A scripts that converts graphs like task-depends.dot or package information into filterable tree printed to console. For it to work you will need
- anytree installed (
pip install anytree
) - a populated bitbake build
- for task-depends: a dot file of your target (
bitbake -g <target>
usage: oetree [-h] [--mode {taskdepends,pkgdepend}] [--endnode ENDNODE] [--renderdepth RENDERDEPTH] input root
print nice trees out of bitbake information
positional arguments:
input Path to input files [depends on mode selected]
root Name of the root node or path to an image manifest
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mode {taskdepends,pkgdepend}
mode to operate in (default: taskdepends)
--endnode ENDNODE Stop tree at (default: None)
--renderdepth RENDERDEPTH
Limit render depth (default: 1000000000)
oetree --mode=taskdepends --endnode=kern-tools-native task-depends.dot core-image-minimal
└── busybox
└── kern-tools-native
oetree --mode=pkgdepend /path/to/build-dir/tmp/pkgdata/<arch>/runtime-reverse/runtime-reverse ncurses-libtinfo
├── glibc [4.2M - 5.2M]
│ └── ldconfig [949.0k - 949.0k]
└── ncurses-terminfo-base [25.8k - 25.8k]
NOTE the numbers in the brackets are the size of the package plus the summed up size of all packages required to be installed with it
oetree --mode=pkgdepend --endnode=python3-core /path/to/build-dir/tmp/pkgdata/<arch>/runtime-reverse/runtime-reverse python3-math
└── python3-core [5.6M - 11.5M]
└── python3-compression [232.3k - 5.8M]
└── python3-core [5.6M - 5.6M]
oetree --mode=pkgdepend /path/to/build-dir/tmp/pkgdata/<arch>/runtime-reverse/runtime-reverse /path/to/build-dir/tmp/deploy/images/<arch>/<imagename>.rootfs.manifest
├── base-files [4.0k - 4.0k]
├── base-passwd [0.0 - 0.0]
├── busybox [651.7k - 5.8M]
│ ├── busybox-udhcpc [2.7k - 2.7k]
│ ├── glibc [4.2M - 5.2M]
│ │ └── ldconfig [949.0k - 949.0k]
│ └── update-alternatives-opkg [4.6k - 4.6k]
├── busybox-hwclock [2.5k - 8.7k]
│ └── update-rc.d [6.2k - 6.2k]
├── busybox-syslog [4.2k - 5.8M]
│ ├── busybox [651.7k - 5.8M]
│ │ ├── busybox-udhcpc [2.7k - 2.7k]
│ │ ├── glibc [4.2M - 5.2M]
│ │ │ └── ldconfig [949.0k - 949.0k]
│ │ └── update-alternatives-opkg [4.6k - 4.6k]
oetree --mode=pkgdepend --renderdepth=2 /path/to/build-dir/tmp/pkgdata/<arch>/runtime-reverse/runtime-reverse /path/to/build-dir/tmp/deploy/images/<arch>/<imagename>.rootfs.manifest
├── bad-systemd [104.0 - 104.0]
├── base-files [4.0k - 4.0k]
├── base-passwd [0.0 - 0.0]
├── busybox [651.7k - 5.8M]
├── busybox-hwclock [2.5k - 8.7k]
├── busybox-syslog [4.2k - 5.8M]
├── dbus-1 [339.1k - 477.1M]
├── e2fsprogs-e2fsck [352.2k - 42.9M]
├── init-ifupdown [2.8k - 27.3k]
├── initscripts-functions [2.1k - 2.1k]
├── kbd [831.3k - 6.0M]
├── kbd-consolefonts [456.5k - 456.5k]
├── kbd-keymaps [554.9k - 556.9k]
├── kernel-6.12.8-yocto-tiny [62.8k - 62.8k]
├── kernel-image-6.12.8-yocto-tiny [0.0 - 0.0]
├── kernel-image-bzimage-6.12.8-yocto-tiny [3.8M - 3.8M]