This implementation is deprecated in favor of a newer version with a better design that simplifies the interface, provides easier integration from external graph libraries and other good things. Once it's more mature I'll make it available for general review and comment.
This library is in the alpha stage that may include significant changes to the interface. It is not recommended for general use.
- A C++ compiler that supports Concepts and has the <concepts> header (gcc10, MSVC latest)
- CMake 3.16 or later
- Python3
- Conan package manager (Python: pip install conan)
git clone
cd graph
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../???
If you're using vscode in linux you may need to manually add gcc to the CMake Kits. Enter "CMake: Edit User-Local CMake Kits" in the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P) vscode to bring up the file.
The following libraries will automatically be installed by Conan
- Catch2 unit test framework
- range-v3 library
- fmt library
- spdlog (unused)
Other Useful Tools
- clang-format
- clang-tidy
- ./cmake contains files used for building
- ./include/graph/include holds the graph implementation
- ./test/ contains unit tests. test_* are test files data_* hold data to be used for tests
Pattern | Example | Req'd? | Description |
*_type | edge_type | Y | The full type stored in the graph |
*_value_type | edge_value_type | Y | The edge type defined by the graph, without the edge_key |
*_key_type | vertex_key_type | Y | The key used for finding a vertex. |
*_size_type | vertex_size_type | Y | The unsigned size type defined by the underlying container. |
*_difference_type | vertex_size_type | Y | The signed size type defined by the underlying container. |
*_index_type | vertex_index_type | n | The type used for referring to a vertex when it's kept in a random_access container. Internal only. |
- concepts & type traits
- vertex_c --> graph_vertex
- add type traits? (needed when concepts exist?)
- algorithms: refine concept requirements
- [paper] sparse/dense not defined;
- compare to BGL concepts [Lumsdaine]: need to add concepts for adjacency, incidence, vertex_list, edge_list
- allow vertex_key_t to be non-integer? [no; requires algo specialization, performance impact]
- Add create_edges to incremental edge concepts
- Add create_vertices to incremental vertex concepts
- Remove types (only functions); return types not important?
- Algorithms
- Common
- Replace vertex_user_value_type with vertex_value_type for undirected_adjacency_list
- Change contiguous --> random_access for requirements
- Test with constexpr
- Strongly-connected components: impl, test, update paper
- implement
- test
- [paper] update description with missing info
- [paper] add example
- Connected components: impl, test, update paper
- implement
- test
- [paper] update description with missing info
- [paper] add example
- Bi-connected components: impl, test, update paper [Baran]
- implement & test
- [paper] update description with missing info
- [paper] add example
- Articulation Points: impl, test, update paper [Baran]
- implement
- test
- [paper] update description with missing info
- [paper] add example
- shortest paths
- Replace shortest_path with shortest_path2
- Replace first/last with range in shortest_distance?
- distance_fnc should take edge iterator (not reference)
- dikstra impl requires incidence_graph & edge_list_graph
- bellman_ford impl requires edge_list_graph only
- Common
- Ranges/Iterators
- validate const iterator
- update examples to reflect changes
- validate const iterator
- update examples to reflect changes
- Topological Sort
- implement
- test
- [paper] update description with missing info
- [paper] add example
- Common
- Replace type...const& --> const_type&
- Add ssize defs & implementations for vertices, edge, outward_edges & inward_edges
- Add free functions for size, ssize, begin, end, empty for each graph data structure (assume vertices)
- Remove degree functions (alias of size not needed)
- Consider addition of [[nodiscard]] (std only uses it on empty & allocate, neither used in graph.hpp)
- const_vertex_key_type --> vertex_key_type, const_edge_key_type --> edge_key_type
- use West const to mirror usage in std
- replace value(gve) with separate functions for graph_value(g), vertex_value(g,u), edge_value(g,uv)
- replace vertex reference with vertex_iterator for vertex_value
- replace edge reference with edge_iterators for edge_value (mult overloads for each edge iterator type)
- replace proposed arithmetic concept with arithmetic_v (avoid barrier to acceptance)
- Should find_edge() return edge_range_t or vertex_edge_range_t? edge_range_t, find_vertex_edge() is used for vertex_edge_range_t
- Is there a reason user_value_type can't just be value_type? No: only key_type & value_type should be exposed.
