BlockId currentblk; private Layout layout; public BTPage(Transaction tx, BlockId currentblk, Layout layout) { this.tx = tx; this.currentblk = currentblk; this.layout = layout; tx.pin(currentblk); } /* * Return the slot position where the first record having the specified * search key should be. */ public int findSlotBefore(Constant searchkey) { int slot = 0; while (slot < getNumRecs() && getDataVal(slot).compareTo(searchkey) < 0) slot++; return slot - 1; } public void close() { if (currentblk != null) tx.unpin(currentblk); currentblk = null; } public boolean isFull() { return slotpos(getNumRecs() + 1) >= tx.blockSize(); } /* * Split the page at the specified position. */ public BlockId split(int splitpos, int flag) { BlockId newblk = appendNew(flag); BTPage newpage = new BTPage(tx, newblk, layout); transferRecs(splitpos, newpage); newpage.setFlag(flag); newpage.close(); return newblk; } public Constant getDataVal(int slot) { return getVal(slot, FLD_NAME_DATAVAL); } public int getFlag() { return tx.getInt(currentblk, 0); } public void setFlag(int val) { tx.setInt(currentblk, 0, val, true); } public BlockId appendNew(int flag) { BlockId blk = tx.append(currentblk.fileName()); tx.pin(blk); format(blk, flag); return blk; } public void format(BlockId blk, int flag) { tx.setInt(blk, 0, flag, false); tx.setInt(blk, Integer.BYTES, 0, false); int recsize = layout.slotSize(); for (int pos = 2 * Integer.BYTES; pos + recsize <= tx.blockSize(); pos += recsize) makeDefaultRecord(blk, pos); } private void makeDefaultRecord(BlockId blk, int pos) { for (String fldname : layout.schema().fields()) { int offset = layout.offset(fldname); if (layout.schema().type(fldname) == INTEGER) tx.setInt(blk, pos + offset, 0, false); else tx.setString(blk, pos + offset, "", false); } } // Methods called only by BTreeDir /* * Return the block number in the index record * at the specified slot */ public int getChildNum(int slot) { return getInt(slot, FLD_NAME_BLOCK); } /* * Insert a directory at the specified slot. */ public void insertDir(int slot, Constant val, int blknum) { insert(slot); setVal(slot, FLD_NAME_DATAVAL, val); setInt(slot, FLD_NAME_BLOCK, blknum); } public RID getDataRid(int slot) { return new RID(getInt(slot, FLD_NAME_BLOCK), getInt(slot, FLD_NAME_ID)); } public void insertLeaf(int slot, Constant val, RID rid) { insert(slot); setVal(slot, FLD_NAME_DATAVAL, val); setInt(slot, FLD_NAME_BLOCK, rid.blockNumber()); setInt(slot, FLD_NAME_ID, rid.slot()); } public void delete(int slot) { for (int i = slot + 1; i < getNumRecs(); i++) copyRecord(i, i - 1); setNumRecs(getNumRecs() - 1); } /* * Return the number of index records in this page. */ public int getNumRecs() { return tx.getInt(currentblk, Integer.BYTES); } private int getInt(int slot, String fldname) { int pos = fldpos(slot, fldname); return tx.getInt(currentblk, pos); } private String getString(int slot, String fldname) { int pos = fldpos(slot, fldname); return tx.getString(currentblk, pos); } private Constant getVal(int slot, String fldname) { int type = layout.schema().type(fldname); if (type == INTEGER) return new Constant(getInt(slot, fldname)); else return new Constant(getString(slot, fldname)); } private void setInt(int slot, String fldname, int val) { int pos = fldpos(slot, fldname); tx.setInt(currentblk, pos, val, true); } private void setString(int slot, String fldname, String val) { int pos = fldpos(slot, fldname); tx.setString(currentblk, pos, val, true); } private void setVal(int slot, String fldname, Constant val) { int type = layout.schema().type(fldname); if (type == INTEGER) setInt(slot, fldname, val.asInt()); else setString(slot, fldname, val.asString()); } private void setNumRecs(int n) { tx.setInt(currentblk, Integer.BYTES, n, true); } private void insert(int slot) { for (int i = getNumRecs(); i > slot; i--) copyRecord(i - 1, i); setNumRecs(getNumRecs() + 1); } private void copyRecord(int from, int to) { Schema sch = layout.schema(); for (String fldname : sch.fields()) setVal(to, fldname, getVal(from, fldname)); } private void transferRecs(int slot, BTPage dest) { int destslot = 0; while (slot < getNumRecs()) { dest.insert(destslot); Schema sch = layout.schema(); for (String fldname : sch.fields()) dest.setVal(destslot, fldname, getVal(slot, fldname)); delete(slot); destslot++; } } private int fldpos(int slot, String fldname) { int offset = layout.offset(fldname); return slotpos(slot) + offset; } private int slotpos(int slot) { int slotsize = layout.slotSize(); return Integer.BYTES + Integer.BYTES + (slot * slotsize); } }
- Block structure:
<flag><number of records><slot 1><slot 2>....
