Reference : Mathematical Models of Polymer Melt Viscosity in Shearing Flow by Dodin (1986)
: activation energy of viscous-elastic flow under condition of = constant
R : gas constant in J/(mol.K)
T : temperature of experiment in K
B, b, s : Constants of the material (in this case : s=1/2)
Reference : Polymer processing: modeling and simulation by Osswald and Hernández-Ortiz (2006)
The Bird-Carreau-Yasuda Model
: constants for Carreau-Arrhenius model (semi-crystalline polymer)
The Arrhenius shift for semi-crystalline polymers
T : Temperature (K)
R : Gas constant (J/(mol.K))
- Deck : get the value in deck.yaml (in the folder common_classes)
- Polymer : stock the values of deck concerning the polymer in variables that will be reuse (in the folder common_classes)
- GraphFeatures : stock the values of deck concerning graphic features in variables that will be reuse (in the folder viscosity)
- Model : contain all equations to predict the viscosity (in the folder viscosity)
- Graph : calculate the data with the model, draw the graphic and save it in the folder Graphics (in the folder viscosity)
What the user have to do ?
- Adapt the values in the file deck.yaml :
For the First model :
Name: 'PP Shell'
Constant B: 1.5
Constant b: 0.0043
Activation Energy: 45522
Discretisation: 20
The Discretisation number is the number of points on the graphics.
- Install all required python packages listed in requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The only file which need to be run is the This script brings together all classes.
- Calculate the molecular weight of the polymer :
M : Molecular weight of the polymer (g/mol)
: Number of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen in a monomer unit
: Atomic weight of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen (g/mol)
- Calculate the Molar Volume :
- Calculate the Molecular Parachor
: Contribution to Parachor of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen ()
- Calculate the Surface Tension
- Deck : get the value in deck.yaml (in the folder common_classes)
- Polymer : stock the values of deck concerning the polymer in variables that will be reuse (in the folder common_classes)
- Model : contain all functions required to predict the surface tension (in the folder surface_tension)
- Result : calculate the value of the surface tension with the functions in Model and print it (in the folder surface_tension)
What the user have to do ?
In the deck.yaml, the user can change the polymer and adapt the required values.
Surface Tension:
Name: 'Polypropylene'
Number of Carbon: 3
Number of Hydrogen: 6
Number of Oxygen: 0
Density in g/cm^3: 0.9
- Install all required python packages listed in requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The only file which need to be run is the This script brings together all classes.