- Remove all range-specific begin/end functions in favor of using begin(rng)/end(rng)
- Define common implementations that each graph can optionally specialize
- degree()
- create default implementations of uniform API based on outgoing functions for directed graph
- Replace vertex & edge references with iterators
- [paper] Give overview of different ranges
- relate the ranges to the concepts
- show relationship between uniform & directed functions
- move from std::graph to std namespace
- Replace range types with references in API or graph_traits?
- Return optional instead of pair<T,bool>: create_vertex, create_edge, create_outward_edge, create_inward_edge
- Create concept-based functions to consolidate definitions (e.g. edge properties)
- Rename ssize_t to difference_t (and related) to match naming in std
- Uniform API
- vertices_begin/end --> vertices_begin/end
- edges_begin/end --> edges_begin/end? replace begin/end(g,u)?
- add vertices(g,u) -> vertex_vertex_range_t & matching outward_vertices(g,u), inward_vertices(g,u) [add impl]
- add vertices_size(g,u) [add impl]
- add vertices_ssize(g,u) [add impl]
- add contains_vertex(g,ukey), contains_edge(g, ukey, vkey), contains_edge(g, u, v) [add impl]
- vertex_key_type required to be integral
- add sentinel types for each range (completeness)
- add helper functions to assure graph is an alias of vertices(g)
- Directed API
- ordered_pair & unordered_pair
- initial implementation
- initial test impl
- support conditionally explicit ctors
- support tuple_size<ordered_pair<T1,T2>> & tuple_size<unordered_pair<T1,T2>>
- support tuple_element<orderd_pair<T1,T2>> & tuple_element<unorderd_pair<T1,T2>>
- support get(ordered_pair<T1,T2>) & get(unordered_pair<T1,T2>)
- support piecewise_construct_t ctor
- [paper] Add ordered_pair & unordered_pair to paper
- Should they be in std:: or std::graph:: ? std (with graph)
- What functions can be defined globally as a default (e.g. contains_vertex(g,ukey), degree(g,u))?
- Extenders
- adjacency_extender
- edge_list_extender
- Mappers
- outward_to_uniform_incidence
- outward_to_uniform_adjacency
- inward_to_uniform_incidence
- inward_to_uniform_adjacency
- How to support a bitartite graph (multiple vector types)?
- Common
- Data structures
- Common
- remove edge & vertex definitions in paper (distracting & not referenced)
- replace use of short graph name with long name
- remove type defs on graph classes in paper (only ctors should exist)
- assure CSR can be handled with the current graph ctors
- IndexT --> KeyT, integral concept
- Separate _impl files into _impl for the class and _api for the API adaptors
- Verify that value types can be a variant
- Add random_access_contraints for user-defined containers
- Add optional vertex count parameter to edges ctor to prevent req of scanning edges
- directed adjacency vector
- implement with vector
- implement with deque? [easy when edgeset=deque, for vertex_set=deque<> vertex_key must be stored in vertex b/c vertex_key can't be calc'd with vertex*]
- implement with map? (non-integer index) [no: too big of impact to algorithms]
- vertex_size_type, vertex_index_type, vertex_key_type are similar. Do we need all of them? [key can be used in place of index]
- rename directed_adjacency_array -> directed_adjacency_vector
- [wait for P1709 review by LEWG] Create paper D2240R0
- create matching undirected adjacency vector with immutable edge values
- Add container parameters for vertices & edges
- unordered adjacency list
- implement with vector
- extend to support constexpr array
- implement with deque? [for vertex_set=deque<> vertex_key must be stored in vertex b/c vertex_key can't be calc'd with vertex*]
- implement with map? (non-integer index) [no: too big of impact to algorithms]
- [wait for P1709 review by LEWG] Create paper D2239R0
- Add container parameter for vertices
- Create paper for D2241R0 graph data structure design directions
- describe rationale for data structures used
- support Compressed Sparse Row (CSR)?
- no: can't store vertex props; vertex lookup log(n)
- support constexpr data structures (vector, array)
- create adaptors for directed graphs
- map Outward directed functions to Vertex-Edge & Vertex-Vertex functions (when present)
- map Inward directed functions to Vertex-Edge & Vertex-Vertex functions (when present)
- Common
- C++20
- review use of sentinal; removed: it can be retrieved from a range type if needed
- define graph module
- use spaceship operator (n/a b/c <, >, <=, >= isn't needed)
- operator!= not needed when operator== defined? (part of spaceship operator)
- investigate use of coroutines for BFS & DFS (stack space limits?)
