If you already cloned the repository and you know that you need to deep dive in the code, here are some guidelines to set up your environment.
You can use any virtual environment creator. I'll use virtualenv in this example.
virtualenv env
Activate the new environment with:
source env/bin/activate
In windows
source ./env/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Note: Install poetry first if you do not have yet for managing packaging and dependencies.
poetry install
Then you can build the package by
poetry build
Note: Every time you install a new package with pip under that environment, activate the environment again.
- Make sure you have formatted your files and used static-typing.
We use MyPy for type checking, you can check you have annotted correctly with:
Success: no issues found in 15 source files
For formatting we use isort and black, you can run them by:
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
3 files reformatted, 12 files left unchanged.