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Getting started with the NXP MIMXRT1060-EVK Evaluation kit

Total completion time: 30 minutes

In this tutorial you use Azure RTOS to connect the NXP MIMXRT1060-EVK Evaluation kit (hereafter, the NXP EVK) to Azure IoT. The article is part of the series Getting Started with Azure RTOS. The series introduces device developers to Azure RTOS, and shows how to connect several several device evaluation kits to Azure IoT.

You will complete the following tasks:

  • Install a set of embedded development tools for programming the NXP EVK in C
  • Build an image and flash it onto the NXP EVK
  • Create an Azure IoT hub and securely connect the NXP EVK to it
  • Use Azure CLI to view device telemetry, view properties, and invoke cloud-to-device methods


  • A PC running Microsoft Windows (Windows 10 recommended)

  • If you don't have an Azure subscription, create one for free before you begin.

  • Git

  • Hardware

    • The NXP MIMXRT1060-EVK (NXP EVK)
    • USB 2.0 A male to Micro USB male cable
    • Wired Ethernet access
    • Ethernet cable

Prepare the development environment

To set up your development environment, first you clone a GitHub repo that contains all the assets you need for the tutorial. Then you install a set of programming tools.

Clone the repo for the tutorial

Clone the following repo to download all sample device code, setup scripts, and offline versions of the documentation. If you previously cloned this repo in another tutorial, you don't need to do it again.

To clone the repo, run the following command:

git clone

Install the tools

The cloned repo contains a setup script that installs and configures the first set of required tools. If you installed these tools in another tutorial in the getting started guide, you don't need to do it again.

Note: The setup script installs the following tools:

To install the tools:

  1. Open a console app with administrator privileges, go to the following path in the repo, and run the setup script named get-toolchain.bat. If you use File Explorer, right-click the file and select Run As Administrator.


  2. After the installation, open a new console window to recognize the configuration changes made by the setup script. Use this console to complete the remaining programming tasks in the tutorial. You can use Windows CMD, Powershell, or Git Bash for Windows.

  3. Run the following code to confirm that CMake version 3.14 or later is installed.

    cmake --version

Prepare Azure resources

To prepare Azure cloud resources and connect a device to Azure, you can use Azure CLI. There are two ways to access the Azure CLI: by using the Azure Cloud Shell, or by installing Azure CLI locally. Azure Cloud Shell lets you run the CLI in a browser so you don't have to install anything.

Use one of the following options to run Azure CLI.

If you prefer to run Azure CLI locally:

  1. If you already have Azure CLI installed locally, run az --version to check the version. This tutorial requires Azure CLI 2.5.1 or later.
  2. To install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI. If you install Azure CLI locally, you can run CLI commands in the GCC Command Prompt, Git Bash for Windows, or Powershell.

If you prefer to run Azure CLI in the browser-based Azure Cloud Shell:

  1. Use your Azure account credentials to sign into the Azure Cloud shell at

    Note: If this is the first time you've used the Cloud Shell, it prompts you to create storage, which is required to use the Cloud Shell. Select a subscription to create a storage account and Microsoft Azure Files share.

  2. Select Bash or Powershell as your preferred CLI environment in the Select environment dropdown. If you plan to use Azure Cloud Shell, keep your browser open to run the Azure CLI commands in this tutorial.

    Select CLI environment

Create an IoT hub

You can use Azure CLI to create an IoT hub that handles events and messaging for your device.

To create an IoT hub:

  1. In your CLI console, run the az extension add command to add the Microsoft Azure IoT Extension for Azure CLI to your CLI shell. The IOT Extension adds IoT Hub, IoT Edge, and IoT Device Provisioning Service (DPS) specific commands to Azure CLI.

    az extension add --name azure-iot
  2. Run the az group create command to create a resource group. The following command creates a resource group named MyResourceGroup in the eastus region.

    Note: Optionally, to set an alternate location, run az account list-locations to see available locations. Then specify the alternate location in the following command in place of eastus.

    az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location eastus
  3. Run the az iot hub create command to create an IoT hub. It might take a few minutes to create an IoT hub.