stores different values forBTreeDir
moves all the subsequent records to right by one slot.delete(slot)
moves all the subsequent records to left by one slot.transferRecs
transfers all the records after the specified slot to the destination BTPage.split
: create a new block and BTPage with new block, transfer the records after the specified slot position to the new BTPage, close the new page and return the new block.
- Block structure:
package simpledb.index.btree; import simpledb.query.Constant; /* * A directory entry has two components: * 1. the block number of the child block * 2. the dataval of the first record in the block */ public class DirEntry { private Constant dataval; // dataval of the first record private int blocknum; // child block public DirEntry(Constant dataval, int blocknum) { this.dataval = dataval; this.blocknum = blocknum; } public Constant dataval() { return dataval; } public int blockNumber() { return blocknum; } }
package simpledb.index.btree; import simpledb.file.BlockId; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.record.Layout; import simpledb.record.RID; import simpledb.tx.Transaction; /* * BTreeLeaf stores the contents of a B-Tree leaf block */ public class BTreeLeaf { private Transaction tx; private Layout layout; private Constant searchkey; private BTPage contents; private int currentslot; private String filename; public BTreeLeaf(Transaction tx, BlockId blk, Layout layout, Constant searchkey) { this.tx = tx; this.layout = layout; this.searchkey = searchkey; contents = new BTPage(tx, blk, layout); currentslot = contents.findSlotBefore(searchkey); // move currentslot to the slot whose next slot has the search key filename = blk.fileName(); } public void close() { contents.close(); } public boolean next() { currentslot++; if (currentslot >= contents.getNumRecs()) return tryOverflow(); else if (contents.getDataVal(currentslot).equals(searchkey)) return true; else return tryOverflow(); } public RID getDataRid() { return contents.getDataRid(currentslot); } public void delete(RID datarid) { while (next()) if (getDataRid().equals(datarid)) { contents.delete(currentslot); return; } } /* * Insert a new leaf record having the specified dataRID and previously-specified search key. */ public DirEntry insert(RID datarid) { // If the new record does not fit in the page, split the page and return directory entry for the new page. if (contents.getFlag() >= 0 && contents.getDataVal(0).compareTo(searchkey) > 0) { Constant firstval = contents.getDataVal(0); BlockId newblk = contents.split(0, contents.getFlag()); currentslot = 0; contents.setFlag(-1); contents.insertLeaf(currentslot, searchkey, datarid); return new DirEntry(firstval, newblk.number()); } currentslot++; contents.insertLeaf(currentslot, searchkey, datarid); if (!contents.isFull()) return null; // if page is full, split it Constant firstkey = contents.getDataVal(0); Constant lastkey = contents.getDataVal(contents.getNumRecs() - 1); if (lastkey.equals(firstkey)) { // create an overflow block to hold all but the first record BlockId newblk = contents.split(1, contents.getFlag()); contents.setFlag(newblk.number()); return null; } else { int splitpos = contents.getNumRecs() / 2; // split into half Constant splitkey = contents.getDataVal(splitpos); if (splitkey.equals(firstkey)) { // move right, looking for the next key while (contents.getDataVal(splitpos).equals(splitkey)) splitpos++; splitkey = contents.getDataVal(splitpos); } else { // move left, looking for first entry having that key while (contents.getDataVal(splitpos - 1).equals(splitkey)) splitpos--; } BlockId newblk = contents.split(splitpos, -1); return new DirEntry(splitkey, newblk.number()); } } private boolean tryOverflow() { Constant firstkey = contents.getDataVal(0); int flag = contents.getFlag(); if (!searchkey.equals(firstkey) || flag < 0) return false; contents.close(); BlockId nextblk = new BlockId(filename, flag); contents = new BTPage(tx, nextblk, layout); currentslot = 0; return true; } }
