/****************************************************************************** Module: API.TXT All commands for PPLA in Dynamic Link Library under Windows Notices: Copyright (c) 1998-2013 ARGOX ******************************************************************************/ Contents
(01)A_Bar2d_Maxi() => Create the 2D barcode object - Maxicode. (02)A_Bar2d_Maxi_Ori() => Create the 2D barcode object - Maxicode with Orientation. (03)A_Bar2d_PDF417() => Create the 2D barcode object - PDF-417. (04)A_Bar2d_PDF417_Ori() => Create the 2D barcode object - PDF-417 with Orientation. (05)A_Bar2d_DataMatrix() => Create the 2D barcode object - DataMatrix. (06)A_Clear_Memory() => Clear Flash memory. (07)A_ClosePrn() => Stop printer operation. (08)A_CreatePrn() => Start printer opreation. (09)A_Del_Graphic() => Clean the stored "graphic data" in RAM or Flash memory. (10)A_Draw_Box() => Create a "box" object. (11)A_Draw_Line() => Create an "line" object. (12)A_Feed_Label() => Feed out one label from printer. (13)A_Get_DLL_Version() => Get or show this verison for library. (14)A_Get_DLL_VersionA() => Get or show this verison for library. (15)A_Get_Graphic() => Download graph data from PC into the printer's RAM or Flash memory. (16)A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP() => Convert the colorBMP data from PC into mono graphic (dithering pattern) and download it into printer's RAM or Flash memory. (17)A_Initial_Setting() => Perform the initial paprameter setting (send the command code into printer directly). (18)A_Load_Graphic() => Acquire the graphic data which stored in the RAM or Flash memory. (19)A_Open_ChineseFont() => Open Chinese dot font file (1615 and 2424). (20)A_Print_Form() => Perform printing function. And acquire the form data which stored in RAM or Flash memory. (21)A_Print_Out() => Perform printing function. (22)A_Prn_Barcode() => Create a "barcode" object. (23)A_Prn_Text() => Create a "text" object. (24)A_Prn_Text_Chinese() => Create a "text" object with Chinese dot font file (1615 or 2424). (25)A_Prn_Text_TrueType() => Create a "True Type Font" text object. (26)A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W() => Create a "True Type Font" text object with Height and Width. (27)A_Set_Backfeed() => Setup the "back feed" function. (28)A_Set_BMPSave() => Save Image File. (29)A_Set_Cutting() => Setup the "cutting" function. (30)A_Set_Darkness() => Setup the "darkness" function (heating level). (31)A_Set_DebugDialog() => Enable Debug Message Dialog. (32)A_Set_Feed() => Setup the "label feeding" speed. (33)A_Set_Form() => Download a form from PC into printers RAM or Flash memory. (34)A_Set_Margin() => Setup the top and left margin. (35)A_Set_Prncomport() => Setup the serial port for printer. (36)A_Set_Prncomport_PC() => Setup the serial port for PC. (37)A_Set_Sensor_Mode() => Setup the "sensoring" mode (gap, black mark, continuous). (38)A_Set_Speed() => Setup the "print speed". (39)A_Set_Syssetting() => Other function setup e.g. printing type, cutter and dispenser configuration, label length, slash zero mark, pause function .... (40)A_Set_Unit() => Setup measurement unit (metric or inches). (41)A_Set_Gap() => Setup the gap length. (42)A_Set_Logic() => Set logic image mode. (43)A_Set_ProcessDlg() => Enable or disable printing task transmission process bar. (44)A_Set_LabelVer() => Set Vertical Center. (For R400) (45)A_GetUSBBufferLen() => Get USB port data length. (46)A_EnumUSB() => Enum USB port. (47)A_CreateUSBPort() => Open USB port. (48)A_CreatePort() => Open port. (49)A_Clear_MemoryEx() => Clear RAM or Flash memory. (50)A_Set_Mirror() => Open or close mirror mode. (51)A_Bar2d_RSS() => Create the 2D barcode object - RSS. (52)A_Bar2d_QR_M() => Create the 2D barcode object - QR (Manual format). (53)A_Bar2d_QR_A() => Create the 2D barcode object - QR (Automatic format). (54)A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() => Get Net ptinter data length. (55)A_EnumNetPrinter() => Enum Net ptinter. (56)A_CreateNetPort() => Open Net port. (57)A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni() => Create a "True Type Font" text object converted from Unicode string. (58)A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB() => Create a "True Type Font" text object converted from Unicode string. (59)A_GetUSBDeviceInfo() => Get USB port that device name and device path. (60)A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx() => Convert the colorBMP data from PC into mono graphic (dithering pattern) and download it into printer's RAM or Flash memory. (61)A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap() => Convert the colorBMP data from PC into mono graphic (dithering pattern) and download it into printer's RAM or Flash memory. (62)A_WriteData() => Used to immediately send data out, or is temporarily written to the buffer. (63)A_ReadData() => Get data from the printer. (64)A_Set_EncryptionKey() => Set the encryption key. (65)A_Check_EncryptionKey() => Check the encryption key correctness. (66)A_Set_ErrorDlg() => Enable or disable retry inquiry dialog when transmitting fail. (67)A_Set_CommTimeout() => Set communication time. (68)A_Get_CommTimeout() => Get communication time. (69)A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint() => Set the information needed for Smart Print.
1.Where should you put DLL file? If used 32-bit DLL files: A.Put DLL files in the same folder with application. (Strongly recommend.) B.In Windows 32-bit OS, you should put your DLL files into the \Windows\system32 directory. C.In Windows 64-bit OS, you should put your DLL files into the \Windows\SysWOW64 directory. If used 64-bit DLL files: A.Put DLL files in the same folder with application. (Strongly recommend.) B.In Windows 32-bit OS, 64-bit DLL files could not be used. C.In Windows 64-bit OS, you should put your DLL files into the \Windows\system32 directory. 2.Examples given below are for Visual C++ and Visual Basic and may not work with other programming languages or environments.
PURPOSE To retrieve the device name and data length of USB Printer. SYNTAX VC: int A_GetUSBBufferLen(void); int A_EnumUSB(char *buf); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_GetUSBBufferLen() As Long Declare Function A_EnumUSB(ByVal buf As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_GetUSBBufferLen() As Integer Declare Function A_EnumUSB(ByVal buf As Byte()) As Integer
PARAMETER buf; Stores USB Printer data. RETURN A_GetUSBBufferLen(); returns the length of USB Printer data. A_EnumUSB(); 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. Example VC: char *pbuf; int nLen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1; if (nLen > 1) { pbuf = (char *)new char[nLen]; A_EnumUSB(pbuf); } VB: VBA: Dim nLen As Long Dim pbuf As String nLen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1 If nLen > 1 Then pbuf = Space(128) Call A_EnumUSB(pbuf) End If VB.net: Dim nLen As Integer Dim pbuf(128) As Byte nLen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1 If nLen > 1 Then Call A_EnumUSB(pbuf) End If REMARK These two functions are designed to be used together. First, use A_GetUSBBufferLen() to retrieve the data length of the USB port. Then, allocate memory to A_EnumUSB() to store the USB port data. The data from USB port is split by ("0x0d0x0a"). For example, if the data is A-200(0x0d)(0x0a)R-400ZIP, then USB1 is connected to A-200 and USB2 is connected to R-400Zip.
PURPOSE To retrieve the device name and device path of USB Printer. SYNTAX VC: int A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(int nPort, char *pDeviceName, int *pDeviceNameLen, char *pDevicePath, int *pDevicePathLen); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(ByVal nPort As Long, _ ByVal pDeviceName As String, ByRef pDeviceNameLen As Long, _ ByVal pDevicePath As String, ByRef pDevicePathLen As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(ByVal nPort As Integer, _ ByVal pDeviceName As Byte(), ByRef pDeviceNameLen As Integer, _ ByVal pDevicePath As Byte(), ByRef pDevicePathLen As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER�G nPort; Specifies the USB printer from which data is to be retrieved; begins with 1. pDeviceName; Name of USB printer device; if the input is a null pointer, no data will be written. pDeviceNameLen; When calling this function it is necessary to supply the length of temporary storage of pDeviceName; when used as an output parameter it returns the length of the device name. pDevicePath; Name of USB printer device; if the input is a null pointer, no data will be written. pDevicePathLen; When calling this function it is necessary to supply the length of temporary storage of pDevicePath; when used as an output parameter it returns the length of the device name. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. Example VC: char buf1[128]={0}, buf2[128]={0}; int nLen1=128, nLen2=128, nlen; nlen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1; if (nlen > 1) { A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(1, buf1, &nLen1, buf2, &nLen2); A_CreatePrn(12, buf2); //or A_CreatePort(6, 0, buf2); } VB: VBA: Dim buf1 As String Dim buf2 As String Dim nLen1, nLen2, nlen As Long nlen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1 If nlen > 1 Then nLen1 = 128 nLen2 = 128 buf1 = Space(nLen1) buf2 = Space(nLen2) Call A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(1, buf1, nLen1, buf2, nLen2) Call A_CreatePrn(12, buf2) 'or Call A_CreatePort(6, 0, buf2) End If VB.net: Dim buf1() As Byte Dim buf2() As Byte Dim nLen1, nLen2, nlen As Integer Dim encAscII = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII nlen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1 If nlen > 1 Then nLen1 = 128 nLen2 = 128 ReDim buf1(nLen1) ReDim buf2(nLen2) Call A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(1, buf1, nLen1, buf2, nLen2) Call A_CreatePrn(12, encAscII.GetString(buf2, 0, nLen2)) 'or Call A_CreatePort(6, 0, encAscII.GetString(buf2, 0, nLen2)) End If REMARK This function first calls A_GetUSBBufferLen() to obtain the data length of the USB printer. Then A_GetUSBDeviceInfo() is called to retrieve relevant information about the USB printer. The data stored in pDevicePath is the path of the USB device and can be used in A_CreatePrn() and A_CreatePort() to create the USB device.
