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유동진 ydj515


Jonathan du Mesnil j-mesnil
Software Consultant @TNG

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH Munich

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Balázs Göntér gbal94

TNG Technology Consulting

Mirco Michel MMichel
Senior Consultant @TNG

@TNG Augsburg, Germany

Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

o'Laoxu misselvexu
Spring Cloud Tencent PMC, 🥦 Buddha’s Code, Follow @missattic 🎉


Mark Kenneth Santos santosmken
Cloud Engineer - Azure / Angular / NestJS / Keycloak IAM Developer

Manila, PH

basma abdelaali basma-abdelaali
Ingénieur en Génie Logiciel


Markus Schüttler mschuettlerTNG

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH Munich


TNG Technology Consulting GmbH

Zeeshan Ahmad Khalil ZeeshanAhmadKhalil
Next JS ★ React Native ★ RTK Query ★ Nest JS ★ MERN Stack

eSquall Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan

Benedikt Geisler bengeisler

Syskron Regensburg, Germany

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Senior Software Engineer
Bruno Caimar BrunoCaimar
🇧🇷 SP - Brasil 🧑🏽‍💻 Developer - Python, C#, Javascript, Java, SQL 🌎 GIS Developer - ArcGIS, PostGIS, Mapbox, Leaflet

Bizpoke São Paulo, SP / Brasil

Fatunbi, David Oluwakayode code-string
I love the problem-solving process of software engineering. Lagos

Larry PhilChina
Bachelor degree in computer science and technology. cv nlp......

Student ShangHai

Matt Price appletsauce

United States of America

Fabian fpietsch
Freak (Cloud Engineer)

OneQrew Hannover

Rolf Cerff RCerff
Studied at "Karlsruher Institut für Technologie". For more than ten years I'am designing and developing .NET Applications.

Freelancer Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany