Add this configuration to enable desktop browser based performance testing on a remote machine using a Remote Selenium Grid. If you want to execute the tests on the local system where JMeter is running, then use one of the browser drivers as described in the Direct Driver configuration.
Before using the Remote Driver Config, ensure you have setup a Selenium Grid on a remote machine as per following Selenium Documentation instructions.
For an overview of performing client side performance testing, refer to the Web Driver Tutorial.
The configuration of a Remote Test is split across different tabs, one for the Remote Driver itself, than a tab for each supported browser and finally the Proxy tab.
In this tab, you need to:
- specify the URL of the Selenium Grid;
- and select which browser to launch on your Selenium Grid. For example, if you are running three concurrent users, the system will spin three browser instances in the Selenium grid node.
The Remote tab also contains most common capabilities that are shared by all browsers. Their names are meaningful by themselves; but you can also refer to the w3c specification for further description of these options.
Each of these tabs contains the custom options for each browser. The most commonly used options are listed and their names are meaningful by themselves.
Once you have selected the browser in the Capability list box, navigate to the appropriate tab and change the default options if needed.
For more information on the options, please refer to Options Tab in the Direct Driver wiki page.
Please see the Proxy Tab in the Direct Driver wiki page for more information on the Proxy settings of browser.
Please see the Capabilties Management Tab in the Direct Driver wiki page for more information on configuring custom webdriver capabilties.