PURPOSE To retrieve the device name and length of Net Printer.. SYNTAX VC: int A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen(void); int A_EnumNetPrinter(char *buf); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() As Long Declare Function A_EnumNetPrinter(ByVal buf As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() As Integer Declare Function A_EnumNetPrinter(ByVal buf As Byte()) As Integer PARAMETER buf; Stores USB Printer data. RETURN A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen(); returns the length of USB data. A_EnumNetPrinter(); 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. Example VC: char *pbuf; int nLen = A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() + 1; if (nLen > 1) { pbuf = (char *)new char[nLen]; A_EnumNetPrinter(pbuf); } VB: VBA: Dim nLen As Long Dim pbuf As String nLen = A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() + 1 If nLen > 1 Then pbuf = Space(128) Call A_EnumNetPrinter(pbuf) End If VB.net: Dim nLen As Integer Dim pbuf(128) As Byte nLen = A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() + 1 If nLen > 1 Then Call A_EnumNetPrinter(pbuf) End If REMARK These two functions are designed to be used together. First, call A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() to retrieve the data length of Net Printer. Then, allocate memory to A_EnumNetPrinter() to store Net Printer data. The data from Net Printer is split by ("0x0d0x0a"). For example, if the data is NetPrinter:, then NetPrinter1 is connected to NetPrinter: and NetPrinter2 is connected to NetPrinter:
PURPOSE Start PPLA Library opreation. SYNTAX VC: int A_CreatePrn(int selection, LPCTSTR filename); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_CreatePrn(ByVal selection As Long, _ ByVal filename As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_CreatePrn(ByVal selection As Integer, _ ByVal filename As String) As Integer PARAMETER selection; To select the printer port. 0 -> print to file. 1 -> lpt1, 2 -> lpt2, 3 -> lpt3 4 -> com1, 5 -> com2, 6 -> com3 10 -> pipe, 11 -> USBXXX, 12 -> USB 13 -> LAN Client(TCP/IP) filename; When selection is 0, file name in current directory; full directory path. When selection is 10, output path or Regedit(Device path). When selection is 11, index of USB (count from 1). When selection is 12, Regedit(Device path) of USB. When selection is 13, IP address (TCP/IP port: 9100). Port can be modified by adding information to IP address. Ex: Set port as 80 -> RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_CreatePrn(1,NULL); or A_CreatePrn(0,"C:\out.prn"); A_CreatePrn(10,"\\allen\Label"); //share mode. VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_CreatePrn(1, null) or Call A_CreatePrn(0,"C:\out.prn") Call A_CreatePrn(10, "\\allen\Label") REMARK The A_CreatePrn() function will activate a valid printer port or "print to file" path. This function must be performed before all commands. A_CreatePrn(), A_CreateUSBPort(), A_CreateNetPort() and A_CreatePort() must use one of it at once.
PURPOSE Start PPLA Library opreation. SYNTAX VC: int A_CreatePort(int nPortType, int nPort, LPCTSTR filename); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_CreatePort(ByVal nPortType As Long, ByVal nPort As Long, _ ByVal filename As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_CreatePort(ByVal nPortType As Integer, ByVal nPort As Integer, _ ByVal filename As String) As Integer PARAMETER nPortType; To select port type. 0 -> file. 1 -> Serial port. 2 -> Parallel prot 4 -> USB port 5 -> LAN port 6 -> USB port nPort; To select the printer port number. If nPortType is 1, 1 -> com1, 2 -> com2, ...... filename; When nPortType is 0, path of file. When nPortType is 4, index of USB (count from 1). When nPortType is 5, IP address (TCP/IP port: 9100). When nPortType is 6, device path of USB. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_CreatePort(1, 1, NULL); A_CreatePort(0, 0, "C:\out.prn"); A_CreatePort(5, 0, ""); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_CreatePort(1, 1, null) Call A_CreatePort(0, 0, "C:\out.prn") Call A_CreatePort(5, 0, "") REMARK The A_CreatePort() function will activate a valid printer port or "print to file" path. This function must be performed before all commands. A_CreatePrn(), A_CreateUSBPort(), A_CreateNetPort() and A_CreatePort() must use one of it at once.
PURPOSE Start PPLA Library opreation.
Before using A_CreateUSBPort(), to call A_GetUSBBufferLen() first,
This is for with A_EnumUSB() and A_GetUSBDeviceInfo() synchronization.
Before using A_CreateNetPort(), to call A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen() first,
This is for with A_EnumNetPrinter() synchronization.
int A_CreateUSBPort(int nPort);
int A_CreateNetPort(int nPort);
Declare Function A_CreateUSBPort(ByVal nPort As Long) As Long
Declare Function A_CreateNetPort(ByVal nPort As Long) As Long
Declare Function A_CreateUSBPort(ByVal nPort As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function A_CreateNetPort(ByVal nPort As Integer) As Integer
USB and LAN port, the nPort count from 1.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
int nLen;
nLen = A_GetUSBBufferLen();
if (nLen) {
nLen = A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen();
if (nLen) {
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Dim nLen As Long
nLen = A_GetUSBBufferLen()
If nLen Then
Call A_CreateUSBPort(1)
End If
nLen = A_GetNetPrinterBufferLen()
If nLen Then
Call A_CreateNetPort(1)
End If
REMARK The A_CreateUSBPort() and A_CreateNetPort() function
will activate a valid printer port or "print to file" path. This
function must be performed before all commands.
A_CreatePrn(), A_CreateUSBPort(), A_CreateNetPort() and A_CreatePort()
must use one of it at once.
PURPOSE Stop printer operation. SYNTAX VC: void A_ClosePrn(void); VB: VBA: VB.net: Declare Sub A_ClosePrn() EXAMPLE VC: A_ClosePrn(); VB: Call A_ClosePrn() REMARK The A_ClosePrn function will access the port that you choiced or close file. The function must be performed after all commands placed.
PURPOSE Create the 2D barcode object - Maxicode. SYNTAX VC: int A_Bar2d_Maxi(int x, int y, int primary, int secondary, int country, int service, char mode, int numeric, LPCTSTR data); int A_Bar2d_Maxi_Ori(int x, int y, int ori, int primary, int secondary, int country, int service, char mode, int numeric, LPCTSTR data); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Bar2d_Maxi(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal primary As Long, ByVal secondary As Long, ByVal country As Long, _ ByVal service As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Long, _ ByVal data As String) As Long Declare Function A_Bar2d_Maxi_Ori(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal ori As Long, ByVal primary As Long, ByVal secondary As Long, _ ByVal country As Long, ByVal service As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, _ ByVal numeric As Long, ByVal data As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Bar2d_Maxi(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal primary As Integer, ByVal secondary As Integer, ByVal country As Integer, _ ByVal service As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Integer, _ ByVal data As String) As Integer Declare Function A_Bar2d_Maxi_Ori(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal primary As Integer, ByVal secondary As Integer, _ ByVal country As Integer, ByVal service As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, _ ByVal numeric As Integer, ByVal data As String) As Integer PARAMETER x; X coordinate.(100 = 1 inch) y; Y coordinate.(100 = 1 inch) ori; Orientation or print direction, 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X primary; A 5-digit primary zip code. secondary; A 4-digit secondary zip code. country; A 3-digit country code. service; A 3-digit service code. mode; Add function as follows: +----+-------------------------------------+ |mode| REMARK | +----+-------------------------------------+ | A |Make auto increment for numeric. | +----+-------------------------------------+ | B |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.| +----+-------------------------------------+ | C |Make auto decrement for numeric. | +----+-------------------------------------+ | D |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.| +----+-------------------------------------+ | T |Change End character. | +----+-------------------------------------+ | N |Disable. | +----+-------------------------------------+ numeric; Automatically increment or decrement the filed value. Value:0~99. This field must exist When has add function. data; Data string. Up to 84 characters. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Bar2d_Maxi(100, 200, 32987, 444, 40, 55, 'N', 2, "TO 123"); A_Bar2d_Maxi_Ori(100, 200, 0, 32987, 444, 40, 55, 'N', 2, "TO 123"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Bar2d_Maxi(100, 200, 32987, 444, 40, 55, Asc("N"), 2, "TO 123") Call A_Bar2d_Maxi_Ori(100, 200, 0, 32987, 444, 40, 55, Asc("N"), 2, "TO 123") REMARK The A_Bar2d_Maxi function can print a Maxi Code 2D Barcode.
PURPOSE Create the 2D barcode object - PDF-417.
int A_Bar2d_PDF417(int x, int y, int narrow, int width, char normal,
int security, int aspect, int row, int column, char mode, int numeric,
LPCTSTR data);
int A_Bar2d_PDF417_Ori(int x, int y, int ori, int narrow, int width, char normal,
int security, int aspect, int row, int column, char mode, int numeric,
LPCTSTR data);
Declare Function A_Bar2d_PDF417(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal narrow As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal normal As Byte, _
ByVal security As Long, ByVal aspect As Long, ByVal row As Long, _
ByVal column As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Long, _
ByVal data As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Bar2d_PDF417_Ori(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal ori As Long, ByVal narrow As Long, ByVal width As Long, _
ByVal normal As Byte, ByVal security As Long, ByVal aspect As Long, _
ByVal row As Long, ByVal column As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, _
ByVal numeric As Long, ByVal data As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Bar2d_PDF417(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal narrow As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal normal As Byte, _
ByVal security As Integer, ByVal aspect As Integer, ByVal row As Integer, _
ByVal column As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Integer, _
ByVal data As String) As Integer
Declare Function A_Bar2d_PDF417_Ori(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal narrow As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, _
ByVal normal As Byte, ByVal security As Integer, ByVal aspect As Integer, _
ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, _
ByVal numeric As Integer, ByVal data As String) As Integer
X coordinate.(100 = 1 inch)
Y coordinate.(100 = 1 inch)
Orientation or print direction, 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X
define the narrow bar width from 1 to 24.
define the wide bar width from 1 to 24.
F: normal, T: truncated.
08: security level.
099: aspect ratio, 0 stands for 1:2.
390: row number, 0 for best fit.
130: column number,0 for best fit.
Add function as follows:
|mode| REMARK |
| A |Make auto increment for numeric. |
| B |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.|
| C |Make auto decrement for numeric. |
| D |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.|
| T |Change End character. |
| N |Disable. |
Automatically increment or decrement the filed value. Value:0~99.
