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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


AJ Book SecondBook5
Bioinformatics Graduate Student at Johns Hopkins University.

Johns Hopkins University

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Zongxu Zhang OswaldZhang
Ph.D. student@PKU

Peking University Beijing, China

LeiShengyue LeiShengyue
a student majoring in Oncology.

Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research Tokyo

Ye Hyacinth Meng HyacinthMeng
Life is beautiful---点燃生命之火、纵享丰富人生; Research fileds:Immunology 、Molecular biology、Statistic、Computational Biology
Raquel Bartolome-Casado raquel-bc
Mucosal Immunology, T cells

@Teichlab and @unioslo Wellcome Sanger Institute

Zhang Yuanzhe zhangyz1997
Student of Sun Yat-sen University

Zhongshan Medical School of Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

ZhangFuYuan ZhangFuYuan69
shirley xiaodiansun

University of Miami Miami,FL

Sebastian R sroener

@comp-med, @kircherlab

System Onco-Immunology Lab (Baylor College of Medicine)

Baylor college of medicine Houston

Lucy Garner lucygarner

University of Oxford

Ana Marta Sequeira marta-seq
Ph.D. student working at the intersection of computer science and biology.

Minho University

Edward Cody thisguy726

Cody N Associates

Kelvin Lee KaWingLee9

Key Laborotary of Computational Biology, SINH, CAS (Shanghai, China)

Sudhir (Sid) Malla sidmall
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Computational Cancer Biologist)

Queen's University Belfast Belfast, Northern Ireland

Swati Gupta swati375
I am a computational biologist, currently pursuing Phd at IISc, Bangalore India.


Yihan Wang yihan1119

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Chaoxian Zhao Chaoxian

Arizona State University

Arash B. Abadi arashbagherabadi
Graduate Research Trainee | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Bioinformatics & Cancer Immunotherapy 💻🧬
Transcription Factory TranscriptionFactory
Computational biology PhD student

Pittsburgh, PA

Yajushi Khurana yajushikhurana
Ph.D. Student at joint Carnegie Mellon University - University of Pittsburgh Computational Biology Program (CPCB). Graduated in Physics from Ashoka University
pigudogzyy pigudog
Undergraduate students from Fudan University, China. Research Interests include gynaecology, obstetrics, and reproductive medicine.

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Ward D WardDeb

Freiburg, Germany

Mariachiara Grieco mariachiaragrieco
PhD Student in Computational Biology @ European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) and @ Italian Institute for Genomic Medicine (IIGM)

SEMM and IIGM Milan, Italy

Mattia Toninelli mtoninel
Computational Biology PhD Student @paganilab

IFOM, The FIRC institute for Molecular Oncology Milan, Italy

Cassidy Andrasz candrasz
Ph.D. Student at UCLA