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Roadmap & Contribution |
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Here's the place to keep up with what's happening for the Reason team! This list isn't exhaustive and might change.
- Validating another secret ReasonReact feature, then release it
- Syntax change: JavaScript-style function calls pull request
- Testing data structures immutable.re
- Native compilation in bucklescript's
(see this fork)
- Better async story
- Better dev-time printing facility
- Better JSON facilities
- Sleep more
Wanna help?
- Working on Windows? Please help us improve the Windows tooling support!
- Improve the documentation and website. There's also the BuckleScript manual and API reference
- Help us translate the docs!
- Suggest better error messages
- Contribute to your favorite editor plugin for Reason
- On that note: better ocaml-language-server. This will potentially power all our editor integration in the future.
- Come up with more project names starting with "re"
- Make bindings! Lots and lots of bindings! Have a look at the reasonml-community index, see if there's something missing or unfinished, then just get your hands dirty! Most of them could also use better documentation, not just more code.
- Whatever project you'd normally do in JavaScript, try it in Reason + BuckleScript!
- Talk about Reason and BuckleScript!
- Ping @chenglou in Discord for more tasks.