in: Redmond, Washington, USA
on: 28 - 30, July 2015
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 PDT on 28th and 29th of July 2015
10:00 till 16:00 PDT on 30th of July 2015
Microsoft Redmond Campus
Building 43 Room 1560 (Jefferson)
*Register in Building 42 Reception (right next door)!*
15580 NE 31st Street
Redmond, WA 98052
Brian Terlson <> (763-498-3633)
Please register before 20 of July 2015.
Opening, welcome and roll call1.Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann)1.Introduction of attendees1.Host facilities, local logisticsAdoption of the agenda (TC39/2015/037)Approval of the minutes from May 2015 (TC39/2015/035)Report from the Ecma Secretariat1.Status of ISO/IEC Fast Track of ECMA-262 Ed.6, ECMA-402 Ed.2 and ECMA-4042.Report from the GA and CCECMA-262, Editorship- ECMA-262 7th Edition, 2016
Advance Array.prototype.includes to stage 3 (Domenic Denicola)Introduce (and maybe advance?) RegExp.escape proposal (Domenic Denicola)Introduce promise rejection tracking proposal (Domenic Denicola)- Advance Async Functions to Stage 2 & discuss open questions (Brian Terlson)
- Proposed Changes to Observable API ( (jhusain)
BindingRestElement should allow a BindingPattern ala AssignmentRestElement (Brian Terlson)new
& GeneratorFunction (Brian Terlson)- SIMD.js: Start the process to move towards Stage 3 (spec, presentation) (Dan Gohman, John Mccutchan, Peter Jensen, Daniel Ehrenberg)
Reconsidering the Number.prototype-as-an-ordinary-object change (Daniel Ehrenberg)Advance Exponentiation Operator to stage 3 (Rick Waldron)The scope of"use strict"
with respect to destructuring in parameter lists (Andreas Rossberg)String.prototype.split, itslimit
argument, andToLength
(gist) (Adam Klein)- Advance Rest/Spread Properties to Stage 2 (proposal w/ spec) (Sebastian Markbage)
Spec defactoString.prototype.trimLeft
(es-discuss / proposal) (Sebastian Markbage)
Test262 Updates (Brian Terlson, Mike Pennisi)- ECMA-402 3nd Edition, 2016
- Intl.NumberFormat round option
- Migration to ecmarkup system
Tooling Updates (Brian Terlson)Timeboxed process-document discussion, to settle things once and for all- Date and place of the next meeting(s) * September 22 - 24, 2015 (Portland, OR - jQuery) * November 17 - 19, 2015 (San Jose - Paypal)
- Closure