What is a registry?
- Stores information on packages such as location, version, and other metadata
What is a package?
- Additional code you wish to use in a project.
- Typically includes behaviours that you wish to have (such as verilator or numpy)
What’s the difference between an interface library and a “normal” library or executable? Can you think of any uses for this besides System Verilog files? (Think about source code used for generic programming)
- Interface libraries have source code that may not be available on compilation
- Hence cannot be compiled immediately
- I'm not sure what "generic programming" examples exist
- But, I know that header-only libraries (like boost or catch2) are often used as as interface libraries
Templates! You can't compile a template before some code provides an instantiation, a monomorphization of it (or, well, you can't completely compile it). Template libraries are always distributed as pure source code ("header-only"), so they're always interface libraries.
What is a top module?
- Modules that we expose for simulation