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cboettig edited this page Oct 28, 2014 · 16 revisions

Overview of provided images

Images are built based on the latest Debian distribution with completely updated packages for security and performance. We will generally use the rolling Debian testing release. Images providing additional packages will often install packages directly from CRAN sources, rather than relying on prepackaged binaries. This means that most images should always contain the latest versions of the packages that are available on CRAN. Certain use-cases may provide packages not (yet) available on CRAN.

Base Images

  • r-base
  • r-devel Extends r-base and makes the current development version of R available as Rdevel
  • rstudio Extends r-base, provides an instance of RStudio Server running on container port 8787.

Use-Case Images

  • hadleyverse Extends rstudio, provides rmarkdown, knitr, pandoc, and latex tools for authoring papers and presentations in the RStudio environment. Also provides popular packages by Hadley Wickham such as ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, devtools, httr, and others.
  • ropensci Extends hadleyverse, provides all packages from the rOpenSci Project that have been released to CRAN.
  • rocker-versioned is an early-stage effort to provide Docker images corresponding to previous releases of R.

Installing binaries

Certain additional packages cannot be installed using install.packages due to existing dependencies. We recommend using the pre-packages distribution binaries in this case.

  • The Debian-based hadleyverse also provides the repository for installing R binaries. This includes more and more recent binaries for CRAN packages than are available in standard Debian repositories, but is not completely comprehensive.

Best practices in Dockerfile construction