API reference for Medusa's Storefront endpoints. All endpoints are prefixed with /store
To send requests as an authenticated customer, you must use the Cookie Session ID.
In many endpoints you'll find an expand
query parameter that can be passed to the endpoint. You can use the expand
query parameter to unpack an entity's relations and return them in the response. Please note that the relations you pass to expand
replace any relations that are expanded by default in the request.
For example, when you retrieve a product, you can retrieve its collection by passing to the expand
query parameter the value collection
: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products/prod_01GDJGP2XPQT2N3JHZQFMH5V45?expand=collection\"
You can expand more than one relation by separating the relations in the expand
query parameter with a comma. For example, to retrieve both the variants and the collection of a product, pass to the expand
query parameter the value variants,collection
: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products/prod_01GDJGP2XPQT2N3JHZQFMH5V45?expand=variants,collection\"
Some requests expand relations by default. You can prevent that by passing an empty expand value to retrieve an entity without any extra relations. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products/prod_01GDJGP2XPQT2N3JHZQFMH5V45?expand\"
This would retrieve the product with only its properties, without any relations like collection
In many endpoints you'll find a fields
query parameter that can be passed to the endpoint. You can use the fields
query parameter to specify which fields in the entity should be returned in the response. Please note that if you pass a fields
query parameter, only the fields you pass in the value along with the id
of the entity will be returned in the response. Also, the fields
query parameter does not affect the expanded relations. You'll have to use the expand
parameter instead.
For example, when you retrieve a list of products, you can retrieve only the titles of the products by passing title
as a value to the fields
query parameter: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?fields=title\"
As mentioned above, the expanded relations such as variants
will still be returned as they're not affected by the fields
parameter. You can ensure that only the title
field is returned by passing an empty value to the expand
query parameter. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?fields=title&expand\"
You can pass more than one field by seperating the field names in the fields
query parameter with a comma. For example, to select the title
and handle
of a product: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?fields=title,handle\"
You can pass an empty fields
query parameter to return only the ID of an entity. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?fields\"
You can also pair with an empty expand
query parameter to ensure that the relations aren't retrieved as well. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?fields&expand\"
This section covers how to pass some common data types as query parameters. This is useful if you're sending requests to the API endpoints and not using our JS Client. For example, when using cURL or Postman.
You can pass a string value in the form of <parameter_name>=<value>
. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?title=Shirt\"
If the string has any characters other than letters and numbers, you must encode them. For example, if the string has spaces, you can encode the space with +
or %20
: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?title=Blue%20Shirt\"
You can use tools like this one to learn how a value can be encoded.
You can pass an integer value in the form of <parameter_name>=<value>
. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?offset=1\"
You can pass a boolean value in the form of <parameter_name>=<value>
. For example: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?is_giftcard=true\"
You can pass a date value in the form <parameter_name>=<value>
. The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
. For example: bash curl -g \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?created_at[lt]=2023-02-17\"
You can also pass the time using the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
. Please note that the T
and Z
here are fixed. For example: bash curl -g \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?created_at[lt]=2023-02-17T07:22:30Z\"
Each array value must be passed as a separate query parameter in the form <parameter_name>[]=<value>
. You can also specify the index of each parameter in the brackets <parameter_name>[0]=<value>
. For example: bash curl -g \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?sales_channel_id[]=sc_01GPGVB42PZ7N3YQEP2WDM7PC7&sales_channel_id[]=sc_234PGVB42PZ7N3YQEP2WDM7PC7\"
Note that the -g
parameter passed to curl
disables errors being thrown for using the brackets. Read more here.
Object parameters must be passed as separate query parameters in the form <parameter_name>[<key>]=<value>
. For example: bash curl -g \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?created_at[lt]=2023-02-17&created_at[gt]=2022-09-17\"
In listing endpoints, such as list customers or list products, you can control the pagination using the query parameters limit
and offset
. limit
is used to specify the maximum number of items that can be return in the response. offset
is used to specify how many items to skip before returning the resulting entities. You can use the offset
query parameter to change between pages. For example, if the limit is 50, at page 1 the offset should be 0; at page 2 the offset should be 50, and so on.
