String interpolation is a fantastic tool for inserting arbitrary values into a string, but the template is not re-usable. Tagged templates allow us to define a template in a familiar format but customise the way the interpolated string is built.
This library takes advantage of this feature, plus a bit of typescript magic to create strongly typed template objects which allow you to evaluate the template with the relevant arguments at a later point.
npm i -S typed-templated-strings
import { TypedTemplate } from 'typed-templated-strings'
const template = TypedTemplate`Greetings ${'toName:string'}, from ${'fromName:string'}`
// Prints 'Greetings Jane, from Greg'
console.log(template.toString({toName: 'Jane', fromName: 'Greg'}))
import { CustomTypedTemplate } from 'typed-templated-strings'
class MyClass {
constructor(public value: number) {}
// The toString method will be called to format the object as a string
toString() {
return `{custom type value: ${this.value}}`
const MyTypedTemplate = CustomTypedTemplate<{myClassAlias: MyClass}>()
const template = MyTypedTemplate`Now you can use a parameter with custom types. ${'arg:myClassAlias'}`
// Prints 'Now you can use a parameter with custom types. {custom type value: 5}'
console.log(template.toString({arg:new MyClass(5)}))
import { CustomTypedTemplate, ArgsFrom } from 'typed-templated-strings'
class FormattedDate{
format: Intl.DateTimeFormat
constructor(public date:Date, locale = 'en-AU') {
this.format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale)
toString() {
return this.format.format(
// You can declare re-usable param types
const Params = {
FirstName: 'firstName:string' as const,
LastName: 'lastName:string' as const,
Birthday: 'birthday:formattedDate' as const
// Create your custom typed template which maps any custom types to an alias
const TypedTemplate = CustomTypedTemplate<{
formattedDate: FormattedDate
// Define a bunch of templates
const Templates = {
Welcome: TypedTemplate`Hello ${Params.FirstName} ${Params.LastName}, welcome to the site`,
Birthday: TypedTemplate`Hello ${Params.FirstName}, Wishing you a very happy birthday on ${Params.Birthday}!`
// Alias the type of our template dictionary
type TemplatesType = typeof Templates
// Use the ArgsFrom utility type to extract arg types from a template
function sendTemplatedEmail<TTemplateName extends keyof TemplatesType>(templateName: TTemplateName, args: ArgsFrom<TemplatesType[TTemplateName]>) {
/* we have to cast args here as `TTemplateName` is an open generic meaning our args type is a union of all possible templates, however when we call sendTemplatedEmail we close the generic and the type of args will be inferred correctly. */
const body = Templates[templateName].toString(args as any)
// Do something with 'body'
// Invoke the function. Note that missing and/or incorrectly typed parameters are detected by typescript
sendTemplatedEmail('Welcome', {
firstName: 'Billy',
lastName: 'Joel',
sendTemplatedEmail('Birthday', {
firstName: 'Sally',
birthday: new FormattedDate(new Date('2000-01-01'))