- Tool: Gradle
- Prerequisites
- Windows, macOS, or Linux with JDK 11 or higher on
- Windows, macOS, or Linux with JDK 11 or higher on
- Config files
./gradlew build
./gradlew assemble
- Sources
- Outputs
./gradlew spotApply
./gradlew test
- Tools
- Sources
- Outputs
./gradlew jmh
(check which benchmarks are enabled in config file)- Tool: JMH
- Config file: benchmark/build.gradle.kts section
jmh {}
- Sources: benchmark/src/jmh/java
./gradlew javadoc
./gradlew dokkaGen
- Tools
- Javadoc
- Dokka
- Outputs
- Tool: Material for MkDocs
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-linkcheck
- Prerequisites
- Config file: mkdocs.yml
- Sources: docs/
mkdocs serve
- Tool: GitHub Actions
- Config files: .github/workflows/
Requirements: PowerShell, gh
gh run list --limit 999 --json databaseId -q '.[].databaseId' |
ForEach-Object {
gh api "repos/$(gh repo view --json nameWithOwner -q .nameWithOwner)/actions/runs/$_" -X DELETE
- Tool: Renovate
- Config file: renovate.json