    YourIotHubName. Replace this placeholder below with the name you chose for your IoT hub. An IoT hub name must be globally unique in Azure. This placeholder is used in the rest of this tutorial to represent your unique IoT hub name.

    az iot hub create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name {YourIoTHubName}

    Note: The Basic tier is not supported by this guide as it requires cloud-to-device communication.

  4. After the IoT hub is created, view the JSON output in the console, and copy the hostName value from the following named field to a safe place. You use this value in a later step.

Register a device

In this section, you create a new device instance and register it with the Iot hub you created. You will use the connection information for the newly registered device to securely connect your physical device in a later section.

To register a device:

  1. In your console, run the az iot hub device-identity create command. This creates the simulated device identity.

    YourIotHubName. Replace this placeholder below with the name you chose for your IoT hub.

    MyNXPDevice. You can use this name directly for the device in CLI commands in this tutorial. Optionally, use a different name.

    az iot hub device-identity create --device-id MyNXPDevice --hub-name {YourIoTHubName}
  2. After the device is created, view the JSON output in the console, and copy the deviceId and primaryKey values to use in a later step.

Confirm that you have the copied the following values from the JSON output to use in the next section:

  • hostName
  • deviceId
  • primaryKey

Prepare the device

To connect the NXP EVK to Azure, you'll modify a configuration file for the Azure IoT settings, rebuild the image, and flash the image to the device.

Add configuration

  1. Open the following file in a text editor:


  2. Set the Azure IoT device information constants to the values that you saved after you created Azure resources.

    Constant name Value
    IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME {Your Iot hub hostName value}
    IOT_DEVICE_ID {Your deviceID value}
    IOT_PRIMARY_KEY {Your primaryKey value}
  3. Save and close the file.

Build the image

In your console or in File Explorer, run the script rebuild.bat at the following path to build the image:


After the build completes, confirm that a binary file was created in the following path:


Flash the image

  1. On the NXP EVK, locate the Reset button, the Micro USB port, and the Ethernet port. You use these components in the following steps.

    NXP EVK board

  2. Connect the Micro USB cable to the Micro USB port on the NXP EVK, and then connect it to your computer. After the device powers up, a solid green LED shows the power status.

  3. In File Explorer, find the NXP EVK device connected to your computer.

  4. Copy the image file mimxrt1060_azure_iot.bin that you created in the previous section, and paste it into the root folder of the NXP EVK. The flashing process starts automatically.

    Note: During the flashing process, a red LED blinks rapidly on the NXP EVK. The process completes in a few seconds without further notification.

  5. Use the Ethernet cable to connect the NXP EVK to an Ethernet port.

Confirm device connection details

You can use the Termite utility to monitor communication and confirm that your device is set up correctly.

Note: If you have issues getting your device to initialize or connect after flashing, see Troubleshooting.

  1. Start Termite.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. In the Serial port settings dialog, check the following settings and update if needed:

    • Baud rate: 115,200
    • Port: The port that your NXP EVK is connected to. If there are multiple port options in the dropdown, you can find the correct port to use. Open Windows Device Manager, and view Ports to identify which port to use.

    Termite settings

  4. Select OK.

  5. Press the Reset button on the device.

  6. In the Termite console, check the following checkpoint values to confirm that the device is initialized and connected to Azure IoT.

    Checkpoint name Output value
    DHCP SUCCESS: DHCP initialized
    DNS SUCCESS: DNS client initialized
    SNTP SUCCESS: SNTP initialized
    MQTT SUCCESS: MQTT client initialized

    The Termite console shows the details about the device, your connection, and the checkpoint values.

    Initializing DHCP
    	IP address:
    SUCCESS: DHCP initialized
    Initializing DNS client
    	DNS address:
    SUCCESS: DNS client initialized
    Initializing SNTP client
    SNTP time update: May 15, 2020 15:6:45.337 UTC 
    SUCCESS: SNTP initialized
    Initializing MQTT client
    SUCCESS: MQTT client initialized
    Sending telemetry
    Sending message {"temperature": 28.50}
    Sending device twin update with float value
    Sending message {"temperature": 28.50}
    [Received] topic = $iothub/twin/res/204/?$rid=1&$version=40, message = 
    Processed device twin update response with status=204, id=1
    Time 1589555217

Keep Termite open to monitor device output in the following steps.