This field must exist When has add function.
If mode is "T", the numeric is end character value(Decimal ASCII).
Data string.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Bar2d_PDF417(260, 0, 0, 0, 'F', 0, 0, 10, 2, 'B', 1, "ARGOXINFO");
A_Bar2d_PDF417_Ori(260, 0, 0, 0, 'F', 0, 0, 10, 2, 'T', 0,
"ARGOXINFO\r\nData 12345\r\nData 555");
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Bar2d_PDF417(260, 0, 0, 0, Asc("F"), 0, 0, 10, 2, Asc("B"), 1, "ARGOXINFO")
Call A_Bar2d_PDF417_Ori(260, 0, 0, 0, Asc("F"), 0, 0, 10, 2, Asc("T"), 0, _
"ARGOXINFO\r\nData 12345\r\nData 555")
REMARK The A_Bar2d_PDF417 function can print a PDF-417 2D Barcode.
PURPOSE Create the 2D barcode object - DataMatrix. SYNTAX VC: int A_Bar2d_DataMatrix(int x, int y, int rotation, int hor_mul, int ver_mul, int ECC, int data_format, int num_rows, int num_col, char mode, int numeric, LPCTSTR data); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Bar2d_DataMatrix(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal rotation As Long, ByVal hor_mul As Long, ByVal ver_mul As Long, _ ByVal ECC As Long, ByVal data_format As Long, ByVal num_rows As Long, _ ByVal num_col As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Long, _ ByVal data As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Bar2d_DataMatrix(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal rotation As Integer, ByVal hor_mul As Integer, ByVal ver_mul As Integer, _ ByVal ECC As Integer, ByVal data_format As Integer, ByVal num_rows As Integer, _ ByVal num_col As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Integer, _ ByVal data As String) As Integer PARAMETER x; X coordinate.(100 = 1 inch) y; Y coordinate.(100 = 1 inch) rotation; Orientation or print direction, 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X hor_mul; module size horizontal multiplier, value:1 ~ 24 ver_mul; module size vertical multiplier, value:1 ~ 24 ECC; error correction level; it must be fixed: 200 data_format; data format. it must be fixed: 0 num_rows; even number of rows, value:10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,32, 36,40,44,,48,52,64,72,80,88,96,104,120,132,144 num_col; even number of columns, value:10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,32, 36,40,44,,48,52,64,72,80,88,96,104,120,132,144 mode; Add function as follows: +----+-------------------------------------+ |mode| REMARK | +----+-------------------------------------+ | A |Make auto increment for numeric. | +----+-------------------------------------+ | B |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.| +----+-------------------------------------+ | C |Make auto decrement for numeric. | +----+-------------------------------------+ | D |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.| +----+-------------------------------------+ | T |Change End character. | +----+-------------------------------------+ | N |Disable. | +----+-------------------------------------+ numeric; Automatically increment or decrement the filed value. Value:0~99. This field must exist When has add function. data; Data string. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Bar2d_DataMatrix(100, 100, 1, 8, 8, 200, 0, 24, 24, 'N', 2, "DATAMATRIX"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Bar2d_DataMatrix(100, 100, 1, 8, 8, 200, 0, 24, 24, Asc("N"), 2, "DATAMATRIX") REMARK The A_Bar2d_DataMatrix function can print a DataMatrix 2D Barcode.
PURPOSE Clear Flash memory. SYNTAX VC: void A_Clear_Memory(void); VB: VBA: VB.net: Declare Sub A_Clear_Memory() EXAMPLE VC: A_Clear_Memory(); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Clear_Memory() REMARK The A_Clear_Memory function will clear all the graphics and soft fonts which stored in the printers flash memory. Normally this function is sent before the A_Print_Out(). Otherwise the graphics and fonts will be accumulated, and cause memory overflow. When "memory full" occurs, the printer will erase the first-in graphics or fonts. To avoid memory full and save processing time, you may send this function before the A_Print_Out().
PURPOSE Clean the stored "graphic data" in RAM or Flash memory. SYNTAX VC: int A_Del_Graphic(int mem_mode, char graphic[10]); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Del_Graphic(ByVal mem_mode As Long, _ ByVal graphic As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Del_Graphic(ByVal mem_mode As Integer, _ ByVal graphic As String) As Integer PARAMETER mem_mode; Memory mode, 1 => RAM, 2 => Flash Memory graphic; Maximum 9 characters for the graghic data name. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Del_Graphic(1, "AA"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Del_Graphic(1, "AA") REMARK The A_Del_Graphic function will delete the graphics data which already stored in printers RAM or flash memory. If certain gragics data was deleted, it will not be retrieved and printed unless be reloaded.
PURPOSE Create a "box" object. SYNTAX VC: int A_Draw_Box(char mode, int x, int y, int width, int height, int top, int side); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Draw_Box(ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal top As Long, _ ByVal side As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Draw_Box(ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal x As Integer, _ ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, _ ByVal top As Integer, ByVal side As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER mode; Set logical OR or XOR operation. A for XOR, N for OR. x; X coordinate. y; Y coordinate. width; Specifies the width of box. 0 ~ 9999. height; Specifies the height of box. 0 ~ 9999. top; Specifies the thickness of top and bottom box edges. Value:0 ~ 9999. side; Specifies the thickness of side edges. Value:0 ~ 9999. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Draw_Box('N', 260, 30, 130, 105, 4, 4); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Draw_Box(Asc("N"), 260, 30, 130, 105, 4, 4) REMARK The A_Draw_Box function will draw a box by "OR" or "XOR" operation.
PURPOSE Create an "line" object.
int A_Draw_Line(char mode, int x, int y, int width, int height);
Declare Function A_Draw_Line(ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal x As Long, _
ByVal y As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long) As Long
Declare Function A_Draw_Line(ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal x As Integer, _
ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) As Integer
Set logical OR or XOR operation. A for XOR, N for OR.
X coordinate.
Y coordinate.
Specifies the width of line from 09999.
Specifies the height of line from 09999.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Draw_Line('A', 285, 77, 2, 30);
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Draw_Line(Asc("A"), 285, 77, 2, 30)
REMARK The Draw_Line function will draw a line by "OR" or "XOR" operation.
PURPOSE Feed out one label from printer. SYNTAX VC: void A_Feed_Label(void); VB: VBA: VB.net: Declare Sub A_Feed_Label() EXAMPLE VC: A_Feed_Label(); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Feed_Label() REMARK This function will feed out a label till its gap was detected. If the paper is in continuous type, it will feed a prefixed length and perform the same operation when pressing the "Feed" button.
PURPOSE Get or show this verison for library. SYNTAX VC: char* A_Get_DLL_Version(int nShowMessage); int A_Get_DLL_VersionA(int nShowMessage); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Get_DLL_Version(ByVal nShowMessage As Long) As Long Declare Function A_Get_DLL_VersionA(ByVal nShowMessage As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Get_DLL_Version(ByVal nShowMessage As Integer) As String Declare Function A_Get_DLL_VersionA(ByVal nShowMessage As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER nShowMessage; 0 -> The message dailog isn't showed. 1 -> The message dailog is showed. RETURN A_Get_DLL_Version(); Library verison string, if fail return NULL. A_Get_DLL_VersionA(); return version value. MainVersion = (return version value) / 100. SubVersion = (return version value) % 100. EXAMPLE VC: int nVersion, nMainVersion, nSubVersion; nVersion = A_Get_DLL_VersionA(1); nMainVersion = nVersion / 100; nSubVersion = nVersion % 100; VB: VBA: Dim nVersion, nMainVersion, nSubVersion As Long nVersion = A_Get_DLL_VersionA(1) nMainVersion = Int(nVersion / 100) nSubVersion = nVersion Mod 100 VB.net: Dim nVersion, nMainVersion, nSubVersion As Integer nVersion = A_Get_DLL_VersionA(1) nMainVersion = nVersion / 100 nSubVersion = nVersion Mod 100 REMARK The A_Get_DLL_Version function is used to get or show this verison for library. Because the A_Get_DLL_Version() is return the string. If using VB and VBA to develop, need to use RtlMoveMemory() to convert, there is technical difficulty to using RtlMoveMemory(). If you use VB and VBA to develop propose not using this function, please change to use A_Get_DLL_VersionA(). If you must use A_Get_DLL_Version(), please reference MSDN.
PURPOSE Download graph data from PC into the printer's RAM or Flash memory, the user must to know picture format, otherwise cannot be print. The picture of BMP format that the print result will be inverted. SYNTAX VC: int A_Get_Graphic(int x, int y, int mem_mode, char format, LPCTSTR filename); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Get_Graphic(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal mem_mode As Long, ByVal format As Byte, ByVal filename As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Get_Graphic(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal mem_mode As Integer, ByVal format As Byte, _ ByVal filename As String) As Integer PARAMETER x; X coordinate. y; Y coordinate. mem_mode; Memory mode, 1 => RAM, 2 => Flash Memory Notice: The flash writing lifespan is limited, unless for special applications that require store in Flash memory then recall in another procedure, for general printing, it's strongly recommended that all graphics being download into RAM. format; Image file format. +------+----------------------------+---------+ |format|Image File Format |Direction| +------+----------------------------+---------+ | B |1 and 8-bits BMP file format|flipped | +------+----------------------------+---------+ | b |1 and 8-bits BMP file format| | +------+----------------------------+---------+ | I |8-bits IMG file format |flipped | +------+----------------------------+---------+ | i |8-bits IMG file format | | +------+----------------------------+---------+ | P |8-bits PCX file format |flipped | +------+----------------------------+---------+ | p |8-bits PCX file format | | +------+----------------------------+---------+ filename; File name of graphic data with path. The format is XXXXXXXX.XXX or X:\XXX\XXX.XXX RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Get_Graphic(275, 50, 1, 'B', "bb.bmp"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Get_Graphic(275, 50, 1, Asc("B"), "bb.bmp") REMARK The Get_Graphic function will store graphic object in RAM memory.
