A Woovi is an instant payment platform for business
You can code one of these code challenges
- build a simple GraphQL + Relay CRUD
- write it down your decision making process and trade-offs
- more info here crud-bank-graphql-relay.md
- build a simple Leaky Bucket code
- more info here leaky bucket
- create the DICT API using node and mongodb
- create the spi message system using iso20022 messages
- read more about it here https://www.bcb.gov.br/estabilidadefinanceira/comunicacaodados
- iso20022 definition https://www.iso20022.org/iso-20022-message-definitions
- volume VI - https://www.bcb.gov.br/content/estabilidadefinanceira/cedsfn/Catalogos/Catalogo_de_Servicos_do_SFN_Volume_VI_Versao_509.pdf
- minimal requirement is to implement pacs
- Use React Flow to create a mini n8n embeded using React
- it should have at least 2 nodes: API and Webhook
deliverables: github repo, excalidraw, markdown
share github with:
- Woovi Playground - production Woovi code sample
- Relay Workshop - learn GraphQL + Relay with exercises
- How would you design Credit on top of Pix?
deliverables: markdown + excalidraw (your RFC proposal)
Read this to understand https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/scaling-engineering-teams-via-writing-things-down-rfcs/