package simpledb.index.btree; import simpledb.file.BlockId; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.record.Layout; import simpledb.tx.Transaction; /* * B-Tree directory block */ public class BTreeDir { private Transaction tx; private Layout layout; private BTPage contents; private String filename; BTreeDir(Transaction tx, BlockId blk, Layout layout) { this.tx = tx; this.layout = layout; contents = new BTPage(tx, blk, layout); filename = blk.fileName(); } public void close() { contents.close(); } /* * Move to the leaf node for the search key */ public int search(Constant searchkey) { BlockId childblk = findChildBlock(searchkey); while (contents.getFlag() > 0) { // until reaching the leaf node contents.close(); contents = new BTPage(tx, childblk, layout); childblk = findChildBlock(searchkey); } return childblk.number(); } /* * Create a new root block. * The new block will have two children: * 1. the old root * 2. the specified block */ public void makeNewRoot(DirEntry e) { Constant firstval = contents.getDataVal(0); int level = contents.getFlag(); BlockId newblk = contents.split(0, level); // transfer all records DirEntry oldroot = new DirEntry(firstval, newblk.number()); insertEntry(oldroot); insertEntry(e); contents.setFlag(level + 1); } /* * insert a new directory entry into the B-Tree block. * 1. If block is at level 0, the entry is just inserted there. * 2. Otherwise, the entry is inserted into the leaf node * Return the DirEntry if the block split */ public DirEntry insert(DirEntry e) { if (contents.getFlag() == 0) return insertEntry(e); BlockId childblk = findChildBlock(e.dataVal()); BTreeDir child = new BTreeDir(tx, childblk, layout); DirEntry myentry = child.insert(e); child.close(); return (myentry != null) ? insertEntry(myentry) : null; } /* * Insert a new directory entry */ private DirEntry insertEntry(DirEntry e) { int newslot = 1 + contents.findSlotBefore(e.dataVal()); contents.insertDir(newslot, e.dataVal(), e.blockNumber()); if (!contents.isFull()) return null; int level = contents.getFlag(); int splitpos = contents.getNumRecs() / 2; Constant splitval = contents.getDataVal(splitpos); BlockId newblk = contents.split(splitpos, level); return new DirEntry(splitval, newblk.number()); } private BlockId findChildBlock(Constant searchkey) { int slot = contents.findSlotBefore(searchkey); if (contents.getDataVal(slot+1).equals(searchkey)) slot++; int blknum = contents.getChildNum(slot); return new BlockId(filename, blknum); } }
package simpledb.index.btree; import static java.sql.Types.INTEGER; import simpledb.file.BlockId; import simpledb.index.Index; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.record.Layout; import simpledb.record.RID; import simpledb.record.Schema; import simpledb.tx.Transaction; public class BTreeIndex implements Index { private static final String DIR_FLD_BLOCK = "block"; private static final String DIR_FLD_DATAVAL = "dataval"; private Transaction tx; private Layout dirLayout; private Layout leafLayout; private String leaftbl; private BTreeLeaf leaf = null; private BlockId rootblk; public BTreeIndex(Transaction tx, String idxname, Layout leafLayout) { this.tx = tx; // deal with the leaves leaftbl = idxname + "leaf"; this.leafLayout = leafLayout; if (tx.size(leaftbl) == 0) { BlockId blk = tx.append(leaftbl); BTPage node = new BTPage(tx, blk, leafLayout); node.format(blk, -1); // -1 means no overflow block } // deal with the directory Schema dirsch = new Schema(); dirsch.add(DIR_FLD_BLOCK, leafLayout.schema()); dirsch.add(DIR_FLD_DATAVAL, leafLayout.schema()); String dirtbl = idxname + "dir"; dirLayout = new Layout(dirsch); rootblk = new BlockId(dirtbl, 0); if (tx.size(dirtbl) == 0) { // create new root block tx.append(dirtbl); BTPage node = new BTPage(tx, rootblk, dirLayout); node.format(rootblk, 0); // insert initial directory entry int fldtype = dirsch.type(DIR_FLD_DATAVAL); Constant minval = (fldtype == INTEGER) ? new Constant(Integer.MIN_VALUE) : new Constant(""); node.insertDir(0, minval, 0); node.close(); } } /* * Travere the directory to find the leaf block corresponding to the specified * search key. * The leaf page is kept open, for use by the methods next and getDataRid. */ @Override public void beforeFirst(Constant searchkey) { close(); BTreeDir root = new BTreeDir(tx, rootblk, dirLayout); int blknum = root.search(searchkey); root.close(); BlockId leafblk = new BlockId(leaftbl, blknum); leaf = new BTreeLeaf(tx, leafblk, leafLayout, searchkey); } @Override public boolean next() { return leaf.next(); } @Override public RID getDataRid() { return leaf.getDataRid(); } /* * insert the datarid to the position where the record with the dataval locates. * 1. if the leaf is not full, the process just finishes * 2. if the leaf splits, add the new node from the root. * 3. if the root splits, make a new root. */ @Override public void insert(Constant dataval, RID datarid) { beforeFirst(dataval); DirEntry e = leaf.insert(datarid); leaf.close(); if (e == null) // the leaf wasn't full return; // if leaf was full and split occurs BTreeDir root = new BTreeDir(tx, rootblk, dirLayout); DirEntry e2 = root.insert(e); if (e2 != null) // if root was split root.makeNewRoot(e2); root.close(); } /* * 1. traverse to find the leaf page containing the record * 2. delete the record by datarid */ @Override public void delete(Constant dataval, RID datarid) { beforeFirst(dataval); leaf.delete(datarid); leaf.close(); } @Override public void close() { if (leaf != null) leaf.close(); } /* * Estimate the number of block accesses * required to find all index records haivg a particular search key. */ public static int searchCost(int numblocks, int rpb) { return 1 + (int) (Math.log(numblocks) / Math.log(rpb)); } }
Add Test
Run test
./gradlew test
.public Index open() { return new BTreeIndex(tx, idxname, idxLayout); } public int blocksAccessed() { int rpb = tx.blockSize() / idxLayout.slotSize(); int numBlocks = si.recordsOutput() / rpb; return BTreeIndex.searchCost(numBlocks, rpb); }
Add the following code to
// 12 Indexing System.out.println("12. Indexing-------------"); tx = new Transaction(fm, lm, bm); metadataMgr = new MetadataMgr(false, tx); sch = new Schema(); sch.addStringField("fld1", 10); sch.addIntField("fld2"); metadataMgr.createTable("T3", sch, tx); metadataMgr.createIndex("T3_fld1_idx", "T3", "fld1", tx); Plan plan = new TablePlan(tx, "T3", metadataMgr); Map<String, IndexInfo> indexes = metadataMgr.getIndexInfo("T3", tx); IndexInfo ii = indexes.get("fld1"); Index idx = ii.open(); // insert 2 records into T3 UpdateScan us = (UpdateScan) plan.open(); us.beforeFirst(); n = 2; System.out.println("Inserting " + n + " records into T3."); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { System.out.println("Inserting " + i + " into T3."); us.insert(); us.setString("fld1", "rec" + i % 2); us.setInt("fld2", i % 2); // insert index record Constant dataval = us.getVal("fld1"); RID datarid = us.getRid(); System.out.println("insert index " + dataval + " " + datarid); idx.insert(dataval, datarid); } // Get records without index us.beforeFirst(); while (us.next()) { System.out.println("Got data from T3 without index. RID:" + us.getRid() + ", fld1: " + us.getString("fld1")); } us.close(); tx.commit(); // need to flush index to disk // Get records where fld1 = "rec0" with index us = (UpdateScan) plan.open(); idx = ii.open(); System.out.println("Get records fld1=rec0 using index ------------------------------------------"); idx.beforeFirst(new Constant("rec0")); while (idx.next()) { RID datarid = idx.getDataRid(); us.moveToRid(datarid); System.out.println(String.format("Got data from T3 with index (rec0). RID:" + us.getRid() + ", fld1: " + us.getString("fld1"))); } System.out.println("Get records fld1=rec1 using index ------------------------------------------"); idx.beforeFirst(new Constant("rec1")); while (idx.next()) { RID datarid = idx.getDataRid(); us.moveToRid(datarid); System.out .println(String.format("Got data from T3 with index (rec1). RID:" + us.getRid() + ", fld1: " + us.getString("fld1"))); } idx.close(); tx.commit();
