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Charlie Cheesman Ches-ctrl
Learning to code

EY-Parthenon London

Nageswar Chedella nageswarchedella
I am a Machine Learning Enthusiast and Web developer


Software Development Engineer


Dailson Campos dailsoncampos
Software and Data Engineer

N/A Santarém, PA - Brasil

Javier Alvarez javialsal

Île-de-France, France

Jesher Minelli jesherdevsk8
Backend Developer

@bildvitta - Bild & Vitta Group Innovation Labs São Paulo - Brazil

Krzysztof Witczak kwitczak
Head of Engineering

GlobalAppTesting Poznań

Rafael Pinto rafaelpvs
Junior System Developer | Flutter | RoR

PRODEB Salvador-BA

Mike Cecconello mikececco
Full Stack Developer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Anna Buianova lightalloy
Backend developer (mostly Ruby) and educator


Jose Parrales JParrales

Barranquilla, Colombia

Kshitiz Tamang xkshitizx
Ruby/Rails developer


Sajjad Ahmad SajjadAhmad14
Full Stack Developer. Ruby on Rails, Ruby, JavaScript, SQL, Bootstrap, Saas, Html, and CSS. Always looking for new opportunities!!

Full-Stack Developer Abbottabad, Pakistan