This processor encapsulates the output phase of ts-transforms.
To use this processor, it requires a file containing all transform rules that is will be preforming and any necessary plugins that those rules require to operate.
The full functionality of ts-transforms is encapsulated in the transform processor.
You would only want to use this processor instead of the fully functional transform processor if you wanted to inject a custom operation between each phase, or to capture the analytics of the records between each phase.
Below contains an example of the transform rules, plugins and configurations to perform the output phase. In this example, we are piecing together all the phases of ts-transforms
Example Job
"name" : "testing",
"workers" : 1,
"slicers" : 1,
"lifecycle" : "once",
"assets" : [
"operations" : [
"_op": "test-reader"
"_op": "output",
"plugins": ["someAssetId:plugins"],
"rules": ["someAssetId:transformRules.txt"],
"type_config": {
"some": "string",
"field": "string",
"field2": "string",
"date": "date",
"location": "geo-point"
"variables": {
"foo": "data"
Example rules located at someAssetId:transformRules.txt
{ "selector": "some: $foo", "source_field": "field", "target_field": "interm1", "tag": "someTag", "output": false }
{ "selector": "some: $foo", "source_field": "field2", "target_field": "interm2", "tag": "someTag", "output": false }
{ "follow": "someTag", "post_process": "join", "target_field": "final", "delimiter": " " }
{ "source_field": "otherField", "target_field": "lastField", "other_match_required": true }
{ "source_field": "_key", "target_field": "id", "other_match_required": true, "tag": "numberMe" }
{ "follow": "numberMe", "post_process": "number" }
{ "selector": "location: geoBox( top_left: '33.906320, -112.758421' bottom_right: '32.813646,-111.058902')", "source_field": "location", "target_field": "loc" }
{ "selector": "date:[2019-04-16T20:14:44.304Z TO *] AND bytes:>=1000000", "source_field": "date", "target_field": "last_seen", "tag": "tagOp" }
{ "follow": "tagOp", "post_process": "tag" }
Example plugin used by rules above located at someAssetId:plugins
import { DataEntity } from '@terascope/job-components';
class Tag {
static cardinality = 'one-to-one';
constructor(operationConfig) {
this.operationConfig = operationConfig;
run(doc: DataEntity) {
doc.wasTagged = true;
return doc;
export default class Plugin {
init(): {
return {
tag: Tag,
Example of the data and the expected results of the output phase, the metadata is what is set by the selection processor
const data = [
new DataEntity({ interm1: 'hello', interm2: 'world', final: 'hello world' }),
new DataEntity({ lastField: 'someValue' }),
const results = await;
results === [
{ final: 'hello world' }
Configuration | Description | Type | Notes |
_op | Name of operation, it must reflect the exact name of the file | String | required |
rules | an array of strings that are the locations where rule files. must be specified in "assetName:path" format | String[] | required |
plugins | an array of strings that are the locations where plugins reside. must be specified in "assetName:modulePath" format | Object[] | optional, defaults to [] |
type_config | a schema for the data being consumed. Set the keys to your data field names, with values set to this enum | Object | optional |
variables | An object containing any variables for the xlucene rules | Object | optional |