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Mark Paluch edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

Tracing gives insights about individual Redis commands sent to Redis to trace their frequency, duration and to trace of which commands a particular activity consists. Lettuce provides a tracing SPI to avoid mandatory tracing library dependencies. Lettuce ships a default implementation for Brave which can be configured through client resources.

With Brave tracing enabled, Lettuce creates a span for each Redis command. The following options can be configured:

  • serviceName (defaults to redis).

  • Endpoint customizer. This option can be used together with a custom SocketAddressResolver to attach custom endpoint details.

  • Span customizer. Allows for customization of spans based on the actual Redis Command object.

  • Inclusion/Exclusion of all command arguments in a span. By default, all arguments are included.

brave.Tracing clientTracing = …;

BraveTracing tracing = BraveTracing.builder().tracing(clientTracing)
    .spanCustomizer((command, span) -> span.tag("cmd", command.getType().name()))

ClientResources resources = ClientResources.builder().tracing(tracing).build();

Lettuce ships with a Tracing SPI in io.lettuce.core.tracing that allows custom tracer implementations.

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