This code does the followings:
- Create table
(varchar) andfld2
(int) fields - Insert two records to
table. - Insert two index records to
index. - Search records with searchkey
using the index - Search records with searchkey
using the index
- Create table
rm -rf app/datadir && ./gradlew run
You'll see the logs:
Got data from T3 with index (rec0). RID:[0, 0], fld1: rec0] Got data from T3 with index (rec1). RID:[0, 1], fld1: rec1
public boolean next() {
boolean ok = idx.next();
if (ok) {
RID rid = idx.getDataRid();
return ok;
- Add
package simpledb.index.planner; import simpledb.index.Index; import simpledb.index.query.IndexSelectScan; import simpledb.metadata.IndexInfo; import simpledb.plan.Plan; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.query.Scan; import simpledb.record.Schema; import simpledb.record.TableScan; public class IndexSelectPlan implements Plan { private Plan p; private IndexInfo ii; private Constant val; public IndexSelectPlan(Plan p, IndexInfo ii, Constant val) { this.p = p; this.ii = ii; this.val = val; } @Override public Scan open() { TableScan ts = (TableScan) p.open(); Index idx = ii.open(); return new IndexSelectScan(ts, idx, val); } @Override public int blockAccessed() { return ii.blocksAccessed() + recordsOutput(); } @Override public int recordsOutput() { return ii.recordsOutput(); } @Override public int distinctValues(String fldname) { return ii.distinctValues(fldname); } @Override public Schema schema() { return p.schema(); } }
- Add
package simpledb.index.query; import simpledb.index.Index; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.query.Scan; import simpledb.record.RID; import simpledb.record.TableScan; public class IndexSelectScan implements Scan { private TableScan ts; private Index idx; private Constant val; public IndexSelectScan(TableScan ts, Index idx, Constant val) { this.ts = ts; this.idx = idx; this.val = val; beforeFirst(); } @Override public void beforeFirst() { idx.beforeFirst(val); } @Override public boolean next() { boolean ok = idx.next(); if (ok) { RID rid = idx.getDataRid(); ts.moveToRid(rid); } return ok; } @Override public int getInt(String fldname) { return ts.getInt(fldname); } @Override public String getString(String fldname) { return ts.getString(fldname); } @Override public Constant getVal(String fldname) { return ts.getVal(fldname); } @Override public boolean hasField(String fldname) { return ts.hasField(fldname); } @Override public void close() { idx.close(); ts.close(); } }
package simpledb.index.planner; import simpledb.index.Index; import simpledb.index.query.IndexJoinScan; import simpledb.metadata.IndexInfo; import simpledb.plan.Plan; import simpledb.query.Scan; import simpledb.record.Schema; import simpledb.record.TableScan; public class IndexJoinPlan implements Plan { private Plan p1; private Plan p2; private IndexInfo ii; private String joinfield; private Schema sch = new Schema(); public IndexJoinPlan(Plan p1, Plan p2, IndexInfo ii, String joinfield) { this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; this.ii = ii; this.joinfield = joinfield; sch.addAll(p1.schema()); sch.addAll(p2.schema()); } @Override public Scan open() { Scan s = p1.open(); TableScan ts = (TableScan) p2.open(); Index idx = ii.open(); return new IndexJoinScan(s, idx, joinfield, ts); } /* * B(indexjoin(p1,p2,idx)) = B(p1) + R(p1)*B(idx) + R(idexjoin(p1,p2,idx)) */ @Override public int blockAccessed() { return p1.blockAccessed() + (p1.recordsOutput() * ii.blocksAccessed()) + recordsOutput(); } /* * R(indexjoin(p1,p2,idx)) = R(p1)*R(idx) */ @Override public int recordsOutput() { return p1.recordsOutput() * ii.recordsOutput(); } @Override public int distinctValues(String fldname) { if (p1.schema().hasField(fldname)) return p1.distinctValues(fldname); else return p2.distinctValues(fldname); } @Override public Schema schema() { return sch; } }
