Authentication context provider, provides an application wrapper that will handle the all authentication behavior. To use this library wrap the entire application with this component and define all the methods required to implement your specific authentication behaviour. To see various authentication behaviour implementations see examples
Component properties:
defines the storage that will be used for the authentication data (defaults tosessionStorage
the prefix used for variables inauthStorage
(defaults toauth_
an async function called to perform the sign indoRenew
an async function called to perform the token renewaldoSignOut
an async function to sign outonTokenChange
a function called whenever the authentication toke is updated
During development having to continuously authenticate may be tedious, usually what developers end doing is commenting out all authentication logics. This approach is working but may lead to poor testing of the authentication process. For this reason this library provides some development properties, to mock the default authentication behaviour:
- 👨💻
defines the token during development - 👨💻
defines the user during development - 👨💻
defines the authentication state during development
Property indicating where to store the authentication context. Possible values are 'sessionStorage'
. This value can be changed dynamically to have the values move to another storage (session
will be preserved).
Prefix used to prefix variable in the Storage
function doSignIn(ctx: AuthState<U>, input: SI | undefined): Promise<AuthActionResult<U>>
This is the only mandatory function, this task is initiated by calling the signIn
action. The function
is invoked with the latest known auth state ctx
and with the typizable input
that have been provided when
calling signIn
. This function should return a valid AuthActionResult
to initiate the authentication or
throw to signal that authentication was not possible.
This function is guarded and will not be executed more than once at the same time.
function doRenew(ctx: AuthState<U>, input: RF | undefined): Promise<AuthActionResult<U>>
This function may be invoked by calling the renewToken
action, to initiate a manual renewal of the token
but by default if doSignIn
has returned renewal information this function will be automatically called
upon token expiration (this includes periodic expiration when the user is active on the application and when
the application is loaded and a valid renewal token is available). Failure of this function when manually
executed does not affect the authentication status, but when called upon token expiration the failure will
cause an immediate de-authentication (without calling doSignOut
This function is guarded and will not be executed more than once at the same time.
function doSignOut(ctx: AuthState<U>, input: SO | undefined): Promise<void>
If provided this function is invoked when calling the signOut
action. This async function is awaited
for completion before proceeding with the sign-out, but for security reasons the outcome of the promise
is not relevant for the sign-out completion (hence the promise may fail without affecting the sign-out)
This function is guarded and will not be executed more than once at the same time.
function onTokenChange(ctx: AuthState<U>, token: Token | undefined): Promise<void>
Called with the latest authentication state whenever the token has changed. This function is designed to
be used to update global authentication systems such are Cookies
or axios
instances. Just set the
token when provided and remove it when is undefined
To avoid calling doSignIn
many times a long-lasting token shall be provided as devToken
. When provided
upon signIn
the credentials will be ignored and doSignIn
will never be called but rather the dev token
will be used and assumed as never expiring.
is provided this will be the user that the auth context will
set as the authenticated user and return from the useAuthUser
is provided doSignIn
will not be called, but the application
will still navigate through the authentication process. To skip this step and behave as if the application is
already authenticated set this value to true.
This component provides a simple guard to conditionally render part of a layout.
Component properties:
to show content when application is authenticated (defaults totrue
to show content when application is unauthenticated (defaults totrue
Example of some authentication guarded routes
<AuthGuard showAuth={false} showUnAuth={true}>
<Route path='/login' element={<LoginPage />} />
<Route path='*' element={<Navigate to={'/login'} replace />} />
<Route path='/' element={<SecureHomePage />} />
function useAuth<U, SI = any, RF = void, SO = void>(): UseAuthReturn<U, SI, RF, SO>
Returns an object populated with the current authentication state and functions to manipulate the authentication.
Properties of the returned object:
the user (if any) that was returned by the last authentication/renewsignIn
call to initiate the sign-inrenewToken
call to initiate the renewalsignOut
call to initiate the sign-outsignInAsync
async function to perform the sign-in, will return or fail same asdoSignIn
async function to perform the renewal, will return or fail same asdoRenew
async function to perform the sign-out, will return or fail same asdoSignOut
function to manually set/override the current authentication stateisAuthenticated
indicates weather the application is currently authenticatedisRenewEnabled
indicates weather the current authentication has a renewal token
function useIsAuthenticated(): boolean
Returns a boolean
value indicating the state of authentication
function useAuthUser<U>(): U | undefined
Returns the value (if any) that was returned for the user
field on the last logIn
or renew
It will always be undefined
when not authenticated.
function useAuthChangeEffect(effect: EffectCallback)
An effect callback that will be called whenever the authentication state changes. This implies that will
be called for any logIn
, renew
and logOut
action that is executed and changes the authentication state.
useAuthChangeEffect(() => {
console.log('Authentication state changed')
⚠️ Caution, this hook exposes the inner context of the application, use with caution improper usage may lead to exposure of the stored token.
We all hate when we want to add that extra bit of customization, and we collide with
again another non-exposed feature of a library. This hook gives you access to the underlying
of the authentication to be able to freely manipulate its state. But remember, in
doing so, you are on your own.