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Git Repo Tools

Tools for managing Git repositories.



brew install paltherr/paltherr/git-repo-tools


cd /usr/local/opt
git clone
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s ../opt/git-repo-tools/src/bin/gr-* .



  • gr-head-commit-amend

    Amends the head commit if it can still be amended on GitHub.

Latest tag

  • gr-latest-tag

    Prints the latest tag.

  • gr-latest-tag-update <version>

    Updates, locally and remotely, the latest tag to refer the specified version.

Release data

  • gr-release-title <version>

    Prints the release title for the specified version.

  • gr-release-notes <version>

    Prints the release notes for the specified version. The notes are extracted from Notes for a version are expected to start with the following line:

    ## [<version>](<owner>/<repo>/releases/tag/v<version>) - <YYYY-MM-DD>

  • gr-release-tag <version>

    Prints the release tag for the specified version.

Release tags

  • gr-release-tag-create <version>

    Creates, locally and remotely, the release tag for the specified version. The tag is annotated with the release notes.

  • gr-release-tag-update <version>

    Updates, locally and remotely, the tag for the specified version. The tag is annotated with the release notes.

  • gr-release-tag-delete <version>

    Deletes, locally and remotely, the tag for the specified version.


  • gr-release-create <version>

    Creates the release for the specified version.

  • gr-release-update <version>

    Updates the release for the specified version.

  • gr-release-delete <version>

    Deletes the release for the specified version.


  • gr-homebrew-formula-update <version>

    Updates the homebrew formula source to use the release for the specified version. The file .homebrew-formula is expected to contain the full name of the formula.