package simpledb.index.query; import simpledb.index.Index; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.query.Scan; import simpledb.record.TableScan; /* * LHS: Scan * RHS: TableScan + index */ public class IndexJoinScan implements Scan { private Scan lhs; private Index idx; private String joinfield; private TableScan rhs; public IndexJoinScan(Scan s, Index idx, String joinfield, TableScan ts) { this.lhs = s; this.idx = idx; this.joinfield = joinfield; this.rhs = ts; beforeFirst(); } @Override public void beforeFirst() { lhs.beforeFirst(); lhs.next(); resetIndex(); } /* * move to the next index record if possible * otherwise move to the next LHS record and the first index record */ @Override public boolean next() { while (true) { if (idx.next()) { rhs.moveToRid(idx.getDataRid()); return true; } if (!lhs.next()) return false; resetIndex(); } } @Override public int getInt(String fldname) { if (rhs.hasField(fldname)) return rhs.getInt(fldname); else return lhs.getInt(fldname); } @Override public String getString(String fldname) { if (rhs.hasField(fldname)) return rhs.getString(fldname); else return lhs.getString(fldname); } @Override public Constant getVal(String fldname) { if (rhs.hasField(fldname)) return rhs.getVal(fldname); else return lhs.getVal(fldname); } @Override public boolean hasField(String fldname) { return rhs.hasField(fldname) || lhs.hasField(fldname); } @Override public void close() { lhs.close(); idx.close(); rhs.close(); } private void resetIndex() { Constant searchkey = lhs.getVal(joinfield); idx.beforeFirst(searchkey); } }
package simpledb.index.planner; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import simpledb.index.Index; import simpledb.metadata.IndexInfo; import simpledb.metadata.MetadataMgr; import simpledb.parse.CreateIndexData; import simpledb.parse.CreateTableData; import simpledb.parse.CreateViewData; import simpledb.parse.DeleteData; import simpledb.parse.InsertData; import simpledb.parse.ModifyData; import simpledb.plan.Plan; import simpledb.plan.SelectPlan; import simpledb.plan.TablePlan; import simpledb.plan.UpdatePlanner; import simpledb.query.Constant; import simpledb.query.UpdateScan; import simpledb.record.RID; import simpledb.tx.Transaction; public class IndexUpdatePlanner implements UpdatePlanner { private MetadataMgr mdm; public IndexUpdatePlanner(MetadataMgr mdm) { this.mdm = mdm; } @Override public int executeInsert(InsertData data, Transaction tx) { String tblname = data.tableName(); Plan p = new TablePlan(tx, tblname, mdm); // first, insert the record UpdateScan s = (UpdateScan) p.open(); s.insert(); RID rid = s.getRid(); // then insert an index record for every index Map<String, IndexInfo> indexes = mdm.getIndexInfo(tblname, tx); Iterator<Constant> valIter = data.vals().iterator(); for (String fldname : data.fields()) { Constant val = valIter.next(); s.setVal(fldname, val); IndexInfo ii = indexes.get(fldname); if (ii != null) { Index idx = ii.open(); idx.insert(val, rid); idx.close(); } } s.close(); return 1; } @Override public int executeDelete(DeleteData data, Transaction tx) { String tblname = data.tableName(); Plan p = new TablePlan(tx, tblname, mdm); Map<String, IndexInfo> indexes = mdm.getIndexInfo(tblname, tx); UpdateScan s = (UpdateScan) p.open(); int count = 0; while (s.next()) { // first delete index from every index RID rid = s.getRid(); for (Map.Entry<String, IndexInfo> entry : indexes.entrySet()) { Constant val = s.getVal(entry.getKey()); Index idx = entry.getValue().open(); idx.delete(val, rid); idx.close(); } // then delete the record s.delete(); count++; } s.close(); return count; } @Override public int executeModify(ModifyData data, Transaction tx) { String tblname = data.tableName(); String fldname = data.targetField(); Plan p = new TablePlan(tx, tblname, mdm); p = new