Here are some helpful guides and resources for using WP-CLI.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Open an issue to request improvements.
- Installing - Recommended and alternative installation mechanisms.
- Quick start - Where to begin after you've installed WP-CLI for the first time.
- Running commands remotely - Learn how to remotely control multiple servers at once.
- Commands cookbook - The full 101 how commands work, writing your own, and sharing them with the world.
- Common issues and their fixes - In case of fire, break glass.
- External resources - Blog posts, slides and videos from users.
- Global parameters - Variables defining how a command is executed, including which WordPress user the command is run as and which WordPress instance the command is run against.
- Built-in commands - Commands included in every copy of WP-CLI.
- Internal API - Stable utilities considered safe to use in community commands.
- Documentation standards - Standards for annotating WP-CLI commands.
- Hosting companies - List of hosting companies where WP-CLI is installed by default.
- Shell friends - Helpful shortcuts for bash and zsh.
- Integrated tools - Plugins, wrappers, and other projects that integrate with WP-CLI in some form.
- Bug reports - Help ensure your issue is resolved in a timely manner.
- Contributing - An introduction to the contributing process.
- Governance - Summary of those behind WP-CLI.
- Implementation details - Catalog of historical design decisions.
- Philosophy - Guidelines which inform project scope, command organization, and behavior.
- Pull requests - Submit your first bug fix or new feature.
- Release checklist - Tasks performed during the process of tagging a release.
- Roadmap - Where WP-CLI is going in the future.
- Plugin unit tests - How to set up and run PHPUnit tests for a WordPress plugin.
- Website and Package Index wish list - A list of ideas and potential improvements for