PURPOSE To convert BMP image file to grayscale mode and store the graphics in
the printer's RAM or flash memory.
int A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(int x, int y, int mem_mode, char format,
LPCTSTR filename);
int A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight,
int rotate, int mem_mode, char format, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR filename);
int A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight,
int rotate, int mem_mode, char format, LPCTSTR id_name, HBITMAP hbm);
Declare Function A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal mem_mode As Long, ByVal format As Byte, ByVal filename As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(ByVal x As Long, _
ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, _
ByVal rotate As Long, ByVal mem_mode As Long, ByVal format As Byte, _
ByVal id_name As String, ByVal filename As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(ByVal x As Long, _
ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, _
ByVal rotate As Long, ByVal mem_mode As Long, ByVal format As Byte, _
ByVal id_name As String, ByVal hbm As Long) As Long
Declare Function A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal mem_mode As Integer, ByVal format As Byte, _
ByVal filename As String) As Integer
Declare Function A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(ByVal x As Integer, _
ByVal y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, _
ByVal rotate As Integer, ByVal mem_mode As Integer, ByVal format As Byte, _
ByVal id_name As String, ByVal filename As String) As Integer
Declare Function A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(ByVal x As Integer, _
ByVal y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, _
ByVal rotate As Integer, ByVal mem_mode As Integer, ByVal format As Byte, _
ByVal id_name As String, ByVal hbm As Integer) As Integer
This parameter specifies the width of the scaled graphics;
0 indicates original width.
This parameter specifies the height of the scaled graphics;
0 indicates original height.
This parameter specifies the degree of rotation of the scaled graphics;
'0' is 0�X�A'1' is 90�X�B'2' is 180�X�A'3' is 270�X.
Storage location, 1 => RAM, 2 => Flash Memory
Note: Flash memory has a limited lifetime. It is recommended that data
be stored in RAM unless it will be reused.
Image file format.
|format|Image Format|Direction|
| B | BMP format |flipped |
| b | BMP format | |
Provides a name to be stored in the printer for identification purposes;
can be call out graphic directly via the A_Load_Graphic() function.
Name of graphics file; may contain file path.
The format is as follows: XXXXXXXX.XXX or X:\XXX\XXX.XXX
GDI HBITMAP Handle, which supports only the IMAGE_BITMAP format.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(30, 20, 1, 'B', "bb.bmp");
A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(30, 20, 200, 150, 2, 1, 'B', "bb1", "bb.bmp");//180 angle.
HANDLE himage = LoadImage(NULL,"bb.bmp",IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADFROMFILE);
A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(30, 20, 250, 80, 1, 1, 'B', "bb2", (HBITMAP)himage);//90 angle.
Private Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" Alias "LoadImageA" (ByVal hInst As Long, _
ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long, _
ByVal un2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "Gdi32" (ByVal ho As Long) As Long
Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(30, 20, 1, Asc("B"), "bb.bmp");
Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(30, 20, 200, 150, 2, 1, Asc("B"), "bb1", "bb.bmp") ' 180 angle.
Dim himage As Long
himage = LoadImage(0, "bb.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE)
Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(30, 20, 250, 80, 1, 1, Asc("B"), "bb2", himage) ' 90 angle.
If himage Then
Call DeleteObject(himage)
End If
Vb.net: Const IMAGE_BITMAP = 0 Const LR_LOADFROMFILE = &H10 Private Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" Alias "LoadImageA" (ByVal hInst As Integer, _ ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal un1 As Integer, ByVal n1 As Integer, ByVal n2 As Integer, _ ByVal un2 As Integer) As Integer
Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(30, 20, 1, Asc("B"), "bb.bmp");
Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(30, 20, 200, 150, 2, 1, Asc("B"), "bb1", "bb.bmp") ' 180 angle.
Dim himage As Integer
himage = LoadImage(0, "bb.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE)
Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(30, 20, 250, 80, 1, 1, Asc("B"), "bb2", himage) ' 90 angle.
REMARK You may provide a color BMP image file of any bit map to the A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP() function; it will automatically be converted to a B&W grayscale image and sent to the printer for output. The A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx() and A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap() functions can be used to carry out zoom in, zoom out and rotation functions. They take file names and GDI HBITMAP Handles as data sources.
PURPOSE Perform the initial paprameter setting (send the command code into printer directly). SYNTAX VC: int A_Initial_Setting(int Type, LPCTSTR Source); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Initial_Setting(ByVal ttype As Long, _ ByVal Source As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Initial_Setting(ByVal ttype As Integer, _ ByVal Source As String) As Integer PARAMETER Type; To choose type to input. The value is 0 -> to import a string. The value is 1 -> to import a file. Source; The data source is string or file name in path. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: LPCTSTR aa = "122300001000200EXAMPLE\r\n"; A_Initial_Setting(0, aa); or A_Initial_Setting(1, "initfile.txt"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Dim aa As String aa = "122300001000200EXAMPLE" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) Call A_Initial_Setting(0, aa) or Call A_Initial_Setting(1,"initfile.txt") REMARK The A_Initial_Setting function is prescored to send some commands defined by user. The function will send a string with some commands or a file. The command should be placed after the A_Create_Prn() function.
PURPOSE To output data immediately or send it to temporary area.
int A_WriteData(int IsImmediate, LPCTSTR pbuf, DWORD length);
Declare Function A_WriteData(ByVal IsImmediate As Long, _
ByVal pbuf As String, ByVal length As Long) As Long
Declare Function A_WriteData(ByVal IsImmediate As Integer, _
ByVal pbuf As Byte(), ByVal length As ULong) As Integer
1 that the data should be sent immediately, and only the data in pbuf should
be sent to the output port;
0 that the data is to be stored to the temporary area and will only be sent
when A_Print_Out() is called.
The data pointer to be sent.
Length of pbuf data.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
const char sznop1[] = "nop_front\r\n";
const char sznop2[] = "nop_middle\r\n";
A_WriteData(0, sznop2, (DWORD)strlen(sznop2));
A_WriteData(1, sznop1, (DWORD)strlen(sznop1));
Dim sznop1 As String = "nop_front" + vbCrLf
Dim sznop2 As String = "nop_middle" + vbCrLf
Call A_WriteData(0, sznop2, Len(sznop2))
Call A_WriteData(1, sznop1, Len(sznop1))
Dim encAscII = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII
Dim sznop1 As String = "nop_front" + vbCrLf
Dim sznop2 As String = "nop_middle" + vbCrLf
Call A_WriteData(0, encAscII.GetBytes(sznop2), sznop2.Length)
Call A_WriteData(1, encAscII.GetBytes(sznop1), sznop1.Length)
REMARK Any controls, commands or data that you wish to send to the printer can
be sent via this function.
PURPOSE To retrieve data from the printer. SYNTAX VC: int A_ReadData(LPTSTR pbuf, DWORD length, DWORD dwTimeoutms); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_ReadData(ByVal pbuf As String, ByVal length As Long, _ ByVal dwTimeoutms As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_ReadData(ByVal pbuf As Byte(), ByVal length As ULong, _ ByVal dwTimeoutms As ULong) As Integer PARAMETER pbuf; Contains the pointer to the returned data. If it is a null pointer, no data is written. length; Size of data to be read. dwTimeoutms; Time counter, i.e. maximum length of time allowed when reading data (unit: ms). RETURN Size of data to be read. EXAMPLE VC: int ret; char temp[10]={0}; A_WriteData(1, "\x01\x46\r\n", 4);//F ret = A_ReadData(temp, 2, 1000);//1 second. VB: VBA: Dim ret As Integer Dim temp As String temp = Space(10) temp = Chr(1) + Chr(70) + vbCrLf Call A_WriteData(1, temp, 4) 'F ret = A_ReadData(temp, 2, 1000) '1 second. VB.net: Dim ret As Integer Dim temp(10) As Byte temp(0) = &H1 temp(1) = &H46 temp(2) = &HD temp(3) = &HA Call A_WriteData(1, temp, 4) 'F ret = A_ReadData(temp, 2, 1000) '1 second. REMARK This function is used to read the data returned from the printer, so please check to see if the communication port being used has the ability to return data. Use this function in conjunction with the A_WriteData() function and refer to the ��Argox programmer's manual�� for additional information.
PURPOSE Acquire the graphic data which stored in the RAM or Flash memory. SYNTAX VC: int A_Load_Graphic(int x, int y, char graphic_name[10]); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Load_Graphic(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal graphic_name As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Load_Graphic(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal graphic_name As String) As Integer PARAMETER x; X coordinate. y; Y coordinate. graphic_name; Graph name with a maximum of 9 characters. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Load_Graphic(265, 35, "AB"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Load_Graphic(265, 35, "AB") REMARK The A_Load_Graphic() function will print a graphic data which has been downloaded into the printer.
PURPOSE Open Chinese dot font file (1615 and 2424). SYNTAX VC: int A_Open_ChineseFont(char* path); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Open_ChineseFont(ByVal path As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Open_ChineseFont(ByVal path As String) As Integer PARAMETER path; The Chinese dot font file source path. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Open_ChineseFont("C:\ET3"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Open_ChineseFont("C:\ET3"); REMARK The A_Open_ChineseFont function will open Chinese dot font file (1615 �M 2424). And give Prn_Text_Chinese function to used.
PURPOSE Perform printing function. And acquire the form data which stored in RAM or Flash memory. SYNTAX VC: int A_Print_Form(int width, int height, int copies, int amount, LPTSTR form_name); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Print_Form(ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, _ ByVal copies As Long, ByVal amount As Long, ByVal form_name As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Print_Form(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, _ ByVal copies As Integer, ByVal amount As Integer, _ ByVal form_name As String) As Integer PARAMETER width; Width - 1 or 2. height; Height - 1, 2 or 3. copies; Specifies the label quantity. Value:1 ~ 9999. amount; Specifies the number of labels which will be generated before incrementing/decrementing the fields. Value:1 ~ 99. form_name; Input form's name. Use "," to differentiate string form. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Print_Form(1, 1, 1, 1, "demo"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Print_Form(1, 1, 1, 1, "demo") REMARK The A_Print_Form function access data of all commands in the form. First used A_set_form() to store a form in printer. The command have to be placed after all commands. Befor A_ClosePrn(). The width and height parameter is setting width and height pixel size. You can set the pixel size except the smallest one by this function. Reducing the resolution will causes the image pixel to be amplified and generate zigzag output phenomenon. The amount parameter can be used to increment or decrement field values more than one label which can be set only once during label formatting mode.
