Releases: projectblacklight/spotlight
Version 0.19.0
Upgrade guide.
This version has a runtime dependency on Riiif, which you must provide by adding the riiif
into your Gemfile
gem 'riiif', '~> 0.4.0'
Then run bundle install
If you wish to take advantage of Riiif's features (supplying a IIIF endpoint for uploaded files) you must additionally add this line to config/routes.rb
mount Riiif::Engine => '/images', as: 'riiif'
And add a file config/initializers/riiif.rb
with the following contents:
Riiif::Image.file_resolver =
# Riiif::Image.authorization_service = IIIFAuthorizationService
# Riiif.not_found_image = 'app/assets/images/us_404.svg'
Riiif::Engine.config.cache_duration_in_days = 365
Sprint 12
Sprint Focus
This sprints focus was dealing with technical debt and bugs left over from previous sprints as well as various changes to improve the content creator experience.
New Features
- Added sir-trevor widget preview.
- Display search term and limits that populated a saved search/browse category.
- Added multi-image support to sir-trevor widgets.
- Added ability to upload an image (and crop it) for an about page contact
- Allow search bar and facets to be toggled on/off for an exhibit.
- Allow sort fields to be re-ordered and re-labeled.
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Added solr field prefix to facilitate multiple apps using the same index
- Removed no-op thumbnail size configuration
- Added warning to the edit screen of pages when it's currently open for editing by another user.
- Fixed bug where the active featured item's caption was not being highlighted.
- Split sir-trevor block list into separate categories based on if they are for repository items or not.
- Display a warning when editing an Exhibit Custom Field when it is not configured to display anywhere.
- Use configured ID field instead of hardcoding ID field for indexes that store the unique identifier somewhere else.
- Add private label to the titles of documents all around the app (auto-complete, sir-trevor panels, etc.)
Sprint 12 accomplishments (8 minutes).
Commits: 79
Sprint 10
Sprint 9
Sprint Focus
This sprint will continue to focus on enhancing and polishing the Spotlight UI and interaction, with more emphasis on the end-user side of the application. A major area of focus will be the visual design and interaction with the widget framework: page-level widget display issues (spacing, layout relationships between widgets) and widget configuration display. Another major area we hope to improve this sprint is the Item Detail page, to which we plan to add support for viewing multi-image items among other enhancements.
New Features
- Selected item preview on widget configuration panels
- Multi-image item display
- Links to item in PURL and Searchworks (example of local institution customization)
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Improved visual design of carousel widget
- Restrict search results widget on homepage; single instance elsewhere
- Make sidebar display default for new feature pages
- Allow any result view type to be selected in search result widget
- Ensure browse category autocomplete is scoped to its saved search results
- Various styling improvements throughout application
Tour of Sprint 9 accomplishments (7 minutes).
Commits: 54
Sprint 8
Sprint Focus
In this sprint we plan to continue to enhance and polish the Spotlight UI and interaction. One area for this work will be the features that emphasize the visual display of exhibit content: the slideshow results view and the carousel widget. Another area will be the Administration and Curation section of the application.
New Features
- Bulk selection/deselection of metadata fields
- Custom labels and ordering of main navigation menu
- Improved styling and interaction of the gallery slideshow (backlight-gallery gem)
- Improved styling of the Delete Exhibit callout
- Made edit-in-place affordance more clear
- Improved styling and layout of search facet and page panels
- Omit breadcrumbs on homepage
- Add typeahead support for selecting browse category image
Tour of Sprint 8 accomplishments (9 minutes).
Commits: 31
Sprint 7
Sprint Focus
A major area of focus for Sprint 7 is to improve the UI and user interaction when working as a curator and when viewing pages as a site visitor, most notably improving the slideshow and carousel experiences. We also want to finish the Open Seadragon display of item image, enable viewing of multi-item objects, and adding a new search result widget based on saved searches (existing browse categories).
In addition, there are a handful of bug fixes and relatively small feature enhancements to be addressed during this sprint.
New Features
- OpenSeadragon Support for item detail page
- Search results widget for Feature and About pages
Workflow improvements
- Added Edit button when viewing a Browse Category
- Changed redirect when saving a search as a Browse Category
- Make exhibit specific fields visible on the detail page by default
- Make About Page Contacts visible by default
Style improvements
- Improved default footer styling
- Improved default sidebar styling of About and Feature pages
General improvements
- Facet labels now edit-in-place for consistency with other administration options
Tour of Sprint 7 accomplishments (9 minutes).
Commits: 31