Looking at arduino-ssl-ethertap-only-goog-domain-halt-004.pcapng
Notes about this capture file
- using wifi access point on same router as lan.
- no other traffic on the lan with possible exception of printer
- only arduino knows ssid/pass
On boot the arduino does the following:
- uses ntp to sync time with nist.gov frame 192
- pings google frame 193
- opens webpage to www.google.com frame 250
- Attempts to upload telemetry (gcp iot core mqtt endpoint) frame 333
In detail, this exchange requires arp, dns queries, etc. Some of the simpler bits of the exchange are mentioned here with screenshots of the capture file and discussion. If nothing else, it shows how to read the decode before we get to the problem of why ssl mqtt fails.
A couple of notes regarding the wireshark UI. Notice the filter at top in green. That is the display filter. It allows you to filter frames from the capture file.
Since the first frame is selected as the first line in blue of the top panel, it is showing the networking frames in layers in the middle panel. In my screenshots, most of the image will have the bottom minimized. That panel shows the raw frame. As you click on items in the middle panel it will highlight the relevant bytes in the frame corresponding the clicked item.
joins network. You can see that in the wifi probe requests and probe responses in the other capture files.
dhcp request and response. That is also visible in a wifi capture.
dns request and response for ntp time server. This is shown in frame 177. Notice the name of the time server
is visible in the lower panel as I select the query host portion in the middle panel.
Frame 178 which is the dns response and the screenshot shows the ip address of
$ nslookup name = utcnist2.colorado.edu.
- ntp time sync with
Frame 192 shows the ntp request and response.
- ping to google.com
This involves the dns request and response. This is shown in wireshark starting at frame 193 and 194.
In this screenshot, if you haven't noticed it already, the arrows in the leftmost frame number column show the start of a conversation and end. In this example its a ping request and response.
Notice also how the destination address line is selected in the middle panel. Its how ping knows where to send the packet.
- web fetch google.com
Frame 240 is the dns request.
$ nslookup name = yx-in-f105.1e100.net.
- Start of the mqtt/ssl connection to GCP iot core.
Frame 328 DNS Query of mqtt.googleapis.com the "MQTT broker"
Frame 329 DNS Response of mqtt.googleapis.com
$ nslookup name = io-in-f206.1e100.net.
Notice this?
$ nslookup mqtt.googleapis.com
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: mqtt.googleapis.com
Name: mqtt.googleapis.com
Name: mqtt.googleapis.com
... stuff truncated
- The start of the MQTT conversation
Frame 330 Shows a new filter. Its just the traffic regarding the mqtt host.
- The Client Hello frame Keeping the illustrated SSL guide in mind, look at the Client Hello frame. I'll show multplie screenshots of this section as I examine it.
Frame 333 the client hello with list of cipher
The five cipher suites available by the arduino/client are:
- RSA AES 128 GCM SHA256
- RSA AES 256 CBC SHA256
- RSA AES 128 CBC SHA256
Let's take a look at the header file for the crypto chip (ECCX08.h) on the arduino. Sadly it does not list algorithms. The closest thing of interest is the sha256 routine.
Let's take a moment to look at the crypto chip on the board. Here
In feature description are some important excerpts, listed here:
- Easy way to run ECDSA and ECDH Key Agreement
- Performs High-Speed Public Key (PKI) Algorithms
- NIST Standard P256 Elliptic Curve Support
- SHA-256 Hash Algorithm with HMAC Option
- Host and Client Operations
- 256-bit Key Length
- Storage for up to 16 Keys
- ECC P256 (ECDH and ECDSA), SHA256
I wonder about how here it says 256-bit but the software is returning algorithms with 128 and 256 bit. The important thing though is ES256 which it explicitly states in third bullet. That was the chosen algorithm in the GCP console. Note gcp mentioned ES256_x509 which is the x509 wrapper around the ES256 key. At least I think its X509,, lol.
- The Server Hello frame
Frame 335 is the Server Hello frame. Notice the server only has one cipher suite:
. Hmm, that is the first listed client supported
- The error
So after the Server gives its supported algorithm, the arduino starts sending old data out? The next frames are highlighted in red and decoded as duplicates. Is the stack messed up? Wireshark says its a duplicate ACK to frame 332.