PURPOSE Perform printing function. SYNTAX VC: int A_Print_Out(int width, int height, int copies, int amount); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Print_Out(ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, _ ByVal copies As Long, ByVal amount As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Print_Out(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, _ ByVal copies As Integer, ByVal amount As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER width; Width - 1 or 2. height; Height - 1, 2 or 3. copies; Specifes the label quantity. Value:1 ~ 9999. amount; Specifies the number of labels to be generated before incrementing/decrementing the fields. Value:1 ~ 99. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Print_Out(1, 1, 3, 1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Print_Out(1, 1, 3, 1) REMARK The A_Print_Out function access data of all commands. This command has to be placed after all function and before A_ClosePrn().The width and height parameter is setting width and height pixel size. You can set the pixel size except the smallest one by this function. Reducing the resolution will causes the image pixel to be amplified and generate the zigzag output. The amount parameter can be used to incrementing or decrementing field values more than one label which can be set only once during label formatting mode.
PURPOSE Create a "barcode" object.
int A_Prn_Barcode(int x, int y, int ori, char type, int narrow, int width,
int height, char mode, int numeric, LPTSTR data);
Declare Function A_Prn_Barcode(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal ori As Long, ByVal typee As Byte, ByVal narrow As Long, _
ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, _
ByVal numeric As Long, ByVal data As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Prn_Barcode(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal typee As Byte, ByVal narrow As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, _
ByVal numeric As Integer, ByVal data As String) As Integer
X coordinate.
Y coordinate.
Orientation or print direction, 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X
Bar code type as follows:
|Bar code |Length |Check|Type for|Type for |Valid |Bar ratio|
| | |sum |readable|nonreadable|codes | |
| | | |string |string | | |
|Code 3 of 9 |variable |no |'A' |'a' |09,AZ,$%+-|2:1~ |
| | | | | |./and space |3:1 |
|UPC-A |12 digis |yes |'B' |'b' |09 |2:3:4 |
| |(11+1) | | | | | |
|UPC-E |7 digits |yes |'C' |'c' |09 |2:3:4 |
| |(6+1) | | | | | |
|Interleaved |variable |no |'D' |'d' |09 |2:1 |
|2 of 5 (I25)| | | | | |3:1 |
|Code 128 |variable |yes |'E' |'e' |form code 0 |2:3:4 |
| | | | | |to 127(Note1)| |
|EAN-13 |13 digits |yes |'F' |'f' |09 |2:3:4 |
| |(12+1) | | | | | |
|ENA-8 |8 digits |yes |'G' |'g' |09 |2:3:4 |
| |(7+1) | | | | | |
|HBIC |variable |yes |'H' |'h' |09,AZ,$%+-|2:1~ |
| | | | | |./and space |3:1 |
|Coda bar |at least 3|no |'I' |'i' |09,AZ,$+-. |2:1~ |
| |characters| | | |And / |3:1 |
|Interleaved |variable |yes |'J' |'j' |09 |2:1 |
|2 of 5 with +----------+ | | | |3:1 |
|a modulo 10 checksum | | | | | |
|Plessey |114 |yes |'K' |'k' |09 |2:1~ |
| |digits | | | | |3:1 |
|Interleaved |variable |yes |'L' |'l' |09 |2:1 |
|2 of 5 with +----------+-----+--------+-----------+ |3:1 |
|a modulo 10 checksum and shipping bearer bars | | |
|UPC2 |2 digits |no |'M' |'m' |09 |2:3:4 |
|UPC5 |5 digits |no |'N' |'n' |09 |2:3:4 |
|Code 93 |variable |no |'O' |'o' |09,AZ,$%*+-|2:3:4 |
| | | | | |./and space | |
|Postnet |variable |yes |not |'p' |09 | |
| | | |defined | | | |
|UCC/EAN Code|20 digits |yes |'Q' |'q' |09 |2:3:4 |
|128 |(19+1) | | | | | |
|UCC/EAN Code|18 digits |yes |'R' |'r' |09 |2:3:4 |
|128 k-MART | | | | | | |
|UCC/EAN Code|variable |yes |'S' |'s' |09 |2:3:4 |
|128 Random | | | | | | |
|weight | | | | | | |
|Telepen |variable |yes |'T' |'t' |form code 0 |2:3:4 |
| | | | | |to 127 | |
|FIM |1 |no |not |'v' |A,B,C and D | |
| |character | |defined | | | |
Note1: The Code 128 supports subsets A, B, and C. The default code subset is B;
otherwise, the first character (A, B, C) of the data field determines
the subset. So in order to prevent misjudgment, please additional
a character (A, B, C) before your data.
Example: subset = B
barcode data = "Bar code"
output = "BBar code"
Note: Please refer to the Argox PPLA Programmer Manual Section
Define the narrow bar width from 0 ~ 24.
Define the wide bar width from 0 ~ 24.
Note: The values of narrow and width must consult the proportion of bar ratio on forms.
Bar code height. Value:0 ~ 999.
Add function as follows:
|mode| REMARK |
| A |Make auto increment for numeric. |
| B |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.|
| C |Make auto decrement for numeric. |
| D |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.|
| N |Disable. |
Automaticall increment or decrement the filed value. Value:0 ~ 99.
This field must exist When has add function.
Data string.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Prn_Barcode(150, 20, 4, 'A', 0, 0, 20, 'B', 1, "ABCD");
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Prn_Barcode(150, 20, 4, Asc("A"), 0, 0, 20, Asc("B"), 1, "ABCD")
REMARK The A_Prn_Barcode function can print a special Barcode�C
PURPOSE Create a "text" object.
int A_Prn_Text(int x, int y, int ori, int font, int type, int hor_factor,
int ver_factor, char mode, int numeric, LPCTSTR data);
Declare Function A_Prn_Text(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal ori As Long, _
ByVal font As Long, ByVal typee As Long, ByVal hor_factor As Long, _
ByVal ver_factor As Long, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Long, _
ByVal data As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Prn_Text(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal font As Integer, ByVal typee As Integer, _
ByVal hor_factor As Integer, ByVal ver_factor As Integer, ByVal mode As Byte, _
ByVal numeric As Integer, ByVal data As String) As Integer
X coordinate.
Y coordinate.
Orientation or print direction, 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X
Font type as follows:
Note:Refer to the font tables in User's Manual.
As follows:
|font |type |Font Type |
|0,1,2,3,4,5,6,|0 |font 0font 8 respectively.|
|7,8 | | |
|9 |07 |ASD smooth fonts. |
| | |0:4points, 1:6points, |
| | |2:8points, 3:10points, |
| | |4:12points, 5:14points, |
| | |6:18points. |
|9 |xxx |PCL soft font. |
| | |xxx : soft font ID with |
| | | 3 digits |
|11 |0~7 |Courier fonts,(0 represents|
| | |symbol set) |
| | |0:Roman-8, 1:ECMA-94, |
| | |2:PC set, 3:PC set A, |
| | |4:PC set B, 5:Legal, |
| | |6:Greek, 7:Russian. |
|12 |0 |Font selection form font |
| | |board. |
Horizontal scale factor. Value:1 ~ 24
Vertical scale factor. Value:1 ~ 24
Add function as follows:
|mode| REMARK |
| A |Make auto increment for numeric. |
| B |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.|
| C |Make auto decrement for numeric. |
| D |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.|
| M |Toggle the mirror mode. |
| N |Disable. |
Automaticall increment or decrement the filed value. Value:0 ~ 99.
This field must exist When has add function.
Data string.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Prn_Text(310, 35, 1, 9, 0, 1, 1, 'N', 2, "PPLA COMMAND");
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Prn_Text(310, 35, 1, 9, 0, 1, 1, Asc("N"), 2, "PPLA COMMAND")
REMARK The A_Prn_Text function can print a line text.
PURPOSE Create a "text" object with Chinese dot font file (1615 or 2424). SYNTAX VC: int A_Prn_Text_Chinese(int x, int y, int fonttype, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data, int mem_mode); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Prn_Text_Chinese(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal fonttype As Long, ByVal id_name As String, ByVal data As String, _ ByVal mem_mode As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Prn_Text_Chinese(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal fonttype As Integer, ByVal id_name As String, ByVal data As String, _ ByVal mem_mode As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER x; X coordinates.(dot) y; Y coordinates.(dot) fonttype; Select Chinese dot font file. 0 -> 1615�B1 -> 2424. id_name; To give a id name to store in printer after calling text by A_Load_Graphic(). data; A text string. mem_mode; Memory mode, 1 => RAM, 2 => Flash Memory Notice: The flash writing lifespan is limited, unless for special applications that require store in Flash memory then recall in another procedure, for general printing, it's strongly recommended that all graphics being download into RAM. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Open_ChineseFont("C:\ET3"); A_Prn_Text_Chinese(100, 100, 0, "A01", "��a�Q�q���e�Ϣ�Ѣ�Ң�", 1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Open_ChineseFont("C:\ET3") Call A_Prn_Text_Chinese(100, 100, 0, "A01", "��a�Q�q���e�Ϣ�Ѣ�Ң�", 1) REMARK The A_Prn_Text_Chinese function is able to print a text for Chinese dot font file (1615 or 2424).
