This action compares the app version number from your working branch to the main branch.
The pull request must have one of the below labels matching the version change.
major | minor | bug | patch
You can also check that the first image version that appears in your docker-compose.yaml
file matches the app version
The comparison follows the PEP 440 Version Identification and Dependency Specification.
More detailed information about the versions can be found here
As of October 2024 GitHub actions using Docker Containers can only be run on GitHub runners using a Linux operating system.
Read here for details: Link to GitHub docs
If you are making a change which should not affect the version such as README or CI changes. You can label the pull request with documentation
or workflow
and the version checks will be skipped.
- name: Checkout main
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Change to "master" if needed
ref: 'main'
# Do not change the path here
path: 'main'
- name: Checkout current working branch
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Do not change the path here
path: 'branch'
- name: Compare versions
# Don't run on main otherwise it compares main with main
if: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }}
id: version_comparison
uses: stfc/check-version-action@main
labels: ${{ toJSON(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name) }}
# Path to version file from project root
app_version_path: "version.txt"
# Optional: to check if Docker compose image version matches app version
docker_compose_path: "docker-compose.yaml"