National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering(NACME) Google Applied Machine Learning Intensive (AMLI) at the University of Arkansas
Developed by:
- Ron Merculief -
University of Alaska Anchorage
- Abraham Mitchell -
University of Arkansas
- Claudia Mercado -
University of Arkansas
- This program uses data downloaded from orignating from the Los Alamos National Laboratory and is put into a pandas DataFrame.
- The data is labelled from the redteam.txt file by matching the four columns provided to the main DataFrame.
- This program then utilizes hardcode to gather unique catagories from each column of the main dataset and turns them into unique IDs and scaled to 0 to 1 and put into a dictionary
- The scaled and labelled data is then split into 5% training data and 1% testing data and fed into K Nearest Neighbor classifier
- After the model is trained the program predicts the testing data and compares them with a confusion matrix, accuracy, and f1 score
- The redteam.txt file was used for exploratory data analysis afterward
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