For example, to limit the number of products returned in the List Products endpoint: bash curl \"http://localhost:9000/store/products?limit=5\"
In the response of listing endpoints, aside from the entities retrieved, there are three pagination-related fields returned: count
, limit
, and offset
. Similar to the query parameters, limit
is the maximum number of items that can be returned in the response, and field
is the number of items that were skipped before the entities in the result. count
is the total number of available items of this entity. It can be used to determine how many pages are there. For example, if the count
is 100 and the limit
is 50, you can divide the count
by the limit
to get the number of pages: 100/50 = 2 pages
Automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.7+
- Maven/Gradle
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
implementation 'com.github.AppcentMobile:medusa-java-sdk:1.0.1'
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.MedusaSdkClient;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.ApiException;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.api.AuthApi;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.model.response.StoreAuthRes;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.model.response.StoreGetAuthEmailRes;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.model.response.StorePostAuthReq;
public class AuthApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MedusaSdkClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API key authorization: cookie_auth
ApiKeyAuth cookie_auth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("cookie_auth");
cookie_auth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
AuthApi apiInstance = new AuthApi();
try {
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AuthApi#deleteAuth");
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.auth.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.model.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.api.AuthApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class AuthApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MedusaSdkClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API key authorization: cookie_auth
ApiKeyAuth cookie_auth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("cookie_auth");
cookie_auth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
AuthApi apiInstance = new AuthApi();
try {
StoreAuthRes result = apiInstance.getAuth();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AuthApi#getAuth");
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.auth.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.model.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.api.AuthApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class AuthApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AuthApi apiInstance = new AuthApi();
String email = "email_example"; // String | The email to check if exists.
try {
StoreGetAuthEmailRes result = apiInstance.getAuthEmail(email);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AuthApi#getAuthEmail");
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.auth.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.model.*;
import mobi.appcent.medusa.store.api.AuthApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class AuthApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AuthApi apiInstance = new AuthApi();
StorePostAuthReq body = new StorePostAuthReq(); // StorePostAuthReq |
try {
StoreAuthRes result = apiInstance.postAuth(body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AuthApi#postAuth");
All URIs are relative to https://api.medusa-commerce.com/store
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthApi | deleteAuth | DELETE /auth | Customer Log out |
AuthApi | getAuth | GET /auth | Get Current Customer |
AuthApi | getAuthEmail | GET /auth/{email} | Check if email exists |
AuthApi | postAuth | POST /auth | Customer Login |
CartApi | deleteCartsCartDiscountsDiscount | DELETE /carts/{id}/discounts/{code} | Remove Discount |
CartApi | deleteCartsCartLineItemsItem | DELETE /carts/{id}/line-items/{line_id} | Delete a Line Item |
CartApi | deleteCartsCartPaymentSessionsSession | DELETE /carts/{id}/payment-sessions/{provider_id} | Delete a Payment Session |
CartApi | getCartsCart | GET /carts/{id} | Get a Cart |
CartApi | postCart | POST /carts | Create a Cart |
CartApi | postCartsCart | POST /carts/{id} | Update a Cart |
CartApi | postCartsCartComplete | POST /carts/{id}/complete | Complete a Cart |
CartApi | postCartsCartLineItems | POST /carts/{id}/line-items | Add a Line Item |
CartApi | postCartsCartLineItemsItem | POST /carts/{id}/line-items/{line_id} | Update a Line Item |
CartApi | postCartsCartPaymentSession | POST /carts/{id}/payment-session | Select a Payment Session |