SelectPlan(p, data.pred()); IndexInfo ii = mdm.getIndexInfo(tblname, tx).get(fldname); Index idx = (ii == null) ? null : ii.open(); UpdateScan s = (UpdateScan) p.open(); int count = 0; while (s.next()) { // first, update the record Constant newval = data.newValue().evaluate(s); Constant oldval = s.getVal(fldname); s.setVal(data.targetField(), newval); // then update the index if exists if (idx != null) { RID rid = s.getRid(); idx.delete(oldval, rid); idx.insert(newval, rid); } count++; } if (idx != null) idx.close(); s.close(); return count; } @Override public int executeCreateTable(CreateTableData data, Transaction tx) { mdm.createTable(data.tableName(), data.newSchema(), tx); return 0; } @Override public int executeCreateView(CreateViewData data, Transaction tx) { mdm.createView(data.viewName(), data.viewDef(), tx); return 0; } @Override public int executeCreateIndex(CreateIndexData data, Transaction tx) { mdm.createIndex(data.indexName(), data.tableName(), data.fieldName(), tx); return 0; } }
package simpledb.client.network; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import simpledb.jdbc.network.NetworkDriver; public class JdbcNetworkDriverExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Driver d = new NetworkDriver(); String url = "jdbc:simpledb://localhost"; try (Connection conn = d.connect(url, null); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { // 1. create table student String sql = "create table STUDENT (Sid int, SName varchar(10), MajorId int, GradYear int)"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); // 2. create index sql = "create index student_sid_idx on student(sid)"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); // 3. select tables sql = "select tblname, slotsize from tblcat"; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) System.out.println(String.format("table: %s, slotsize: %d", rs.getString("tblname"), rs.getInt("slotsize"))); // 4. insert record to student table for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { int gradYear = 100 + i % 7; int majorId = i % 13; String name = "name" + i; sql = String.format("insert into student(Sid, SName, MajorId, GradYear) values (%d, '%s', %d, %d)", i, name, majorId, gradYear); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } // 5. select records from student table System.out.println("select all records from student table ------"); sql = "select Sid, SName, MajorId, GradYear from student"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) System.out.println(String.format("Sid: %d, Sname: %s, MajorId: %d, GradYear: %d", rs.getInt("Sid"), rs.getString("SName"), rs.getInt("MajorId"), rs.getInt("GradYear"))); // 6. select records from student table with condition System.out.println("select records (sid =1000) from student table ------"); sql = "select Sid, SName, MajorId, GradYear from student where sid = 1000"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) System.out.println(String.format("Sid: %d, Sname: %s, MajorId: %d, GradYear: %d", rs.getInt("Sid"), rs.getString("SName"), rs.getInt("MajorId"), rs.getInt("GradYear"))); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Run server
rm -rf app/datadir && ./gradlew startServer
Run client
./gradlew networkclient
table: tblcat, slotsize: 28 table: fldcat, slotsize: 56 table: viewcat, slotsize: 128 table: idxcat, slotsize: 64 table: student, slotsize: 30 select all records from student table ------ ... Sid: 94, Sname: name94, MajorId: 3, GradYear: 103 Sid: 95, Sname: name95, MajorId: 4, GradYear: 104 Sid: 96, Sname: name96, MajorId: 5, GradYear: 105 Sid: 97, Sname: name97, MajorId: 6, GradYear: 106 Sid: 98, Sname: name98, MajorId: 7, GradYear: 100 Sid: 99, Sname: name99, MajorId: 8, GradYear: 101 Sid: 100, Sname: name100, MajorId: 9, GradYear: 102 select records (sid =100) from student table ------ Sid: 100, Sname: name100, MajorId: 9, GradYear: 102
create table T (A int, B varchar(9), index (A), C int, index(B))
- parser
- planner