All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- add a command to add a holiday periode (with start and end date)
- the command is calculating the amount of calendar weeks to produce
- for each day, their has to be a record like the following
08:00 < holiday ```
- add output of "work done today"
- either updated on each interaction or each 15 minutes
- think about playing with colors (yellow or orange if over configured daily amount of work, red if overdone by 20 % or something)
- add option to set a "subject prefix"
- add option to set a default worktime per day (to calculate overhours)
- add option to set a editor for editing the file
- add "--time=hh:mm" to all creation scripts
- add "--raw" to all time_registration_list_days scripts (output with comments)
- add "configure" beside "install"
- create a script called "resume_last_task" or "continue_with_last_task"
- create a script called "started" with the mandatory argument "--at=hh:mm"
- create a script called "record_days_of_holiday" with mandatory arguments "--from-date=dd[.mm[.yyyy]]" and "--to-date=dd[.mm[.yyyy]]"
- create a script called "record_day_of_holiday" with mandatory argument "--date=dd[.mm[.yyyy]]"
- create a script called "record_days_of_illness" with mandatory arguments "--from-date=dd[.mm[.yyyy]]" and "--to-date=dd[.mm[.yyyy]]"
- create a script called "record_day_of_illness" with mandatory argument "--date=dd[.mm[.yyyy]]"
- create phar archive
- create gui tool
- create shell auto completion by using this
- create documentation
- create hidden json file for each entry ({version: 0, timestamp: 124, subject: "tra la la", description: "tru lu lu", type: [entry|comment]})
- create install script (path should be /opt/time-registration/)
- move configuration files into ".config/time-registration"
- remove short flags like "-f"
- refactored
and replaced existing code with a bash script you can run for ever - added support for continue a task via the new
- added support for windows
- removed deprecated
- started migrating code to php 7
0.2.0 - released at 27.07.2017
- add "vim +/" to quickly edit current day if you call edit_current_week
- added "edit_current_week"
- added "start_without_subject"
0.1.3 - released at 02.12.2015
- fixed a bug in "list_current_day"
- fixed a bug in "list_days"
- fixed a bug in "list_last_day"
- fixed a bug in "list_last_week"
- refactored commandy by centralizing logic
- renamed "time_registration_create_configuration_file" to "time_registration_install"
- renamed "start" to "start_with"
- renamed "start_a_*" to "take_a_*"
0.1.2 - released at 02.12.2015
- added "-f|--force" and "-n|--now" to "time_registration_start" to force (overwriting) an existing time or to round down the current time (by using now)
- renamed "time_registration_create_an_entry" to "time_registration_start"
- shifted "lunch" and "pause" into description
0.1.1 - released at 02.12.2015
- removed the ".md" suffix since we are not using the markdown syntax
- updated depentency
0.1.0 - released at 29.11.2015
- initial plumper release
- create year in data automatically