PURPOSE To print a line of text in TrueType font. SYNTAX VC: int A_Prn_Text_TrueType(int x, int y, int FSize, LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic, int FUnline, int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data, int mem_mode); int A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(int x, int y, int FHeight, int FWidth, LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic, int FUnline, int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data, int mem_mode); int A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(int x, int y, int FSize, LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic, int FUnline, int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCWSTR data, int format, int mem_mode); int A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(int x, int y, int FSize, LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic, int FUnline, int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data, int format, int mem_mode); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal FSize As Long, ByVal FType As String, ByVal Fspin As Long, _ ByVal FWeight As Long, ByVal FItalic As Long, ByVal FUnline As Long, _ ByVal FStrikeOut As Long, ByVal id_name As String, ByVal data As String, _ ByVal mem_mode As Long) As Long Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal FHeight As Long, ByVal FWidth As Long, ByVal FType As String, _ ByVal Fspin As Long, ByVal FWeight As Long, ByVal FItalic As Long, _ ByVal FUnline As Long, ByVal FStrikeOut As Long, ByVal id_name As String, _ ByVal data As String, ByVal mem_mode As Long) As Long Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal FSize As Long, ByVal FType As String, ByVal Fspin As Long, _ ByVal FWeight As Long, ByVal FItalic As Long, ByVal FUnline As Long, _ ByVal FStrikeOut As Long, ByVal id_name As String, ByRef data As Byte, _ ByVal format As Long, ByVal mem_mode As Long) As Long Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal FSize As Long, ByVal FType As String, ByVal Fspin As Long, _ ByVal FWeight As Long, ByVal FItalic As Long, ByVal FUnline As Long, _ ByVal FStrikeOut As Long, ByVal id_name As String, ByRef data As Byte, _ ByVal format As Long, ByVal mem_mode As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal FSize As Integer, ByVal FType As String, ByVal Fspin As Integer, _ ByVal FWeight As Integer, ByVal FItalic As Integer, ByVal FUnline As Integer, _ ByVal FStrikeOut As Integer, ByVal id_name As String, ByVal data As String, _ ByVal mem_mode As Integer) As Integer Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal FHeight As Integer, ByVal FWidth As Integer, ByVal FType As String, _ ByVal Fspin As Integer, ByVal FWeight As Integer, ByVal FItalic As Integer, _ ByVal FUnline As Integer, ByVal FStrikeOut As Integer, ByVal id_name As String, _ ByVal data As String, ByVal mem_mode As Integer) As Integer Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal FSize As Integer, ByVal FType As String, ByVal Fspin As Integer, _ ByVal FWeight As Integer, ByVal FItalic As Integer, ByVal FUnline As Integer, _ ByVal FStrikeOut As Integer, ByVal id_name As String, ByVal data As Byte(), _ ByVal format As Integer, ByVal mem_mode As Integer) As Integer Declare Function A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _ ByVal FSize As Integer, ByVal FType As String, ByVal Fspin As Integer, _ ByVal FWeight As Integer, ByVal FItalic As Integer, ByVal FUnline As Integer, _ ByVal FStrikeOut As Integer, ByVal id_name As String, ByVal data As Byte(), _ ByVal format As Integer, ByVal mem_mode As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER x; X-coordinates. y; Y-coordinates. FSize; TrueType font size; unit: dot. FHeight; Font height, unit: dot. FWidth; Font width, unit: dot. FType; Name of TrueType font. Fspin; TrueType font rotation. 1 -> 0, 2 -> 90, 3 -> 180, 4 -> 270 FWeight; TrueType font thickness. 0 and NULL is and 400 -> 400 Standard, 100 -> Extra fine, 200 -> Very fine, 300 -> Fine, 500 -> Normal, 600 -> Half-bold, 700 -> Bold, 800 -> Extra bold, 900 -> Boldface. FItalic; TrueType font set to Italic. 0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE. FUnline; TrueType font set to underlined. 0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE. FStrikeOut; TrueType font set to strikethrough. 0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE. id_name; Provides a name to be stored in the printer for identification purposes; can be call out graphic directly via the A_Load_Graphic() function. data; Text content. For A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni() and A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(), the encoding of input data string should be in UTF-8, UTF-16, or in Unicode big endian format; the string must be terminated with 0. format; Encoding scheme used to decode Unicode data. 0 -> Determined by the BOM (byte order mark) in the string header. 1 -> UTF-16. 2 -> Unicode big endian. 3 -> UTF-8. mem_mode; Storage location of graphics, 1 => RAM, 2 => Flash Memory Note: Flash memory has a limited lifetime. It is recommended that data be stored in RAM unless it will be reused. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: char *ver, *pbuf = new char[128]; A_Prn_Text_TrueType(20, 60, 30, "Arial", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AA", "TrueType Font", 1);//save in ram. A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(20, 90, 20, 20, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AB", "TT_W: �h�r������", 1); A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(20, 120, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AC", L"TT_Uni: �h�r������", 1, 1);//UTF-16 strcpy(pbuf, "\xFF\xFE");//UTF-16. memcpy(&pbuf[2], (char )L"TT_UniB: �h�r������", 152);//copy mutil byte. A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(20, 150, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AD", pbuf, 0, 1);//Byte Order Mark. VB: VBA: Dim buff1(128) As Byte Dim buff2() As Byte Dim i As Integer Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType(20, 60, 30, "Arial", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AA", _ "TrueType Font", 1) 'save in ram. Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(20, 90, 20, 20, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _ "AB", "TT_W: �h�r������", 1) buff2 = StrConv("TT_Uni: �h�r������", vbNarrow) 'Converts UNICODE(wide characters) to single-byte characters. For i = LBound(buff2) To UBound(buff2) buff1(i) = buff2(i) Next i buff1(26) = 0 'null. buff1(27) = 0 Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(20, 120, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _ "AC", buff1(0), 1, 1) 'UTF-16 buff1(0) = 255 'UTF-16. buff1(1) = 254 buff2 = StrConv("TT_UniB: �h�r������", vbNarrow) 'Converts UNICODE(wide characters) to single-byte characters. For i = LBound(buff2) To UBound(buff2) buff1(i + 2) = buff2(i) Next i buff1(30) = 0 'null. buff1(31) = 0 Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(20, 150, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _ "AD", buff1(0), 0, 1) 'Byte Order Mark. VB.net: Dim pbuf(128) As Byte Dim encUnicode = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType(20, 60, 30, "Arial", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AA", _ "TrueType Font", 1) 'save in ram. Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(20, 90, 20, 20, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _ "AB", "TT_W: �h�r������", 1) Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(20, 120, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _ "AC", encUnicode.GetBytes("TT_Uni: �h�r������"), 1, 1) 'UTF-16 pbuf(0) = 255 'UTF-16. pbuf(1) = 254 encUnicode.GetBytes("TT_UniB: �h�r������", 0, 14, pbuf, 2) 'copy mutil byte. pbuf(30) = 0 'null. pbuf(31) = 0 Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(20, 150, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, _ "AD", pbuf, 0, 1) 'Byte Order Mark. REMARK The A_Prn_Text_TrueType() function prints a line of text in TrueType font.
PURPOSE Setup the "back feed" function. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Backfeed(int back); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Backfeed(ByVal back As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Backfeed(ByVal back As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER back; Stop position. Value:220 ~ 999. The default is 220 in the printer. Note: 1 = 0.01 inches. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Backfeed(320); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Backfeed(320) REMARK The A_Set_Backfeed() function enables the label to be fed a little bit ahead after printing which user could tear it off easily. And the label roll will be withdraw to proper position before the next label printed. Back-feed will not be activated if the value less than 220. Under multi-copy or countinuous printing, this command is vaild only for the first label.
PURPOSE Save Image File. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_BMPSave(int nSave, char *pstrBMPFName); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_BMPSave(ByVal nSave As Long, _ ByVal pstrBMPFName As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_BMPSave(ByVal nSave As Integer, _ ByVal pstrBMPFName As String) As Integer PARAMETER nSave; 1 -> Save Image. 0 -> Don't Save Image. pstrBMPFName; File Name. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_BMPSave(1, "C:\TempBMP.bmp"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_BMPSave(1, "C:\TempBMP.bmp") REMARK The A_Set_BMPSave function can decide to save image to file.
PURPOSE Setup the "cutting" function. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Cutting(int cutting); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Cutting(ByVal cutting As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Cutting(ByVal cutting As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER cutting; Specified count number of label to be cut. Value: 0 ~ 9999. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Cutting(12); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Cutting(12) REMARK The A_Set_Cutting function is available only when the cutter is installed(Enable Cutter). Set "cutting" after the specified count number of labels.
PURPOSE Setup the "darkness" function (heating level). SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Darkness(int heat); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Darkness(ByVal darkness As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Darkness(ByVal darkness As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER heat; Set heat value(0 ~ 20). Default value 10. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Darkness(12); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Darkness(12) REMARK Heat value will define the image's darkness. To get a printout with better quality, you should consider following factors i.e. media material, ribbon types(wax,semi-resin and resin) and image pattern itself.
PURPOSE Enable Debug Message Dialog. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_DebugDialog(int nEnable); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_DebugDialog(ByVal nEnable As Long) As Long VB: Declare Function A_Set_DebugDialog(ByVal nEnable As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER nEnable; 1 -> Enable. 0 -> Disable. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_DebugDialog(1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_DebugDialog(1) REMARK The A_Set_DebugDialog function set debug message dialog.
PURPOSE Feed out one label from printer.
int A_Set_Feed(char rate);
Declare Function A_Set_Feed(ByVal rate As Byte) As Long
Declare Function A_Set_Feed(ByVal rate As Byte) As Integer
Set feed speed as follows:(AK)
| A |1.0 ips| B |1.5 ips| C |2.0 ips| D |2.5 ips| E |3.0 ips| F |3.5 ips|
| G |4.0 ips| H |4.5 ips| I |5.0 ips| J |5.5 ips| K |6.0 ips| | |
| Printer |Speed Range|
|OS-214/204| AE |
| OS-314 | AC |
| X-1000 | AG |
| X-2000 | AI |
| X-3000 | AK |
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Set_Feed(Asc("E"))
REMARK The A_Set_Feed function will define the feed speed. Every time you
press the button or send Feed_Label function, the motor speed will
follow the parameter.
PURPOSE Download a form from PC into printers RAM or Flash memory. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Form(LPCTSTR formfile, LPCTSTR form_name, int mem_mode); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Form(ByVal formfile As String, ByVal form_name As String, _ ByVal mem_mode As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Form(ByVal formfile As String, ByVal form_name As String, _ ByVal mem_mode As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER formfile; File path for form. form_name; The form name is stored in printer. mem_mode; Memory mode, 1 => RAM, 2 => Flash Memory RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Form("demo.prn", "demo", 1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Form("demo.prn", "demo", 1) REMARK The A_Set_Form function activates a form store sequence to be printed. The function is used befor Print_Form().
