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Augments each request with unique request_id attribute and provides request id logging helpers.

Developed and used at software shop.


  1. Include django-request-id in your requirements.txt file.

  2. Add request_id to INSTALLED_APPS (necessary only if you are going to use the {% request_id %} template tag).

  3. Add request_id.middleware.RequestIdMiddleware at the top of the MIDDLEWARE Django setting.

  4. The app integrates with the standard Python/Django logging by defining a filter that puts a request_id variable in scope of every log message.

    First add a filter definition to the Django LOGGING settings:

    "filters": {
        "request_id": {
            "()": "request_id.logging.RequestIdFilter"

    Then enable the filter for related handlers:

    "handlers": {
        "console": {
            "filters": ["request_id"],

    And finally modify formatter output format to include the %(request_id) placeholder:

    "formatters": {
        "console": {
            "format": "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-5s [%(name)s] request_id=%(request_id)s %(message)s"

    A full Django logging config example may look like this:

    LOGGING= {
        "version": 1,
        "disable_existing_loggers": False,
        "filters": {
            "request_id": {
                "()": "request_id.logging.RequestIdFilter"
        "formatters": {
            "console": {
                "format": "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-5s [%(name)s] request_id=%(request_id)s %(message)s",
                "datefmt": "%H:%M:%S"
        "handlers": {
            "console": {
                "level": "DEBUG",
                "filters": ["request_id"],
                "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
                "formatter": "console"
        "loggers": {
            "": {
                "level": "DEBUG",
                "handlers": ["console"]
  5. Make sure that your web server adds a X-Request-ID header to each request (and logs it in the server log for further matching of the server and app log entries).

    If you can't generate the X-Request-Id header at the web server level then simply set REQUEST_ID_HEADER = None in your project settings and the app will generate a unique id value automatically instead of retrieving it from the wsgi environment.

    For more info on server configs see server-config.



Documentation and demo

The full documentation is at

There's also an instant demo example that can be run from the cloned repository:


See the integration in action on Heroku:



django-request-id is released under the MIT license.

Other Resources

Commercial Support

This app and many other help us build better software and focus on delivering quality projects faster. We would love to help you with your next project so get in touch by dropping an email at