💼 This rule is enabled in the following configs: angular
, dom
, marko
, react
, svelte
, vue
Ensure that sync queries are not awaited unnecessarily.
Usual queries variants that Testing Library provides are synchronous and don't need to wait for any element. Those queries are:
This rule aims to prevent users from waiting for synchronous queries.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
const foo = async () => {
// ...
const rows = await queryAllByRole('row');
// ...
const bar = () => {
// ...
getByText('submit').then(() => {
// ...
const baz = () => {
// ...
const button = await screen.getByText('submit');
Examples of correct code for this rule:
const foo = () => {
// ...
const rows = queryAllByRole('row');
// ...
const bar = () => {
// ...
const button = getByText('submit');
// ...
const baz = () => {
// ...
const button = screen.getByText('submit');