Here you can find the instructions how to use the query builder of the internal dictionary.
Here you can find the basic example of the query builder usage:
c := container.C.Dictionary.GetNewClient()
q := new(clients.Query).
Select([]interface{}{"", "events.alias", "questions.question"}).
Target: query.Reference{
Table: database_dto.ScenariosModel.GetTableName(),
Key: "event_id",
With: query.Reference{
Table: database_dto.EventModel.GetTableName(),
Key: database_dto.EventModel.GetPrimaryKey().Name,
Condition: "=",
Target: query.Reference{
Table: database_dto.QuestionsModel.GetTableName(),
Key: "scenario_id",
With: query.Reference{
Table: database_dto.ScenariosModel.GetTableName(),
Key: database_dto.ScenariosModel.GetPrimaryKey().Name,
Condition: "=",
First: "questions.question",
Operator: "<>",
Second: "''",
res, err := c.Execute(q)
if err != nil {
//do something with error
The example of usage in the event you can find here: events/eventslist`.
Another examples of the database query-builder and it's supported functionality you can find here.