CartApi | postCartsCartPaymentSessionUpdate | POST /carts/{id}/payment-sessions/{provider_id} | Update a Payment Session |
CartApi | postCartsCartPaymentSessions | POST /carts/{id}/payment-sessions | Create Payment Sessions |
CartApi | postCartsCartPaymentSessionsSession | POST /carts/{id}/payment-sessions/{provider_id}/refresh | Refresh a Payment Session |
CartApi | postCartsCartShippingMethod | POST /carts/{id}/shipping-methods | Add a Shipping Method |
CartApi | postCartsCartTaxes | POST /carts/{id}/taxes | Calculate Cart Taxes |
CollectionApi | getCollections | GET /collections | List Collections |
CollectionApi | getCollectionsCollection | GET /collections/{id} | Get a Collection |
CustomerApi | deleteCustomersCustomerAddressesAddress | DELETE /customers/me/addresses/{address_id} | Delete an Address |
CustomerApi | getCustomersCustomer | GET /customers/me | Get a Customer |
CustomerApi | getCustomersCustomerOrders | GET /customers/me/orders | List Orders |
CustomerApi | getCustomersCustomerPaymentMethods | GET /customers/me/payment-methods | Get Payment Methods |
CustomerApi | postCustomers | POST /customers | Create a Customer |
CustomerApi | postCustomersCustomer | POST /customers/me | Update Customer |
CustomerApi | postCustomersCustomerAddresses | POST /customers/me/addresses | Add a Shipping Address |
CustomerApi | postCustomersCustomerAddressesAddress | POST /customers/me/addresses/{address_id} | Update a Shipping Address |
CustomerApi | postCustomersCustomerPasswordToken | POST /customers/password-token | Request Password Reset |
CustomerApi | postCustomersResetPassword | POST /customers/password-reset | Reset Password |
GiftCardApi | getGiftCardsCode | GET /gift-cards/{code} | Get Gift Card by Code |
InviteApi | postOrdersCustomerOrderClaim | POST /orders/batch/customer/token | Claim an Order |
OrderApi | getOrders | GET /orders | Look Up an Order |
OrderApi | getOrdersOrder | GET /orders/{id} | Get an Order |
OrderApi | getOrdersOrderCartId | GET /orders/cart/{cart_id} | Get by Cart ID |
OrderApi | postOrdersCustomerOrderClaimsCustomerOrderClaimAccept | POST /orders/customer/confirm | Verify an Order Claim |
OrderEditApi | getOrderEditsOrderEdit | GET /order-edits/{id} | Retrieve an OrderEdit |
OrderEditApi | postOrderEditsOrderEditComplete | POST /order-edits/{id}/complete | Completes an OrderEdit |
OrderEditApi | postOrderEditsOrderEditDecline | POST /order-edits/{id}/decline | Decline an OrderEdit |
PaymentCollectionApi | getPaymentCollectionsPaymentCollection | GET /payment-collections/{id} | Get a PaymentCollection |
PaymentCollectionApi | postPaymentCollectionsPaymentCollectionPaymentSessionsSession | POST /payment-collections/{id}/sessions/{session_id} | Refresh a Payment Session |
PaymentCollectionApi | postPaymentCollectionsPaymentCollectionSessionsBatch | POST /payment-collections/{id}/sessions/batch | Manage Payment Sessions |
PaymentCollectionApi | postPaymentCollectionsSessions | POST /payment-collections/{id}/sessions | Manage a Payment Session |
PaymentCollectionApi | postPaymentCollectionsSessionsBatchAuthorize | POST /payment-collections/{id}/sessions/batch/authorize | Authorize PaymentSessions |
PaymentCollectionApi | postPaymentCollectionsSessionsSessionAuthorize | POST /payment-collections/{id}/sessions/{session_id}/authorize | Authorize Payment Session |
ProductApi | getProducts | GET /products | List Products |
ProductApi | getProductsProduct | GET /products/{id} | Get a Product |
ProductApi | postProductsSearch | POST /products/search | Search Products |
ProductCategoryApi | getProductCategories | GET /product-categories | List Product Categories |
ProductCategoryApi | getProductCategoriesCategory | GET /product-categories/{id} | Get a Product Category |
ProductTagApi | getProductTags | GET /product-tags | List Product Tags |
ProductTypeApi | getProductTypes | GET /product-types | List Product Types |
ProductVariantApi | getVariants | GET /variants | Get Product Variants |
ProductVariantApi | getVariantsVariant | GET /variants/{variant_id} | Get a Product Variant |
RegionApi | getRegions | GET /regions | List Regions |
RegionApi | getRegionsRegion | GET /regions/{id} | Get a Region |
ReturnApi | postReturns | POST /returns | Create Return |
ReturnReasonApi | getReturnReasons | GET /return-reasons | List Return Reasons |
ReturnReasonApi | getReturnReasonsReason | GET /return-reasons/{id} | Get a Return Reason |
ShippingOptionApi | getShippingOptions | GET /shipping-options | Get Shipping Options |
ShippingOptionApi | getShippingOptionsCartId | GET /shipping-options/{cart_id} | List for Cart |
SwapApi | getSwapsSwapCartId | GET /swaps/{cart_id} | Get by Cart ID |
SwapApi | postSwaps | POST /swaps | Create a Swap |
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: connect.sid
- Location: URL query string
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.