Find the distinct set of unique resources across all traces.
SELECT DISTINCT "Resource"->'' AS "ServiceName" FROM "Traces"
Find the root span (trace entry point) for each unique traceId.
"Resource"->'' AS "ServiceName",
FROM "Traces"
WHERE "ParentSpanId" IS NULL
The following CTE query will resolve the root trace span for the given TraceId
and then do a depth-first traversal of the trace graph.
WITH RECURSIVE trace_spans(Id, TraceId, SpanId, ParentSpanId, path) AS (
SELECT "Id", "TraceId", "SpanId", "ParentSpanId", ARRAY[t."Id"]
FROM "Traces" t
WHERE "TraceId" = 'd1ecc067e485922cdf2d647621370b12' AND "ParentSpanId" IS NULL
SELECT t."Id", t."TraceId", t."SpanId", t."ParentSpanId", path || t."Id"
FROM trace_spans ts, "Traces" t
WHERE t."ParentSpanId" = ts.SpanId
SELECT ts.path, t.*
FROM trace_spans ts
INNER JOIN "Traces" t
ON ts.TraceId = t."TraceId"
AND ts.SpanId = t."SpanId"
ORDER BY ts.path, t."StartTimeUnixNano"