additional_exclude_from_application_log_group |
List of additional log files to exclude from the application log group. The element of this list will be prefixed with /var/log/containers/ and suffixed with *.log . |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
additional_filters |
Filter block(s) to add to the FluentBit configuration. The filter block(s) must be in the format of a string. |
string |
"" |
no |
additional_include_in_platform_log_group |
List of additional log files to include in the platform log group. The element of this list will be prefixed with /var/log/containers/ and suffixed with *.log . |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
application_log_retention_days |
The retention period for the application log group. Remember to check the valid values for the retention period in the AWS CloudWatch documentation. |
number |
30 |
no |
aws_fluentbit_role_name |
The name of the IAM role for FluentBit. |
string |
"fluentbit" |
no |
aws_region |
The AWS region used to send logs to CloudWatch. |
string |
n/a |
yes |
cluster_name |
The name of the EKS cluster. |
string |
n/a |
yes |
cluster_oidc_issuer_host |
The OIDC issuer host for the EKS cluster. |
string |
n/a |
yes |
default_additional_include_in_platform_log_group |
List of log files to include in the platform log group. This list is intended for the log files of the system AWS EKS applications, use the variable additional_include_in_platform_log_group to include custom log files. The element of this list will be prefixed with /var/log/containers/ and suffixed with *.log . |
list(string) |
[ "ebs-csi-controller", "ebs-csi-node", "efs-csi-controller", "efs-csi-node" ] |
no |
default_exclude_from_application_log_group |
List of log files to exclude from the application log group. This list is intended for the log files of the system AWS EKS applications, use the variable additional_exclude_from_application_log_group to exclude custom log files. The element of this list will be prefixed with /var/log/containers/ and suffixed with *.log . |
list(string) |
[ "aws-load-balancer-controller", "aws-node", "cluster-autoscaler-aws-cluster-autoscaler", "coredns", "ebs-csi-controller", "ebs-csi-node", "efs-csi-controller", "efs-csi-node", "kube-proxy", "metric-server-metrics-server" ] |
no |
fluentbit_flush_seconds |
The interval in seconds to flush the logs to CloudWatch. |
number |
15 |
no |
fluentbit_http_server_enabled |
Enable the HTTP server for fluentbit. |
bool |
false |
no |
fluentbit_http_server_port |
Port for the HTTP server. |
number |
2020 |
no |
fluentbit_log_retention_days |
The retention period for the FluentBit log group. Remember to check the valid values for the retention period in the AWS CloudWatch documentation. |
number |
3 |
no |
fluentbit_read_from_head |
Start reading from the beginning of the log stream. Keep also the entries already stored. |
string |
"Off" |
no |
fluentbit_read_from_tail |
Start reading new entries. Skip entries already stored. |
string |
"On" |
no |
fluentbit_send_fluentbit_logs_to_cloudwatch |
Send FluentBit logs to CloudWatch. |
bool |
true |
no |
helm_additional_values |
Additional values to be passed to the Helm chart. |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
helm_chart_version |
The version of the aws-for-fluent-bit Helm chart. |
string |
"0.1.34" |
no |
helm_release_name |
The name of the Helm release. |
string |
"fluentbit" |
no |
k8s_additional_labels |
Additional labels to apply to the kubernetes resources. |
map(string) |
{} |
no |
k8s_default_labels |
Labels to apply to the kubernetes resources. These are opinionated labels, you can add more labels using the variable additional_k8s_labels . If you want to remove a label, you can override it with an empty map(string). |
map(string) |
{ "managed-by": "terraform", "scope": "fluentbit" } |
no |
k8s_fluentbit_service_account_name |
The name of the Kubernetes service account for FluentBit. |
string |
"fluentbit" |
no |
namespace |
The namespace in which the Fluent Bit resources will be created. |
string |
"amazon-cloudwatch" |
no |
platform_log_retention_days |
The retention period for the platform log group. Remember to check the valid values for the retention period in the AWS CloudWatch documentation. |
number |
14 |
no |
role_policy_arns |
The ARNs of the policies to attach to the IAM role. |
list(string) |
[ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy" ] |
no |