A small, slightly rounded view into the files in your current directory.
Porthole.nvim is a small plugin for NeoVim to give you a popup window to show you the current directory's files and folders.
Mostly written in Lua, Porthole also uses a small compiled F# .NET program to perform directory searches called Lister. Don't have .NET installed? Don't worry about it, Porthole falls back to using Bash, Pwsh or CMD depending on your system (just a slight performance decrease).
- Small (screenspace-wise and storage-wise) and fast!
- NERDFont icons (can be turned off)
- Interaction with folders, files, etc
- Fully cross-platform
- Customisable
- Colourful!
Get started by installing this plugin with your plugin manager of choice:
" Vim-Plugged
Plug 'ash-olorenshaw/porthole.nvim'
then run
to get started!
If you want to have Porthole.nvim use Lister for better speeds - install .NET 8.0 with your method of choice.
# Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dotnet8
# Fedora
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install dotnet
Below are the default settings for Porthole.nvim:
require "porthole-nvim".setup {
width_ratio = 0.2,
height_ratio = 0.2,
quit_key = 'q',
reload_key = 'r',
action_key = '<CR>',
use_icons = true
Put this either in your init.lua
or in a Lua block in your init.vim
if you want to tweak things.
When set to true, use_icons
will use NERDFont icons.
Influences/other stuff that is similar:
- Telescope.nvim
- NERDTree
- Vim-Devicons
- Nvim-Tree.lua - (one day Porthole might have all the features this incredible plugin has!)