The robotic arm has 3 main control options that can be accessed from the
along with a reset button that puts the arm into its default position. you can test for yours and modify the value of the reset()
function in
To open the Gui, run roscore
on one instance, then run from the package beginner_tutorials
. All in rosrun beginner_tutorials
is an essential package that receives the published data from then do the Arduino part where it matches each Servo with the data sent on its topic.s
To clone with the Rosserial
package use:
git clone --recurse-submodules
To run rosserial
you can use:
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyUSB0
(USB0 may change according to the port) in a separate terminal.
Upload the Arduino code, Servos_Control.ino
found in the Arduino
Folder to your Arduino board and you're good to go.
The mode to use to connect the PS4 controller to the arm. In this mode R1 and L1 buttons are used to change the servo being controller (excluding the base and the gripper).
The L3 Up and down joystick can move the current servo from 0 to 180, and the R3 Right and Left moves the base of the arm.
The button X is used to open and close the gripper.
To operate on this mode Just click the Controller button from the GUI, and then connect your PS4 using Bluetooth. is another node that opens automatically in this mode that receive the data independently just to view the servo you are controlling and its angle.
To operate on this mode Just click the Keyboard button from the GUI, and then connect your PS4 using Bluetooth.
- Servo1 is controlled by q and "a" q to increase the angle and "a" to decrease.
- Servo2 is controlled by w and "s" w to increase the angle and "s" to decrease.
- Servo3 is controlled by e and "d" e to increase the angle and "d" to decrease.
- Servo4 is controlled by r and "f" r to increase the angle and "f" to decrease.
- Servo5 is controlled by t and "g" t to increase the angle and "g" to decrease.
- Servo6 is controlled by y and "h" y to increase the angle and "h" to decrease.
> works here as well.
This mode will first do the reset()
Function then will move the arm with the same moves that was done either by the keyboard or the PS4 controller.
Sorry for in the inconvenience in the name of the workspace and the packages, might fix them later but not now.You can monitor the data being sent in the terminal for this mode.