PURPOSE Setup the top and left margin. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Margin(int position, int margin); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Margin(ByVal position As Long, _ ByVal margin As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Margin(ByVal position As Integer, _ ByVal margin As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER position; Set start print position.Value 0 ~ 9999. Format: 220 + position.(100 = one inch) margin; Set left margin.Value 0 ~ 9999. (100 = 1 inch) RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Margin(100, 100); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Margin(100, 100) REMARK The A_Set_Margin function used to set the offset value for initial printing position and sets the left margin or column offset. The default 220 makes the leading end of label under the TPH(print head) line. You may change it to meet the specific paper and margin settings. Different margin value will makes image to shift left or right.
PURPOSE Setup the serial port for printer. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Prncomport(int baud, int parity, int data, int stop); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Prncomport(ByVal baud As Long, ByVal parity As Long, _ ByVal data As Long, ByVal sstop As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Prncomport(ByVal baud As Integer, ByVal parity As Integer, _ ByVal data As Integer, ByVal sstop As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER baud; Baud, List: 0 -> 9600, 1 -> 600 2 -> 2400, 3 -> 19200 4 -> 4800, 5 -> 38400 6 -> 1200, 7 -> 9600 8 -> 57600, 9 -> 115200 parity; Parity, List: 0 -> none parity 1 -> even parity 2 -> odd parity data; Data bit number: 7 -> 7-bit data 8 -> 8-bit data stop; Stop bit number: 1 -> 1 stop bit 2 -> 2 stop bits RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Prncomport(0, 0, 8, 1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Prncomport(0, 0, 8, 1) REMARK The fuction of A_Set_Prncomport is to setup the value of printer serial Port. For successful communication between PC and Printer, this value should be commanded in accrodance with the setting value of PC. Besides, this command should be set before A_Print_Out() executed.
PURPOSE Setup the serial port for PC. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Prncomport_PC(int nBaudRate, int nByteSize, int nParity, int nStopBits, int nDsr, int nCts, int nXonXoff); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Prncomport_PC(ByVal nBaudRate As Long, _ ByVal nByteSize As Long, ByVal nParity As Long, ByVal nStopBits As Long, _ ByVal nDsr As Long, ByVal nCts As Long, ByVal nXonXoff As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Prncomport_PC(ByVal nBaudRate As Integer, _ ByVal nByteSize As Integer, ByVal nParity As Integer, ByVal nStopBits As Integer, _ ByVal nDsr As Integer, ByVal nCts As Integer, ByVal nXonXoff As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER nBaudRate; Baud rate: 1 -> 110 9 -> 19200 2 -> 300 10 -> 38400 3 -> 600 11 -> 56000 4 -> 1200 12 -> 57600 5 -> 2400 13 -> 115200 6 -> 4800 14 -> 128000 7 -> 9600 15 -> 256000 8 -> 14400 0 -> 9600 nByteSize; Data bit number: 0 -> 7-bit data 7 -> 7-bit data 8 -> 8-bit data nParity; Parity: 0 -> none parity 1 -> even parity 2 -> odd parity nStopBits; Stop bit number: 0 -> 1 stop bit 1 -> 1 stop bit 2 -> 2 stop bits nDsr; Setup hardware flow control 1 -> DTR CONTROL HANDSHAKE; 0 -> DTR CONTROL ENABLE; nCts; Setup hardware flow control 1 -> RTS CONTROL HANDSHAKE; 0 -> RTS CONTROL ENABLE; nXonXoff; Setup software flow control 0 -> Enable; 1 -> Disable; RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Prncomport_PC(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Prncomport_PC(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) REMARK The fuction of A_Set_Prncomport_PC is to setup the value of PC serial Port. For successful communication between PC and Printer, this value should be commanded in accrodance with the setting value of printer. Besides, this command should be set before A_Print_Out() executed.
PURPOSE Setup the "sensoring" mode (gap, black mark, continuous). SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Sensor_Mode(char type, int continuous); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Sensor_Mode(ByVal ttype As Byte, _ ByVal continuous As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Sensor_Mode(ByVal ttype As Byte, _ ByVal continuous As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER type; continuous; +----+-----------+---------------------------------+ |TYPE|continuous |REMARK | +----+-----------+---------------------------------+ | e | 0 |Select edge sensor (Default) | +----+-----------+---------------------------------+ | r | 0 |Select reflective sensor for gap | +----+-----------+---------------------------------+ | c |0~9999 inch|Set continuous paper type | +----+-----------+---------------------------------+ (100 = 1 inch) RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Sensor_Mode('c', 300); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Sensor_Mode(Asc("c"),300) REMARK Use "e" (see-through sensoring) for gap media . Use "r" (reflective sensoring) for black mark media. Use "c" for continuous media.
PURPOSE Setup the "print speed".
int A_Set_Speed(char speed);
Declare Function A_Set_Speed(ByVal speed As Byte) As Long
Declare Function A_Set_Speed(ByVal speed As Byte) As Integer
Set print speed as follows:(AK)
| A |1.0 ips| B |1.5 ips| C |2.0 ips| D |2.5 ips| E |3.0 ips| F |3.5 ips|
| G |4.0 ips| H |4.5 ips| I |5.0 ips| J |5.5 ips| K |6.0 ips| L |7.0 ips|
| Printer |Speed Range|
|OS-214/204| AE |
| OS-314 | AC |
| X-1000 | AG |
| X-2000 | AI |
| X-3000 | AL |
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Set_Speed(Asc("E"))
REMARK The A_Set_Speed function can control print speed.
PURPOSE Other function setup e.g. printing type, cutter and dispenser configuration, label length, slash zero mark, pause function .... SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Syssetting(int transfer, int cut_peel, int length, int zero, int pause); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Syssetting(ByVal transfer As Long, ByVal cut_peel As Long, _ ByVal Length As Long, ByVal zero As Long, ByVal pause As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Syssetting(ByVal transfer As Integer, _ ByVal cut_peel As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal zero As Integer, _ ByVal pause As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER transfer; Set transfer type as follows: +----------+------------------+ | transfer | REMARK | +----------+------------------+ | 0 | Disabel | +----------+------------------+ | 1 | Direct thermal | +----------+------------------+ | 2 | Thermal transfer | +----------+------------------+ cut_peel; Set cutter and dispenser configuration as follows: +----------+-----------------------------+ | cut_peel | REMARK | +----------+-----------------------------+ | 9 | Disable | +----------+-----------------------------+ | 0 | No cutter and peel function | +----------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | Cutter engaged | +----------+-----------------------------+ | 4 | Peel engaged | +----------+-----------------------------+ length; Set maximum label length.(1~1200) You set '0' is disable.(100 = 1 inch) zero; Change slash zero to normal zero. '0' is disable. '1' makes you use the normal zero. pause; Set pause for each printed label as follows: +-------+-------------+ | pause | REMARK | +-------+-------------+ | 0 | Disabel | +-------+-------------+ | 1 | Set pause | +-------+-------------+ | 2 | Cancel pause| +-------+-------------+ RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Syssetting(2, 0, 1200, 1, 2); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Syssetting(2, 0, 1200, 1, 2) REMARK The A_Set_Syssetting function is importance for the configuration.
PURPOSE Setup measurement unit (metric or inches). SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Unit(char unit); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Unit(ByVal unit As Byte) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Unit(ByVal unit As Byte) As Integer PARAMETER unit; The value of unit as follows: +------+---------------------------+ | unit | REMARK | +------+---------------------------+ | m | Set measurement in metric | +------+---------------------------+ | n | Set measurement in inches | +------+---------------------------+ RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Unit('n'); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Unit(Asc("n")) REMARK The A_Set_Unit function is used to set measurement in metric or inches.
PURPOSE Setup the gap length. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Gap(int gap); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Gap(ByVal gap As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Gap(ByVal gap As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER gap; Range: 0 ~ 36 mm. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Gap(0); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Gap(0) REMARK The A_Set_Gap function is used to set the distance of gap.
PURPOSE Set logic image printing mode. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_Logic(int Logic); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_Logic(ByVal Logic As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_Logic(ByVal Logic As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER Logic; 0:Printer default. 1:Logical XOR. 2:Logical OR. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Logic(1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Logic(1) REMARK The A_Set_Logic function is used to set logic image printing mode.
PURPOSE Enable or disable printing task transmission process bar. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_ProcessDlg(int nShow); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_ProcessDlg(ByVal nShow As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_ProcessDlg(ByVal nShow As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER nShow; 0 -> disable; 1 -> enable. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_ProcessDlg(1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_ProcessDlg(1) REMARK The A_Set_ProcessDlg function is used to disable or enable the Process bar Dialog.
PURPOSE Enable or disable retry inquiry dialog when transmitting fail. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_ErrorDlg(int nShow); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_ErrorDlg(ByVal nShow As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_ErrorDlg(ByVal nShow As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER nShow; 0 -> disable. 1 -> enable. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_ErrorDlg(1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_ErrorDlg(1) REMARK The A_Set_ErrorDlg function is used to disable or enable retry inquiry dialog when transmitting fail.
PURPOSE Set the Vertical Center. (For R400) SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_LabelVer(int centiInch); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_LabelVer(ByVal centiInch As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_LabelVer(ByVal centiInch As Integer) As Integer PARAMETER centiInch; Label Width; unit : 0.01 Inch. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_LabelVer(400); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_LableVer(400) REMARK The A_Set_LabelVer function is used to set the Vertical Center for R400.
PURPOSE Clear resident memory - RAM or Flash memory. SYNTAX VC: void A_Clear_MemoryEx(int nMode); VB: VBA: Declare Sub A_Clear_MemoryEx(ByVal nMode As Long) VB.net: Declare Sub A_Clear_MemoryEx(ByVal nMode As Integer) PARAMETER nMode; 0 --> Printer Default 1 --> RAM 2 --> Flash EXAMPLE VC: A_Clear_MemoryEx(1); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Clear_MemoryEx(1) REMARK The A_Clear_MemoryEx function will clear all the graphics and soft fonts which stored in the printers memory(RAM or flash memory). Normally this function is sent before the A_Print_Out(). Otherwise the graphics and fonts will be accumulated, and cause memory overflow. When "memory full" occurs, the printer will erase the first-in graphics or fonts. To avoid memory full and save processing time, you may send this function before the A_Print_Out().
