- DMA are apps that users download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store that integrate with NewPay. (See all Dapp types)
- Android native Dapps use Newton's Android NewPay SDK
- iOS native Dapps use Newton's iOS NewPay SDK
- User has NewPay installed on their device and has set a NewID
participant User;
participant DMA;
participant NewPay;
participant HEP Node;
User->>DMA: Click Login;
DMA->>NewPay: Send login request;
NewPay->>HEP Node: Send Dapp public key;
HEP Node->>NewPay: Send Dapp info, request user access;
NewPay->> User: Prompt to authorize login;
User->>NewPay: Authorize login;
NewPay->>DMA: NewID sent to Dapp;
NewPay-->>DMA: Send user back;
- Dapp displays Login with NewID button
- User taps button
- See [newpay.native.login.requestAccess]
- Dapp sends request for login to NewPay
- NewPay gets public key of Dapp through [signature] and [message] parameters
- NewPay sends public key to [HEP Node]
- HEP Node uses public key to request app information that was registered in database and sends that information back to NewPay
- NewPay opens and prompts user to authorize the Dapp login based on information gathered from HEP Node
- User confirms login
- User's NewID is sent to Dapp, with [message] and [signature]
participant User;
participant Native Dapp;
participant NewPay;
participant HEP Node;
User->>Native Dapp: Click 'Pay with NewPay';
Native Dapp->>NewPay: Send public key + order info;
NewPay->>HEP Node: Send public key;
HEP Node->>NewPay: Send Dapp info;
NewPay->> User: Prompt: authorize payment;
User->>NewPay: Type password + authorize;
NewPay->>HEP Node: Request payment;
loop FundsTransfer;
HEP Node->>HEP Node: Transfer payment;
HEP Node->>NewPay: Send receipt;
NewPay->>User: Send receipt;
NewPay->>Native Dapp: Send receipt;
NewPay-->>Native Dapp: Send user back;
- Dapp displays Pay with NewID button
- User taps button
- See [newpay.native.payment.requestPayment]
- NewPay gets public key of Dapp and order information through [signature] and [message] parameters
- NewPay sends public key to [HEP Node]
- HEP Node uses public key to request app information that was registered in database and sends that information back to NewPay
- NewPay opens and prompts user to authorize the payment based on information gathered from HEP Node
- User confirms payment
- Payment receipt is sent to user and Dapp
- User is redirected back to Dapp