All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- add flag "--attachments=" to ease up attaching files by regexp or by providing a directory
to attach all files in the current pwd that fits to this regepx--attachments="attachment/*"
to attach all files in the provided that fits to this regepx
- add flag "--add-sender-to-bcc" or "--send-it-to-me-also"
- add "--content-as-text" and "--content-as-html" as optional lists
- create install script that does the steps in the "by hand" section
- create shell script to do a step by step selection
- combine --verbose with EchoLogger (inject environment or $beVerbose to AbstractShipper::ship())
- [Added support for png images](#7
- Fixed issue when unsupported attachment content type was added
- Attachment now supports
contentType = null
- Attachment now supports
1.8.2 - released at 2020-11-23
- Updated dependencies
1.8.1 - released at 2020-11-23
- Fixed error >>PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function De\Leibelt\SendMail\CommandBuilderFactory::create(), 0 passed<<
1.8.0 - released at 2020-11-23
- Updated to php 8.0
1.7.0 - released at 2020-08-06
- added this changelog
- added suggests
- added output if attachment filepath is not readable
- fixed license spelling issue
- migrated history section from to this changelog
- migrated code to php 7.2
- removed unused use statements
- DumpLogTrigger now only dumps if there is something in the log
1.6.1 - released at 2020-08-04
- fixed issue when using SendmailTransporter
1.6.0 - released at 2020-08-04
- added logging support (file based logging and cli output)
1.5.0 - released at 2020-08-04
- added support for
to add capability to modify the supported transporters (currentlysendmail
1.4.1 - released at 2020-08-04
- fixed missing migration code
1.4.0 - released at 2020-08-04
- bumped version of php von 5.3 to 7.2
- bumped version of swiftmailer von 5.4 to 6.0
1.3.2 - released at 2016-11-04
- fixed issue --attachment does not work with relative paths
1.3.1 - released at 2016-02-18
- created Builder to easy up switching between different mail libraries
1.3.0 - released at 2016-02-18
- created basic domain models and services
- move code into small classes (like "ValidateEmail" etc.)
1.2.0 - released at 2016-02-04
- added content type detection
1.1.0 - released at 2016-02-04
- added "--attachment"
1.0.1 - released at 2016-01-17
- added packagist
- fixed issue when using optional "--bcc"
- made send_mail executable
1.0.0 - released at 2016-01-16
- initial release