PURPOSE Open or close mirror mode. SYNTAX VC: void A_Set_Mirror(void); VB: VBA: VB.net: Declare Sub A_Set_Mirror() EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_Mirror(); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_Mirror() REMARK The A_Set_Mirror function can start mirror mode and the printing functions following it will print text, barcodes, or pictures reversely. Mirror mode will be closed if A_Set_Mirror function is called again in the same program and the printing function following the second one will be printed normally. It can be called repeatedly in one program to decide which printing functions use mirror mode.
PURPOSE Create the 2D barcode object - RSS.
int A_Bar2d_RSS(int x, int y, int ori, int ratio, int height, char rtype,
int mult, int seg, LPCTSTR data1, LPCTSTR data2);
Declare Function A_Bar2d_RSS(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal ori As Long, _
ByVal ratio As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal rtype As Byte, _
ByVal mult As Long, ByVal seg As Long, ByVal data1 As String, _
ByVal data2 As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Bar2d_RSS(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal ratio As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal rtype As Byte, ByVal mult As Integer, ByVal seg As Integer, _
ByVal data1 As String, ByVal data2 As String) As Integer
X coordinate.(100 = 1 inch)
Y coordinate.(100 = 1 inch)
Orientation or print direction. 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X
Bar narrow and width ratio. Value: 19 (Default value: 2)
Barcode height.
The standard minimum height multiplier(default value):
RSS-14 -> 33 pixels
RSS Limited -> 10 pixels
RSS Stacked -> 13 pixels
RSS Truncated -> 13 pixels
RSS Stacked Omnidirectional -> 69 pixels
RSS Expanded -> 34 pixels
RSS type.
R -> RSS-14
L -> RSS Limited
S -> RSS Stacked
T -> RSS Truncated
D -> RSS Stacked Omnidirectional
E -> RSS Expanded
Pixel multiplier. Value: 19 (Default value: 1)
Segments per row. Only work in RSS Expanded.
Values: 2~22(even only); Default value: 22
Numeric data.
2D data.
1.'height' = 0 => actual barcode height = 'default' * 'ratio' * 'mult'
'height' = other value => actual barcode height = 'height'
2. The unit of barcode height is set by the ��n�� or ��STX>m�� command.
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Bar2d_RSS(100, 100, 1, 2, 33, 'R', 1, 4, "1234567890", "RSS code");
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Bar2d_RSS(100, 100, 1, 2, 33, Asc("R"), 1, 4, "1234567890", "RSS code")
REMARK The A_Bar2d_RSS function is used to print RSS barcode.
PURPOSE Create the 2D barcode object - QR code.
int A_Bar2d_QR_M(int x, int y, int ori, char mult, int value, int model,
char error, int mask, char dinput, char mode, int numeric, LPCTSTR data);
int A_Bar2d_QR_A(int x, int y, int ori, char mult, int value, char mode,
int numeric, LPCTSTR data);
Declare Function A_Bar2d_QR_M(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal ori As Long, ByVal mult As Byte, ByVal value As Long, _
ByVal model As Long, ByVal err As Byte, ByVal mask As Long, _
ByVal dinput As Byte, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Long, _
ByVal data As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Bar2d_QR_A(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal ori As Long, ByVal mult As Byte, ByVal value As Long, _
ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Long, ByVal data As String) As Long
Declare Function A_Bar2d_QR_M(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal mult As Byte, ByVal value As Integer, _
ByVal model As Integer, ByVal err As Byte, ByVal mask As Integer, _
ByVal dinput As Byte, ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Integer, _
ByVal data As String) As Integer
Declare Function A_Bar2d_QR_A(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal ori As Integer, ByVal mult As Byte, ByVal value As Integer, _
ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal numeric As Integer, ByVal data As String) As Integer
X coordinate.
Y coordinate.
Orientation or print direction. 1:0�X�B2:90�X�B3:180�X�B4:270�X
Horizontal and vertical multiplier for module size. Value: 19, AZ, az
Add function as follows:
|mode| REMARK |
| A |Make auto increment for numeric. |
| B |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.|
| C |Make auto decrement for numeric. |
| D |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.|
| N |Disable. |
Automaticall increment or decrement the filed value. Value: 0 ~ 99
data string
Manual format only:(If the values of varibles is error, printer will print in default values.)
QR Code model number. Values: 1,2 (Default value: 2)
Error correction level.(effective when "dinput" is set correctly)
H = Ultra reliability level (30%)
Q = High reliability level (25%)
M = Standard reliability level (15%)
L = High density level (7%)
(Default value: M)
Mask number.(effective when "error" and "dinput" are set correctly)
07 = Mask 0Mask 7
8 = No mask
(Default value: Automatic selection)
Data input mode.(effective when "error" is set correctly)
A = Automatic setting, ASCII
a = Automatic, hex-ASCII
M = Manual setting, ASCII
m = Manual, hex-ASCII
(Default value: A)
NOTE:In manual mode, the initial of data string must be the following value.
N = Numeric data
A = Alphanumeric data
Bxxxx = For 8-bit byte mode. "xxxx" indicates the number of characters.
(A Simple or Traditional Chinese word is 2 characters)
K=Kanji data
0 -> OK.
Reference AW-Error.txt file.
A_Bar2d_QR_M(100, 100, 4, '6', 10, 2, 'M', 1, 'A', 'A', 4, "N123456");
A_Bar2d_QR_A(100, 100, 4, '6', 10, 'A', 4, "123456");
VB: VBA: VB.net:
Call A_Bar2d_QR_M(100, 100, 4, Asc("6"), 10, 2, Asc("M"), 1, Asc("A"), _
Asc("A"), 4, "N123456")
Call A_Bar2d_QR_A(100, 100, 4, Asc("6"), 10, Asc("A"), 4, "123456")
REMARK The A_Bar2d_QR_M and A_Bar2d_QR_A function are used to print QR barcode.
Function: Set the encryption key. Syntax: VC: int A_Set_EncryptionKey(char encryptionKey[16]); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_EncryptionKey(ByVal encryptionKey As String) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_EncryptionKey(ByVal encryptionKey As String) As Integer Parameters: encryptionKey; The encryption key, the key needs 16 chars and the range from 0x21 to 0x7E. RETURN: 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. Example: VC: A_Set_EncryptionKey("key-123456789000"); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_EncryptionKey("key-123456789000") REMARK This function is used to set the encryption key value, and send data immediate, and store in printer.
Function�G Check the encryption key correctness. Syntax�G VC: int A_Check_EncryptionKey(char decodeKey[8], char encryptionKey[16], DWORD dwTimeoutms); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Check_EncryptionKey(ByVal decodeKey As String, ByVal encryptionKey As String, _ ByVal dwTimeoutms As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Check_EncryptionKey(ByVal decodeKey As String, ByVal encryptionKey As String, _ ByVal dwTimeoutms As ULong) As Integer Parameters�G decodeKey; The decode key, the key needs 8 chars and the range from 0x21 to 0x7E. encryptionKey; The encryption key, the key needs 16 chars and the range from 0x21 to 0x7E. dwTimeoutms; This is timeout time. The max times to receive data, unit is ms. RETURN�G 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. Example�G VC: int ret; ret = A_Check_EncryptionKey("test-par", "key-123456789000", 1000);//1 second. VB: VBA: Dim ret As Long ret = A_Check_EncryptionKey("test-par", "key-123456789000", 1000) '1 second. VB.net: Dim ret As Integer ret = A_Check_EncryptionKey("test-par", "key-123456789000", 1000) '1 second. REMARK This function is used to check the encryption key correctness. After send the decodeKey string to printer, and calculate with the encryption key in printer then return the result. Then to compare with that calculate with the decodeKey and encryptionKey string is the same.
PURPOSE Set communication time. SYNTAX VC: void A_Set_CommTimeout(int ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, int WriteTotalTimeoutConstant); VB: VBA: Declare Sub A_Set_CommTimeout(ByVal ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long, _ ByVal WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long) VB.net: Declare Sub A_Set_CommTimeout(ByVal ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Integer, _ ByVal WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Integer) PARAMETER ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; read timeout; unit : 1 ms. -1 is infinite. WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; write timeout; unit : 1 ms. -1 is infinite. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_CommTimeout(0, -1); A_CreatePrn(11, NULL); //USB VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_CommTimeout(0, -1) Call A_CreatePrn(11, null) 'USB REMARK The fuction of A_Set_CommTimeout is to setting read/write timeout. If you want to use this command, this command should be set before A_CreatePrn() executed.
PURPOSE Get communication time. SYNTAX VC: void A_Get_CommTimeout(int *ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, int *WriteTotalTimeoutConstant); VB: VBA: Declare Sub A_Get_CommTimeout(ByRef ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long, _ ByRef WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long) VB.net: Declare Sub A_Get_CommTimeout(ByRef ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Integer, _ ByRef WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Integer) PARAMETER ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; read timeout; unit : 1 ms. -1 is infinite. WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; write timeout; unit : 1 ms. -1 is infinite. EXAMPLE VC: int ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; A_Get_CommTimeout(&ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, &WriteTotalTimeoutConstant); VB: VBA: VB.net: Dim ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long Call A_Get_CommTimeout(ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, WriteTotalTimeoutConstant)
PURPOSE Set the information needed for Smart Print. SYNTAX VC: int A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint(int lablength, int gaplength); VB: VBA: Declare Function A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint(ByVal lablength As Long, _ ByVal gaplength As Long) As Long VB.net: Declare Function A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint(ByVal lablength As Integer, _ ByVal gaplength As Integer) As Integer
PARAMETER lablength; Label length. Unit : 0.1 mm. gaplength; Gap length. Unit : 0.1 mm. RETURN 0 -> OK. Reference AW-Error.txt file. EXAMPLE VC: A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint(762, 30); VB: VBA: VB.net: Call A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint(762, 30) REMARK This A_Set_LabelForSmartPrint function is used to set the label length and GAP length information required for Smart Print.