View telemetry

You can use Azure CLI to inspect the flow of telemetry from the device to Azure IoT.

  1. In your CLI console, run the az iot hub monitor-events command to monitor telemetry from your device. Use the names that you created previously in Azure IoT for your device and IoT hub.

    Note: The first time you run this command after installing, Azure CLI might prompt to install a Dependency update (uamqp 1.2) required for IoT extension version: 0.9.1. Select y to install the update. If the CLI prompts you to install another extension named azure-cli-iot-ext, do not install it. The current extension to use is the azure-iot extension that you installed previously.

    az iot hub monitor-events --device-id MyNXPDevice --hub-name {YourIoTHubName}
  2. To force the NXP EVK to reconnect and resend telemetry, press Reset.

    View the telemetry in the console's JSON output.

        "event": {
            "origin": "MyNXPDevice",
            "payload": "{\"temperature\": 25}"
  3. Select CTRL+C to end monitoring.

View device properties

Using Azure CLI, you can inspect the properties on your Azure resources, including your connected device.

  1. Run the az iot hub device-identity list command to list devices attached to your Iot hub.

    az iot hub device-identity list --hub-name {YourIoTHubName}

    The following partial JSON output shows how the connected device is included in the device list.

    "authenticationType": "sas",
    "capabilities": {
        "iotEdge": false
    "cloudToDeviceMessageCount": 0,
    "connectionState": "Connected",
    "deviceEtag": "Njc0NTAzODkw",
    "deviceId": "MyNXPDevice",
  2. Run the az iot hub device-identity show command to view the properties of your device.

    az iot hub device-identity show --device-id MyNXPDevice --hub-name {YourIoTHubName}

Call a direct method on the device

You can use the Azure CLI to call a direct method that you have implemented on your device. Direct methods have a name, and can optionally have a JSON payload, configurable connection, and method timeout. In this section, you call a method that enables you to turn an LED on or off. > Note: The direct method in this section is not implemented on the NXP EVK. The following method call returns simulated output in the terminal, but no LED on the board will be enabled.

To call a method to turn the LED on:

  1. Run the az iot hub invoke-device-method command, and specify the method name and payload. For this method, setting method-payload to 1 turns the LED on, and setting it to 0 turns it off.

    az iot hub invoke-device-method --device-id MyNXPDevice --method-name set_led_state --method-payload 1 --hub-name {YourIoTHubName}

    The CLI console shows the status of your method call on the device, where 204 indicates success.

      "payload": {},
      "status": 204
  2. View the Termite terminal to confirm the output messages:

    Received direct method=set_led_state, id=3, message=1
    LED is turned ON
    Sending device twin update with bool value
    Sending message {"led0State": 1}
    Direct method=set_led_state invoked

Clean up resources

If you no longer need the Azure resources created in this tutorial, you can use the Azure CLI to delete them.

If you continue to another tutorial in this Getting Started guide, you can keep the resources you've already created and reuse them.

Important: Deleting a resource group is irreversible. The resource group and all the resources contained in it are permanently deleted. Make sure that you do not accidentally delete the wrong resource group or resources.

To delete a resource group by name:

  1. Run the az group delete command. This removes the resource group, the IoT Hub, and the device registration you created.

    az group delete --name MyResourceGroup
  2. Run the az group list command to confirm the resource group is deleted.

    az group list

Next Steps

In this tutorial you built a custom image that contains Azure RTOS sample code, and then flashed the image to the NXP EVK device. You also used the Azure CLI to create Azure resources, connect the NXP EVK securely to Azure, view telemetry, and send messages.

  • For device developers, the suggested next step is to see the other tutorials in the series Getting started with Azure RTOS.
  • If you have issues getting your device to initialize or connect after following the steps in this guide, see Troubleshooting.
  • To learn more about how Azure RTOS components are used in the sample code for this tutorial, see Using Azure RTOS in the Getting Started Guides.

    Note: Azure RTOS provides OEMs with components to secure communication and to create code and data isolation using underlying MCU/MPU hardware protection mechanisms. However, each OEM is ultimately responsible for ensuring that their device meets evolving security requirements.