- what is the status of make_subrange<I,S> for ranges?
- Unit Tests
- Replace EXPECT_EQ(), etc. --> REQUIRE()
- Switch from range-v3 to compiler-defined ranges (except algorithms like sort)
- Create templated tests based on directed/undirected types
- Move German Routes to text file
- Other libraries
- NWGraph
- rename bgl17 to NWGraph
- vov graph
- Create adaptor
- Add depth_first_search_vertex_range test
- Add depth_first_search_edge_range test
- Add breadth_first_search_vertex_range test
- Add breadth_first_search_edge_range test
- compressed graph
- Create adaptor
- Add depth_first_search_vertex_range test
- Add depth_first_search_edge_range test
- Add breadth_first_search_vertex_range test
- Add breadth_first_search_edge_range test
- [paper] comparison?
- boost
- [paper] comparison
- Add adaptor example
- lemon
- [paper] comparison
- NWGraph
- Compiler/build support
- Build with clang in linux (when header available)
- use Catch2 hierarchy feature for unit tests
- github failing action(s) on push
- validate doxygen output
- validate sanitizer generation
- remove unrelated libraries (imgui, ...)
- use compiler-supplied concepts (msvc, gcc)
- Other Tools
- Add clang-tidy to VSCode
- Can VS be configured for development & remote development?
- Documentation
- Add full instructions for building in (c.f. range-v3)
- Generate doxygen
- Move todo out of
- Feedback
- Tomaz Kaminski
- BFS & DFS range category --> input_iterator
- BFS & DFS iterator return types
- replace reinterpret_cast<T>(nullptr), with declval<T&>()
- Jens Mauer
- graph_traits<>
- functions are missing concepts
- noexcept shouldn't be on all functions
- (final comment review)
- Andrew Sutton
- Move concepts to beginning of the paper
- Drop _c suffix on concept names (vertex_c --> conflicts with vertex(g,uv) fnc)
- Add -ward suffix for inward & outward
- Tighten up definition of directed & undirected
- Consider creating ordered_pair and unordered_pair [as sub-structs of std::pair]
- Add new concepts
- Path
- Cycle
- add/delete vertices|edges
- (final comment review)
- Andrey Nikolaev & Tatyana Bysheva (Intel)
- Consider adding undirected_adjacency_vector & directed_adjacency_list (perf vs. mutabilty)
- Consider adding adjacency_matrix, particularly for subgraph isomorphism
- graph names should only include long names (not short & long names)
- use long names for consistency & clarity (graphs, algorithms, API)
- Remove types on graph data structures. Only constructors should appear on graph
- Remove definitions for edge & vertex classes (confusing) in favor of using graph_traits types
- Add noexcept to size() & ssize() functions? (consider legacy graphs that don't use noexcept)
- edges(g,u): what is behavior when u isn't in g?
- Return empty range (preferred)
- Undefined behavior if determining if u is in g is expensive
- How does this apply to other functions in the API
- how are invalid parameters handled in algorithms (cf API)? (undefined behavior, ...)
- consider creating a subgraph_view
- consider adding edge_key, edge_key(g,uv) & edge_key(g,u,v)
- Are const versions of algos needed? (If I pass a const graph g, are all dependent types const?)
- Consider re-adding degree() (alias of size or ssize) : alias of ranges::size(rng)
- Leanne/Jing Dong 10/7/20
- Recommend adding incidence matrix
- SG19 Review 10/8/20
- Remove unneeded const types in graph_traits
- Use iterator_t to define types in graph_traits when possible
- Move graph data structures into separate proposals
- Other
- using map<K,V> for vertices is possible, but requires different algorithms to match
- ToDo
- concepts: incidence_list, vertex_list, edge_list, path, cycle, add/del vertex/edge
- constexpr everywhere? (vector, array)
- comparison to boost, Lemon, ...
- Optional
- co-routines
- modules
- Tomaz Kaminski
Bob Steagal for his gcc-builder & clang-builder scripts
Jason Turner for his cpp_starter_project